Are Ukraine war casualties unimportant to you?

I can't understand why the American people should become involved in endless foreign wars.
The American people are the most propagandized on the planet. Our corporate media is entirely controlled by the State via the few billionaires who own it. You‘d think after all the failed wars causing untold death and destruction, Americans would rise up and stop this shit. The power of state run media to deceive shouldn’t be discounted.
Decolonization means dismemberment?

"The buzzword for the future of Russia is ‘decolonisation.’

"For many people this means a challenge to the current state’s imperialistic mindset, in respect of both its neighbours and the minority nations inside its borders. For others, the term has come to mean dismemberment...The current Federation has some 190 or so ethnic groups, and most are not settled in homogeneous communities. Only a few have titular republics and embryonic quasi-national institutions. But even these have far less capacity than the 15 old union republics, including Russia, which split apart in 1991.

"Some national republics – most obviously Tatarstan – have a history of state-building and a relatively strong economic base. Others are seen as peripheral and rely on the federal government for subsidies. The gap between the rich and poor in Russia is not just for people, but for peoples. …'"
there is the only one way to go :

Why did Russia open the invasion with a drive on Kiev? It isn’t in the Disputed Territories?

It's not about territories at all. At least for the Russians. It's about equal rights for the ethnic Russians in Ukraine (in the whole Ukraine, of course) and about security concerns of the Russian Federation. Which means denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine or, if necessary, of the whole Europe.
It's not about territories at all. At least for the Russians. It's about equal rights for the ethnic Russians in Ukraine (in the whole Ukraine, of course) and about security concerns of the Russian Federation. Which means denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine or, if necessary, of the whole Europe.

Oh Bullshit. Whenever we disprove one Russian lie another corps up. And it has already been disproven. Just stop that crap.

It is about Power. It is about Putin rebuilding the old Soviet to the new Russian Empire. It is about the same damned thing that Chechnya and Georgia were over. The insurance that the old Soviet Satellite nations remain under Russian Influence.
Oh Bullshit. Whenever we disprove one Russian lie another corps up. And it has already been disproven. Just stop that crap.

It is about Power. It is about Putin rebuilding the old Soviet to the new Russian Empire. It is about the same damned thing that Chechnya and Georgia were over. The insurance that the old Soviet Satellite nations remain under Russian Influence.
You’re uninformed. I’ve proven it already. Do I need to prove it again?
It's not about territories at all. At least for the Russians. It's about equal rights for the ethnic Russians in Ukraine (in the whole Ukraine, of course) and about security concerns of the Russian Federation. Which means denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine or, if necessary, of the whole Europe.
What a load of bullshit. In Russia, there are no individual rights so it is bizarre to claim Putin was moved by concerns of individual rights in Ukraine.

There was no rational basis for thinking Ukraine posed any security threat to Russia.

In Putin-speak, nazi means Ukrainian nationalist, so denazification means killing all the Ukrainian nationalists, just as Stalin tried to do in 1933 when he starved 3.9 million Ukrainians to death to try to stop a Ukrainian nationalist movement.

If the goal was to demilitarize Ukraine, then Putin will have to go down in history as one of the greatest fuck ups in Russia's history, since this invasion turned Ukraine's small active military, armed mostly with older Soviet weapons, into one of the best armed, best trained militaries in Europe, twenty times its size before the invasion, now armed with NATO compatible weapons, so that the leader of RT, Putin's main propaganda organ now says Ukraine is too strong for Russia to fight and Russia must seek a negotiated peace to avoid further humiliation.

The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine is that Putin and other Russian ultranationalists suffered from superpower delusions, dismissed all relevant laws and treaties thought they could bluff their way into control of Ukraine and beyond.

In the future, when a Russian does something outrageously stupid, he will be said to have committed a putin.

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