Are Ukraine war casualties unimportant to you?

What a load of bullshit. In Russia, there are no individual rights so it is bizarre to claim Putin was moved by concerns of individual rights in Ukraine.
There are individual rights in Russia. The Russians are human beings, not biorobots or zombies. There were at least two revolutions in Russia in XX century.

There was no rational basis for thinking Ukraine posed any security threat to Russia.
Sure, Ukraine as NATO's avant-poste is pretty much security threat to Russia. As well as Cuba or Mexico as Shanghai block's avant-poste would be pretty direct and clear threat to the USA.

In Putin-speak, nazi means Ukrainian nationalist, so denazification means killing all the Ukrainian nationalists, just as Stalin tried to do in 1933 when he starved 3.9 million Ukrainians to death to try to stop a Ukrainian nationalist movement.
Killing Nazies is a good thing, not bad. The most important goal of American policy in Europe is simple "Do not allow ressurection of nazism". The Russians just help us to keep Europe as a cleaner and better place.

If the goal was to demilitarize Ukraine, then Putin will have to go down in history as one of the greatest fuck ups in Russia's history, since this invasion turned Ukraine's small active military, armed mostly with older Soviet weapons, into one of the best armed, best trained militaries in Europe, twenty times its size before the invasion, now armed with NATO compatible weapons, so that the leader of RT, Putin's main propaganda organ now says Ukraine is too strong for Russia to fight and Russia must seek a negotiated peace to avoid further humiliation.

The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine is that Putin and other Russian ultranationalists suffered from superpower delusions, dismissed all relevant laws and treaties thought they could bluff their way into control of Ukraine and beyond.

In the future, when a Russian does something outrageously stupid, he will be said to have committed a putin.
The conflict isn't ended yet. But even now Ukrainian and European nazies lost plenty of meat and iron.
I can't understand why the American people should become involved in endless foreign wars.
It's the economy...:omg:

"The outbreak of World War I ushered in a new age of barbarism in Europe.

"It also triggered the collapse of the Second International, the international league of socialist parties that purported to be staunch opponents of war, but which lined up behind their own ruling classes when it broke out.

"Lenin’s pamphlet Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, published in the middle of the horror and brutality of the Great War, aimed to answer two questions: why this imperialist war, and why the collapse of the Second International?"

Understanding war: Lenin’s ‘imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism’ | MR Online
There are individual rights in Russia. The Russians are human beings, not biorobots or zombies. There were at least two revolutions in Russia in XX century.

Sure, Ukraine as NATO's avant-poste is pretty much security threat to Russia. As well as Cuba or Mexico as Shanghai block's avant-poste would be pretty direct and clear threat to the USA.

Killing Nazies is a good thing, not bad. The most important goal of American policy in Europe is simple "Do not allow ressurection of nazism". The Russians just help us to keep Europe as a cleaner and better place.

The conflict isn't ended yet. But even now Ukrainian and European nazies lost plenty of meat and iron.
Except for a few minutes after the collapse of the USSR, Russians have always lived under brutal dictatorships that did not recognize individual rights and sought to impose their brutal dictatorship on Russia's neighbors, so it is an obvious lie that Putin was concerned about the rights Ukrainian citizens who were ethnic Russians or Russian speakers.

Nonsense. None of the states surrounding Russia posed any threat to Russian security, but after joining NATO they were an obstacle to Russian imperialism.

The Ukrainians showed no interest in joining NATO until Russia's invasion of Georgia and they realized they would either have to agree to be governed by Putin or seek to defend themselves against him, however NATO has never had any advanced base in Ukraine and there was no possibility Ukraine would be able to join NATO before the Russian invasion; now, of course, it is impossible too imagine any kind of peace, even if Russia withdraws from Ukraine unless Ukraine becomes a member of NATO.

Again, when Putin says nazi, he means Ukrainian nationalist, which means at least 70% to 80% of the Ukrainian population, so what you are saying is that you think it s a good idea to kill Ukrainians; no surprise there but it simply is not true that , as you contend, that the civilized world approves of this. In fact, so far North Korea is the only country that supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Why did Russia open the invasion with a drive on Kiev? It isn’t in the Disputed Territories?

By some accounts (Scott Ritter and others) the drive on Kiev was a fixing operation designed to force tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops to defend their capital instead of reinforcing the Donbass.

It's possible Putin expected a negotiated settlement in the first six weeks of his SMO, and it looked like that would happen until Boris Johnson paid a visit to Kiev in early April.

Ukraine must not be pressured into a bad peace deal, UK PM says
Except for a few minutes after the collapse of the USSR, Russians have always lived under brutal dictatorships that did not recognize individual rights and sought to impose their brutal dictatorship on Russia's neighbors, so it is an obvious lie that Putin was concerned about the rights Ukrainian citizens who were ethnic Russians or Russian speakers.
"Brutal dictatorship" is a stupid cliché, nothing more.

Nonsense. None of the states surrounding Russia posed any threat to Russian security, but after joining NATO they were an obstacle to Russian imperialism.
Sure, NATO clearly demonstrated it's nature during Kosovo war. That's why the Russians elected Putin.

The Ukrainians showed no interest in joining NATO until Russia's invasion of Georgia and they realized they would either have to agree to be governed by Putin or seek to defend themselves against him, however NATO has never had any advanced base in Ukraine and there was no possibility Ukraine would be able to join NATO before the Russian invasion; now, of course, it is impossible too imagine any kind of peace, even if Russia withdraws from Ukraine unless Ukraine becomes a member of NATO.

You may start with reading Wikipedia.


Again, when Putin says nazi, he means Ukrainian nationalist, which means at least 70% to 80% of the Ukrainian population, so what you are saying is that you think it s a good idea to kill Ukrainians; no surprise there but it simply is not true that , as you contend, that the civilized world approves of this. In fact, so far North Korea is the only country that supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
No. Absolute majority of Ukrainians are not nationalists. That's why they voted for the Russian-speaking Jew, rather than for "Patriotic Ukrainian" Poroshenko. Even the most of so-called "nationalists" are just working for European money. The number of "true believers" is hardly more than 50 thousands, and many of them already eliminated.
"Brutal dictatorship" is a stupid cliché, nothing more.

Sure, NATO clearly demonstrated it's nature during Kosovo war. That's why the Russians elected Putin.

You may start with reading Wikipedia.

View attachment 793493

No. Absolute majority of Ukrainians are not nationalists. That's why they voted for the Russian-speaking Jew, rather than for "Patriotic Ukrainian" Poroshenko. Even the most of so-called "nationalists" are just working for European money. The number of "true believers" is hardly more than 50 thousands, and many of them already eliminated.
Brutal dictatorship is an apt description of the Russian government under the tsars, the communists and under the Putin dictatorship.

Ukraine's relationship with Europe and NATO was far less intense than Russia's relationship with Europe and NATO until the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008.

Fact Sheet on NATO-Russia Military Cooperation Military-to-military cooperation 2006 - 2007 • Over the past 18 months the NATO-Russia Council at Military Representative level (MilReps of the 26 allies and RUS) has met monthly to progress NATO/Russia military-to-military cooperation, including three sessions involving the NATO chiefs of defence. There are regular staff meetings with Russian participation of mutual experts on issues of common interest, such as defence reform, proliferation, nuclear matters, arms control, airspace and peacekeeping. These annual work plans cover all areas of military-to-military cooperation including: o exercises and training o theatre missile defence o naval cooperation o search and rescue at sea o logistics cooperation o academic contacts and exchanges 70 of 82 planned activities in the 2006 work plan were achieved. Some of the field training goals set out in the NATO-Russia interoperability framework programme have been postponed to a later date. Approximately a 17 of the 83 planned activities scheduled for 2007 have already been conducted successfully. Key areas demonstrating practical NATO-Russia military-to-military cooperation: • Combatting terrorism: o Operation Active Endeavour1 : An important milestone in NATO’s military relationship with the Russian Federation, when the Russian vessel, PITLIVIY joined the operation in Sept 06, marked the first truly combined NATO-Russia force deployment. Russia continues to participate in the operation’s liaison and information exchange components, and an additional Russian ship is engaged in combined pre-deployment training with a view to an operational deployment in Autumn. o NATO Maritime visits to Russian ports are in the planning stages. o The Intelligence Liaison Unit is now operative and intelligence exchange is ongoing. • Exercises and training: o A communications exercise in unclassified voice and data communications took place in May 06. The exercise has helped to identify problems in equipment incompatibility and security legislation. 1 NATO’s only Article V operation, and involves ships from several NATO nations patrolling the Mediterranean, monitoring shipping and providing escorts to help detect, deter and protect against terrorist activity.

Given the context in which Ukraine's relations with NATO took place, there could have been no rational basis for considering an independent Ukraine a security threat to Russia.

Zelensky ran against Poroshenko on a platform of fighting corruption, and the outcome had nothing to do with issues of nationalism, but ethnic Russians in Ukraine only accounted for 17.2% of the Ukrainian population in 2014, and even in the Donbass accounted for less than 50% of the population in each district, and only a fraction of those supported Russian interference in Ukraine, so there was never any reason for the Russian invasion other than naked imperialist aggression.
That's a slogan, not an idea. The US is not at war, and there is no reason to think this war will be endless.
How do YOU think this war will turn out? Will it have been worth all the death and destruction?
How do YOU think this war will turn out? Will it have been worth all the death and destruction?
How will this war turn out? Once the West decided to support Ukraine, there was no possibility Russia would win.

Will it have been worth it? For Ukraine, yes, for Russia, no.
Politico: "The White House is anxiously watching Ukraine's counteroffensive, seeing that war and Biden's reputation are at stake".

And the banderites believe that they are being given weapons for "fighting for independence"...
So this Biden administration was trying to help the International Criminal Court compile evidence of Russian war crimes. Then, out of the blue, the Pentagon made them stop because it might lead to International Criminal Court prosecution of American war crimes......

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