Are We Alone in the Universe?

If there is life out there, then why are they so elusive and secretive?

We have many people saying they have seen "things", but never anything substantiated. If they are out there, why don't they just land and make themselves known?

It is fascinating though. If we are alone, in a never ending universe, it truly is mind boggling to think of it.

I come at it from a religious perspective though. That is, if there are other life forms out there, why are they not talked about in the Bible? Why does the Bible not make mention of any other planets inhabited with people, or aliens.

I speculate that one reason is, maybe God did create other life forms, but kept us from each other and maybe it is the intent thatbwe are supposed to find each other. Maybe they have their own version of the Bible.

Again, just an interesting question. Why are there no concrete bits of evidence showing other life.
Why are we so elusive and secretive? Perhaps they’re just like us. They haven’t figured out how to travel light years
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.
If there is life out there, then why are they so elusive and secretive?

We have many people saying they have seen "things", but never anything substantiated. If they are out there, why don't they just land and make themselves known?

It is fascinating though. If we are alone, in a never ending universe, it truly is mind boggling to think of it.

I come at it from a religious perspective though. That is, if there are other life forms out there, why are they not talked about in the Bible? Why does the Bible not make mention of any other planets inhabited with people, or aliens.

I speculate that one reason is, maybe God did create other life forms, but kept us from each other and maybe it is the intent thatbwe are supposed to find each other. Maybe they have their own version of the Bible.

Again, just an interesting question. Why are there no concrete bits of evidence showing other life.
Why are we so elusive and secretive? Perhaps they’re just like us. They haven’t figured out how to travel light years
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.
Why are we so elusive and secretive? Perhaps they’re just like us. They haven’t figured out how to travel light years
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.

Possibly. OTOH, some of those accounts cannot be earthly phenomena or man-made either. Some of these UFOs are reported to have done things that simply cannot be done or explained away.
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.

Possibly. OTOH, some of those accounts cannot be earthly phenomena or man-made either. Some of these UFOs are reported to have done things that simply cannot be done or explained away.

I tend to disagree. Some may not be able to be man-made, but all may have Earthly explanations. That those who viewed the objects cannot explain it, or even that no one who hears a recounting can explain it, does not mean there is no Earthly explanation. Further, there is always the possibility of error on the part of the people who see the phenomena; eyewitnesses often make mistakes about what they have seen.

Of course some alien explanation is possible, but there are a LOT of UFO sightings.
If there is life out there, then why are they so elusive and secretive?

We have many people saying they have seen "things", but never anything substantiated. If they are out there, why don't they just land and make themselves known?

It is fascinating though. If we are alone, in a never ending universe, it truly is mind boggling to think of it.

I come at it from a religious perspective though. That is, if there are other life forms out there, why are they not talked about in the Bible? Why does the Bible not make mention of any other planets inhabited with people, or aliens.

I speculate that one reason is, maybe God did create other life forms, but kept us from each other and maybe it is the intent thatbwe are supposed to find each other. Maybe they have their own version of the Bible.

Again, just an interesting question. Why are there no concrete bits of evidence showing other life.
Why are we so elusive and secretive? Perhaps they’re just like us. They haven’t figured out how to travel light years
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such
Those are crap. No ufos.

But if there were it would make sense they hide. Like Star Trek their prime directive is to not interfere

And we would experiment on them.

What if they are so small you can’t see them. Have you ever seen tardigrades? Like that small. They could be here how would you know?
I wouldn't think they'd be worried about us experimenting on them. Any civilization advanced enough to have inter planetary travel surely is advanced enough to protect themselves from us.
Not necessarily. What if they are weak and smart.

Do you know that if every spider were smart and they coordinated with each other they could kill every human on the planet?

If we could travel to another planet what would we take with us to stop 1 billion alpha centarians from over powering us? They may have every weapon we have now.

Wouldn’t it be great if they were so primitive they thought we were gods? Maybe the Egyptian pharaohs were space travelers. Who was the king Moses served? Alien. George Washington? Alien. Gw bush? Descended from aliens
If there is life out there, then why are they so elusive and secretive?

We have many people saying they have seen "things", but never anything substantiated. If they are out there, why don't they just land and make themselves known?

It is fascinating though. If we are alone, in a never ending universe, it truly is mind boggling to think of it.

I come at it from a religious perspective though. That is, if there are other life forms out there, why are they not talked about in the Bible? Why does the Bible not make mention of any other planets inhabited with people, or aliens.

I speculate that one reason is, maybe God did create other life forms, but kept us from each other and maybe it is the intent thatbwe are supposed to find each other. Maybe they have their own version of the Bible.

Again, just an interesting question. Why are there no concrete bits of evidence showing other life.
Why are we so elusive and secretive? Perhaps they’re just like us. They haven’t figured out how to travel light years
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.
All these stupid hypothesises are why I won’t settle on “must be god”.

The truth is anything’s possible. Must be why theists had to write stories about when the one and only god visited. Now it’s supposedly a fact
The answer is, it's not life from other planets. It's all human. The ufos come from agartha, and it's German technology developed in the early 1900s.

Are we alone in the universe?
The universe is too vast for us to be alone

Can we make contact?
The universe is too vast to make contact
And getting vaster by the minute. One day humans will look up and only see a few faint lights in the distance. If humanity took a step back and lost all the knowledge we have today humans might look up and truly believe we are alone because they won’t see all the other stars we see today. Assuming we’re still around then
Why bother to ask the question ? You wouldn't believe anyone that claimed to know one way or another .... would you ?
Why are we so elusive and secretive? Perhaps they’re just like us. They haven’t figured out how to travel light years
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.
The Psychological Power of Suggestion

There was no talk about spaceships before man invented flight. The imaginary creatures were self-propelled. Also adequately disproving these fables is that they weren't even assigned an extraterrestrial home until astronomers discovered that the stars were like our sun.
Well, I was referring to those accounts of ufo sightings and such

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.
The Psychological Power of Suggestion

There was no talk about spaceships before man invented flight. The imaginary creatures were self-propelled. Also adequately disproving these fables is that they weren't even assigned an extraterrestrial home until astronomers discovered that the stars were like our sun.
If you watch ancient aliens they'll tell you that our primitive ancestors drew pictures of the aliens that visited.

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.
The Psychological Power of Suggestion

There was no talk about spaceships before man invented flight. The imaginary creatures were self-propelled. Also adequately disproving these fables is that they weren't even assigned an extraterrestrial home until astronomers discovered that the stars were like our sun.
If you watch ancient aliens they'll tell you that our primitive ancestors drew pictures of the aliens that visited.

Aliens? Those are clearly representations of Pinhead! :ack-1:

Lots of these accounts around and by reputable people too.
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.
The Psychological Power of Suggestion

There was no talk about spaceships before man invented flight. The imaginary creatures were self-propelled. Also adequately disproving these fables is that they weren't even assigned an extraterrestrial home until astronomers discovered that the stars were like our sun.
If you watch ancient aliens they'll tell you that our primitive ancestors drew pictures of the aliens that visited.

Aliens could have made better drawings
Knowing what I know, I can’t see how anyone could think earth is the only planet with intelligent life.
If this has already been brought up, I apologize, I didn't have time to go through the whole thread tonight.

These questions of life, and intelligent life, other than our own in the universe usually center on life as we currently know it. There's also the possibility to consider that life or intelligence might occur in some completely different form than ours. Perhaps the things we think are needed are not; perhaps some kind of life might form without water, or without 'breathable' atmosphere, etc. We have such a limited perspective, having only seen an incredibly small portion of the universe and over such a small amount of time, I wouldn't be surprised if some form of life arose totally outside our expectations.

Also, even if there is intelligent life, and it were within the range of how far radio waves will have traveled from Earth, it's possible that the life forms would not realize they originated from an intelligent source even if they saw them. Perhaps they have adapted entirely different forms of communication and the idea of using radio waves to broadcast signals never occurred to them; by the same token, it may be possible that we've received signals of some sort from another intelligent life form without realizing that is what they were.

I am a sci-fi fan, and would dearly love for humanity to encounter another intelligent life form in my lifetime, but the distances and time periods involved make me very skeptical that we will. I consider it very likely that there is/has been/will be other intelligent life in the universe, just not that we will interact with them.

Oh, and I love the early Star Trek references :) I feel the need to say that I was not a big fan of First Contact (or any of TNG movies), I thought the better movies based on the original series were far superior. I attribute that to the time between; TNG movies seemed too much like long episodes.
7 years later and nothing has changed. No closer to finding life. I believe it exists but our ability to see that far is limited
Or not. Remember, the Universe is 13 billion years old. We know that for a fact looking at the speed of the expansion of the Universe.

So how long will a civilization last? There could have even been one on Venus. It's the same size as the earth and made out of the same material and millions and millions of years ago, when the sun was younger and cooler, it was probably very much like earth is now.

In cosmic terms, it won't be long before the earth becomes too hot to support life. Then it will turn into another Venus. It's unavoidable.

There could be civilizations all around us that we "just missed" by a million years.

The really big odds are two civilizations both developing close enough, and having technology at the same time.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

I don't know if calling the 13 billion year age of the universe a fact is accurate; for one thing, the estimates are actually closer to 14 billion years old, for another, given the limits of our knowledge and ability to "see" the universe, there could well be data which would change that estimate. Based on what we have observed, 11 billion years is apparently the youngest the universe can be. How Old is the Universe?

I think people often forget just how vast both the time and distance involved in these sorts of discussions is. There is so much universe, and it has been around for so long, that everything humanity has directly observed is a figurative drop in the ocean. There could be numerous examples of intelligent life throughout the universe right now, and we would have no idea. There may have been many intelligent life forms before humanity arose, and we would have no idea. Humanity is the tiniest speck within the area and the history of the universe.

True, IMHO anyway. I also think there is a possibility of more than one universe in existence, but that's a bit off topic.

Right now the prevailing theory is that the universe is expanding and will keep expanding until everything pretty much goes to hell. Figuratively speaking. But I also wonder if eventually there will be some unknown force that stops the expansion and draws the universe back into that single dot that explodes all over again. Not talking God here, although that isn't out of the question either.

As for life elsewhere in this universe, I'd put my money on life all over the place and some of those places could very well evolve into intelligent life. My guess there have been intelligent species that evolved, prospered, and died out before our solar system was born. Might not have been humanoid either.

I think the idea of a Big Bang and Big Crunch has fallen out of favor, but I'm not certain why. I don't keep up with cosmological theories. :p
This was posted on another thread, but reveals some new thinking regarding a quantum correction.
Interesting article.
No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning
That depends on what you mean? Are we the only life in the universe? IMO we aren’t the only life in this solar system. There is primitive life in our own solar system, I strongly believe that.

Are we the only sentient life? We could be. There certainly has not been any contact with aliens of any kind.
That depends on what you mean? Are we the only life in the universe? IMO we aren’t the only life in this solar system. There is primitive life in our own solar system, I strongly believe that.

Are we the only sentient life? We could be. There certainly has not been any contact with aliens of any kind.
Sentient life based on a human definition?
My belief is it lives among us in the Cetacean mammals within our own oceans. Creatures with complex language and larger brains around a lot longer than humankind. For all we know whales are communicating complex mathematical formulas for pure enjoyment, or simply thinking, "that fish looks yummy".
We tend to dismiss the emotion and intelligence of creatures on our own planet. How the hell would we ever really understand an alien life form?
Can we really measure conscience?
Im not calling into question the integrity of people who claim to have seen ufos, I'm just saying, if they are out there, why are they trying to remain undetected?

Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean they ain't out there. For all we know, those UFOs are unmanned drones or even human beings from our future that found a way to go back in time. There are theoretical physicists who say that time travel is possible, even though we don't know how to do it. Yet.

Or maybe they are entirely Earthly phenomena, simply unexplained. :) Less fun to speculate on, but probably more likely.
The Psychological Power of Suggestion

There was no talk about spaceships before man invented flight. The imaginary creatures were self-propelled. Also adequately disproving these fables is that they weren't even assigned an extraterrestrial home until astronomers discovered that the stars were like our sun.
If you watch ancient aliens they'll tell you that our primitive ancestors drew pictures of the aliens that visited.

Aliens could have made better drawings
It was the primitive humans who drew what they saw. Let me give you some charcoal Leonardo and see how you draw.
That depends on what you mean? Are we the only life in the universe? IMO we aren’t the only life in this solar system. There is primitive life in our own solar system, I strongly believe that.

Are we the only sentient life? We could be. There certainly has not been any contact with aliens of any kind.
They can’t reach us we can’t reach them. Consider voyager two has been traveling for around 30 years and it’s finally out of our solar system. Another 80,000 years it will reach alpha Centauri

We are 1% different than great apes. Just 1% separate us from them. Not hard to imagine another civilization that is 1% smarter than us. Their kids would do quantum physics for fun. All it would have taken was better leaders. Less war like and more scientific. But even they haven’t figured out how to get here.

Take a grain of sand. Now take another grain of sand 4 miles away. Those are our sun and alpha Centauri. Now think about how small you are to that grain of sand.

They may be looking at our sun and our biggest planets and not seeing the microbes on our tiny planet. God love it
Why bother to ask the question ? You wouldn't believe anyone that claimed to know one way or another .... would you ?
I want people to understand just how big the universe is and how ridiculous it is to think we are alone just because the universe is to vast for us to know. It’s an assumption based on evidence because there is no evidence true but my favorite saying is “it’s like sticking your head in the ocean and declaring it’s safe to go in. There are no sharks as far as you can see

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