Are Ukraine war casualties unimportant to you?

Ukraine is destroyed because you believe they should join NATO, IF THEY WANT TOO (said like pussy).

Are you happy the USG destroyed yet another nation?
Ukraine is destroyed (not totally accurate but whatever drama queen) because Russia destroyed it.

Ukraine only really wanted to join NATO after it became obvious that Russia proved to be an existential threat to their sovereignty. Ukraine was very wishy washy about joining NATO even through the election of Zelensky and the US was also very wishy washy about wanting them to be a part of NATO.

The more belligerent Russia became, the more Ukraine wanted to be a part of a defensive alliance.

Imagine that.
Is this a justification for war, causing mass death and destruction?

Damn, I knew you sucked at reading, but shit this is worse than I thought.

Those comments were in regard to the US longer being a world controlling empire. Some people think this will be a bad thing.
Ukraine is destroyed (not totally accurate but whatever drama queen) because Russia destroyed it.

Ukraine only really wanted to join NATO after it became obvious that Russia proved to be an existential threat to their sovereignty. Ukraine was very wishy washy about joining NATO even through the election of Zelensky and the US was also very wishy washy about wanting them to be a part of NATO.

The more belligerent Russia became, the more Ukraine wanted to be a part of a defensive alliance.

Imagine that.
You must be shocked when you read posts here that oppose the Statist narrative you‘ve slavishly accepted. When you consume exclusively State run media, truth is lies.

How does one effectively communicate and debate someone like you, who is so completely warped?

You’d do so well in Stasi East Germany.
You must be shocked when you read posts here that oppose the Statist narrative you‘ve slavishly accepted. When you consume exclusively State run media, truth is lies.

How does one effectively communicate and debate someone like you, who is so completely warped?

You’d do so well in Stasi East Germany.
You choose to attack me rather than my statements.

That’s the tactic of someone who doesn’t have facts on their side.
You choose to attack me rather than my statements.

That’s the tactic of someone who doesn’t have facts on their side.
We can’t debate when you’re so uninformed. I’m sorry.
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?

Wars always lead to Casualties and displaced peoples. It is why the principles of a Just War are vital to the decision.

John F. Kennedy said it best.

We have a human history with more examples than can easily be dismissed. Someone always wants to control the world. Conquer. Dominate.

Empires rise and eventually fall. And while rising slaughter many innocents. The New Soviets, for that is what Russia has become today, have done this before. So tell me, what is the difference between those same deaths happening over a few years of the occupation and domination, or it happening faster in battle?

We have learned from bitter experience what happens when we decide it isn’t our Monkey and not our circus. We learned the hard way what happens we pick isolationism over other principals. If we had opposed Germany early on then Europe would not descend into the hell that was World War II. If we had stepped up and fought for China against Japan in Manchuria we wouldn’t have seen World War II in the Pacific. If we had opposed the invasion of Ethiopia, probably no Fascists in Germany.

The world has learned. It is cheaper, and much better for people, to address a problem early.
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?
So you are disdainful of frivolous ideals like democracy, individual rights, free speech, international law, treaties, and you are content to live in a might makes right world.

Ok, you live in a country where these rights are guaranteed to you by law and you won't be sent to prison or worse if you express your complaints, but you can't understand why the Ukrainian people would be willing to fight and die to enjoy the same rights you enjoy.
More ad hominems.

Ukraine is being systematically destroyed for profit but you stupidly believe they’re winning, because you consume exclusively state run media.

If you want to get informed, watch this. I know you won’t. Sad.
Ukraine is being systematically destroyed for profit but you stupidly believe they’re winning, because you consume exclusively state run media.

If you want to get informed, watch this. I know you won’t. Sad.

Ugh. How lazy are you that you can’t take five minutes to write a response but preemptively attacking me for not listening to an hour and a half video.
I just don't see this scenario happening. The more plausible scenario considering our actions in ukraine and forcing a confrontation with russia will result in the US demise and being taken out of world influence.
Ray McGovern has similar opinions regarding the destruction of NATO resulting from the current conflict in Ukraine.

Ray also points out how little Biden and his minions have changed their strategy over the past few decades:

The Banality of Biden's 'Exceptional' Elite Advisers - Original

"Okay: Antony Blinken is no longer a sophomore.

"But he was a sophomore 20 years ago when he helped his then-boss, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden lie about weapons of mass destruction to win congressional approval for war on Iraq.

"Neither of them were held accountable for that – one of the worst foreign policy disasters in U.S. history.

"Indeed, the only thing they seem to have learned from it is that they will never be held accountable, not even if they wander, oops, into cataclysmic disaster.

"Blinken is his now-boss’s, loose-cannon Secretary of State. Will Blinken, now an upperclassman, and the insider-sophomores like national security adviser Jacob Sullivan get us, willy-nilly, into war with Russia? How about war with both Russia and China? Do not put it past them."
Ugh. How lazy are you that you can’t take five minutes to write a response but preemptively attacking me for not listening to an hour and a half video.
Sorry but I don’t like wasting my time.
Ray McGovern has similar opinions regarding the destruction of NATO resulting from the current conflict in Ukraine.

Ray also points out how little Biden and his minions have changed their strategy over the past few decades:

The Banality of Biden's 'Exceptional' Elite Advisers - Original

"Okay: Antony Blinken is no longer a sophomore.

"But he was a sophomore 20 years ago when he helped his then-boss, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden lie about weapons of mass destruction to win congressional approval for war on Iraq.

"Neither of them were held accountable for that – one of the worst foreign policy disasters in U.S. history.

"Indeed, the only thing they seem to have learned from it is that they will never be held accountable, not even if they wander, oops, into cataclysmic disaster.

"Blinken is his now-boss’s, loose-cannon Secretary of State. Will Blinken, now an upperclassman, and the insider-sophomores like national security adviser Jacob Sullivan get us, willy-nilly, into war with Russia? How about war with both Russia and China? Do not put it past them."
Psychopaths are in charge of our foreign policy and half the population has been duped into supporting them.
This is not a board game like RISK. The influence of regions of the world is not easily deconstructed. Russia controls its Eastern areas in spite of its weaknesses according to your statements. They have for centuries. Theya re rough areas to survive in. Eastern European nations are rough areas to carve out civil societies and it has taken many centuries to get them where they are now. The Ukraine War is of elites. And the peasant has suffered as usual.
Full spectrum dominance requires "geostrategic domination" in Eurasia; Brzezinski said it as well as anyone:

"According to Brzezinski [who passed away in May 2017], independent since 1991, Ukraine is an 'important space on the Eurasian chessboard', the control of which is supposed to make a domination over the world possible[4].

"In a post-Cold War world under the United States’ (US) geostrategic domination, Brzezinski identifies Ukraine – in Eurasia, alongside Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan – as the state 'deserving America’s strongest geopolitical support'[5].

"While Ukraine’s independence affects the nature of Russia’s state itself[6], it is for the US 'the critical state'[7] among 'key Eurasian geopolitical pivots'[8]; ‘geopolitical pivots’ being defined as 'states whose importance is derived not from their power and motivation but rather from their sensitive location and from the consequences of their potentially vulnerable condition for the behaviour of geostrategic players' [9], such as Russia."

"Having 'the capacity and the national will to exercise power or influence beyond [its] borders in order to alter – to a degree that affects America’s interests – the existing geopolitical state of affairs'[10], Russia looks for regional hegemony and the recognition of its power on the international stage, and its interests are susceptible to confront with the US’ ones.

"Thus, Russia’s aggression on Ukraine in 2014 could be explained by its will to regain its status as a ‘Eurasian empire’ and thereby, the Ukraine conflict seen as a campaign for Eurasia."
George was pointing out the desires of western oligarchs to take control of Russia and ultimately steal it’s resources to garner massive profits for themselves. Just as they’ve done throughout the world.
JFK was right about at least one thing:

"Ukraine is already opening up for investment.

"In December last year, as Kiev and BlackRock were months into their discussions, the Ukrainian parliament rammed through property developer–backed legislation that had stalled prior to the war, deregulating urban planning laws to the benefit of a private sector that has been hungrily eyeing the demolition of historic sites.

"It comes on top of parliament’s earlier assault on the country’s Soviet-era labor laws, legalizing zero-hour contracts, weakening the power of unions, and stripping labor protections from 70 percent of its workforce."

Ukraine’s Postwar Reconstruction Has Big Business Licking Its Lips
Indeed, you should just let them take over as many countries as they desire, never do anything to hamper them doing so.
Why do you ignore the US role in fomenting and funding a violent coup in 2014 that brought a far-right government into place in Ukraine that was not supported by a majority of Ukrainians?

A US-Backed, Far Right–Led Revolution in Ukraine Helped Bring Us to the Brink of War

"The driver of this violence was largely the Ukrainian far right, which, while a minority of the protesters, served as a kind of revolutionary vanguard.

"Looking outside Kyiv, a systematic analysis of more than 3,000 Maidan protests found that members of the far-right Svoboda party — whose leader once complained Ukraine was run by a 'Muscovite-Jewish mafia' and which includes a politician who admires Joseph Goebbels — were the most active agents in the protests.

"They were also more likely to take part in violent actions than any group but one: Right Sector, a collection of far-right activists that traces its lineage to genocidal Nazi collaborators."

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