Are We Alone in the Universe?

This is only true for life like we are. There are many possible forms of life that don't use carbon as their basis. In those instances Jupiter would be a fine place for life to evolve. We are but one possible form of life, there are countless others.

We are carbon and water based as a lifeform. To then search for same, the same parameters of what is here, is all we have to go on for fact elsewhere, so that is what we use in the search. I hold that somewhere out there is something like The Borg. But that remains to be investigated when we can leave here, even though there is evidence of Borg, posting on some of these threads.

So, yes, there could be life everywhere, but intelligent developed life as per the Drake Equation remains elusive at this time.

"Hello. We are right here. Come visit"

And every nuke, every weapon at our disposal will be there to greet them. Because that's what humans do.
I have no doubt that life exists on other worlds. What I dispute is the naive search for contact. There is no life form here on earth that is not predatory in some manner. That leads me to the conclusion that any life found would also be predatory. Sending our television and radio broadcasts out into space is foolish IMO. That space probe with all the 411 about earth and humans was like sending out a menu. IMO it will end up being our undoing.

We as humans have always thought of ourselves as special and worse than that protected by some invisible being. I just hope that whatever is out there doesn't find us tasty.:eek:

A few corrections: The radio transmissions are not "sent" they go out everywhere in all directions as they are "broadcasts", not direct signals "sent". They travel no different than the wind here on Earth, out in space. They just are, and have been since the first day of radio, then TV and now everything.

Of course they are "sent". Whether intended or not we are responsible for those transmissions being out there.

We basically, have a good thread within us, regardless of the bad, or we would not have survived for the last 1 million years≤≥, so, it tends to suggest we will also abide on our tomorrows.

Just as we would not be predatory (look at the plaque on the side of Voyager 1, heading out to the Orion Arm of our galaxy in a few billion years), it stands that whomever finds us, would also not be predatory in return.

The fact that we are not purely predatory is an accident of history. Hitler could have very well won.

In what way is our search or seeking for off solar worlds naive?

Our primary directive as it has always been is to survive as a species. Taking our eye off of that ball in the name of answering some questions is very naive indeed. Would you poke your eye up to the opening of a hornets nest "just to see what's in the hole"?

The SETI signal, operating in all bands, all radio waves, 24/7/365, broadcast a signal of code in alpha numeric that can be decoded by anyone that can receive it, says, "Hello, we are here. We are Human beings. We are located at (coordinates). Please acknowledge. Thank you."

A beacon, in the vast ocean of being alone, so far as we know.
Fittingly, along with this, is the words of Carl Sagan's "The Pale Blue Dot".

Clarify for us please on naive.

Seeking extraterrestrial life and assuming it is safe to do so is potentially the most dangerous endeavor we could be pursuing. If I am right ...we can still answer the questions that burn in you but lets do it at a safe distance. If you are wrong we could be extinguished startlingly rapidly and there may well be no second chance. Your curiosity risks too much. As in EVERYTHING.

Thank you.


Thank you,

I further suspect that we will stupidly go on trying to find other life and eventually come into contact with it somewhere in deep space way before we "find" it on some planet. It will no doubt "find" us out there first and study whatever it is we have sent out there. If "they" have survived long enough to get to a point in developing the environment where they can waste resources by "exploring" in person it is likely the vessel we encounter will be huge. It will have to store vast quantities of whatever sustains their life and have enough shielding for energy rays and layers to absorb the odd meteorite with out being destroyed. In any case I even further suspect that assuming these "things" will have human characteristics like the Star Trek Characters is way beyond foolish. If THEY are out looking for something it will be something that benefits THEM.

Good points but not necessarily. History has proven that discovery proceeds acquisition and that acquisition only succeeds by mutual consent. We are past conquest. But we are on the frontier of discovery. It holds that would be likewise, with few exceptions for others we may encounter upcoming.

On the other hand, I always have a dark vision of waking up one morning and seeing this:


by, Robert A.M. Stephens, Courtesy, 20th Century Fox

.........and that would be very very bad.

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I have no doubt that life exists on other worlds. What I dispute is the naive search for contact. There is no life form here on earth that is not predatory in some manner. That leads me to the conclusion that any life found would also be predatory. Sending our television and radio broadcasts out into space is foolish IMO. That space probe with all the 411 about earth and humans was like sending out a menu. IMO it will end up being our undoing.

We as humans have always thought of ourselves as special and worse than that protected by some invisible being. I just hope that whatever is out there doesn't find us tasty.:eek:

A few corrections: The radio transmissions are not "sent" they go out everywhere in all directions as they are "broadcasts", not direct signals "sent". They travel no different than the wind here on Earth, out in space. They just are, and have been since the first day of radio, then TV and now everything.

Of course they are "sent". Whether intended or not we are responsible for those transmissions being out there.

We basically, have a good thread within us, regardless of the bad, or we would not have survived for the last 1 million years≤≥, so, it tends to suggest we will also abide on our tomorrows.

Just as we would not be predatory (look at the plaque on the side of Voyager 1, heading out to the Orion Arm of our galaxy in a few billion years), it stands that whomever finds us, would also not be predatory in return.

The fact that we are not purely predatory is an accident of history. Hitler could have very well won.

In what way is our search or seeking for off solar worlds naive?

Our primary directive as it has always been is to survive as a species. Taking our eye off of that ball in the name of answering some questions is very naive indeed. Would you poke your eye up to the opening of a hornets nest "just to see what's in the hole"?

The SETI signal, operating in all bands, all radio waves, 24/7/365, broadcast a signal of code in alpha numeric that can be decoded by anyone that can receive it, says, "Hello, we are here. We are Human beings. We are located at (coordinates). Please acknowledge. Thank you."

A beacon, in the vast ocean of being alone, so far as we know.
Fittingly, along with this, is the words of Carl Sagan's "The Pale Blue Dot".

Clarify for us please on naive.

Seeking extraterrestrial life and assuming it is safe to do so is potentially the most dangerous endeavor we could be pursuing. If I am right ...we can still answer the questions that burn in you but lets do it at a safe distance. If you are wrong we could be extinguished startlingly rapidly and there may well be no second chance. Your curiosity risks too much. As in EVERYTHING.

Thank you.


Thank you,



Consider: They felt this way about Columbus in 1491.

I further suspect that we will stupidly go on trying to find other life and eventually come into contact with it somewhere in deep space way before we "find" it on some planet. It will no doubt "find" us out there first and study whatever it is we have sent out there. If "they" have survived long enough to get to a point in developing the environment where they can waste resources by "exploring" in person it is likely the vessel we encounter will be huge. It will have to store vast quantities of whatever sustains their life and have enough shielding for energy rays and layers to absorb the odd meteorite with out being destroyed. In any case I even further suspect that assuming these "things" will have human characteristics like the Star Trek Characters is way beyond foolish. If THEY are out looking for something it will be something that benefits THEM.

Good points but not necessarily. History has proven that discovery proceeds acquisition and that acquisition only succeeds by mutual consent. We are past conquest. But we are on the frontier of discovery. It holds that would be likewise, with few exceptions for others we may encounter upcoming.

On the other hand, I always have a dark vision of waking up one morning and seeing this:


by, Robert A.M. Stephens, Courtesy, 20th Century Fox

.........and that would be very very bad.


You are probably the smartest guy here on USMB , and I'm no slouch, but you remind me a bit of my mom that graduated U of W at 19 yrs. She was book smart and a street idiot. Now I'm not saying you are an idiot.. maybe a smidge foolish. :lol: :lol::lol:

Ya I know you go around in the jungle in your fancy jeep and everything but the truth is that you are damned lucky and I think you know it. My money says you should have already been killed for the gold in your teeth and the valuable parts of your rig.

I used to fly in and out of Colombia and there are "different worlds" here on our own planet let alone out there where the template for success may be a program we are in no way ready for.

You would be wise to reflect on the permanent consequences of something like your "vision" occurring.
A few corrections: The radio transmissions are not "sent" they go out everywhere in all directions as they are "broadcasts", not direct signals "sent". They travel no different than the wind here on Earth, out in space. They just are, and have been since the first day of radio, then TV and now everything.

Of course they are "sent". Whether intended or not we are responsible for those transmissions being out there.

We basically, have a good thread within us, regardless of the bad, or we would not have survived for the last 1 million years≤≥, so, it tends to suggest we will also abide on our tomorrows.

Just as we would not be predatory (look at the plaque on the side of Voyager 1, heading out to the Orion Arm of our galaxy in a few billion years), it stands that whomever finds us, would also not be predatory in return.

The fact that we are not purely predatory is an accident of history. Hitler could have very well won.

In what way is our search or seeking for off solar worlds naive?

Our primary directive as it has always been is to survive as a species. Taking our eye off of that ball in the name of answering some questions is very naive indeed. Would you poke your eye up to the opening of a hornets nest "just to see what's in the hole"?

The SETI signal, operating in all bands, all radio waves, 24/7/365, broadcast a signal of code in alpha numeric that can be decoded by anyone that can receive it, says, "Hello, we are here. We are Human beings. We are located at (coordinates). Please acknowledge. Thank you."

A beacon, in the vast ocean of being alone, so far as we know.
Fittingly, along with this, is the words of Carl Sagan's "The Pale Blue Dot".

Clarify for us please on naive.

Seeking extraterrestrial life and assuming it is safe to do so is potentially the most dangerous endeavor we could be pursuing. If I am right ...we can still answer the questions that burn in you but lets do it at a safe distance. If you are wrong we could be extinguished startlingly rapidly and there may well be no second chance. Your curiosity risks too much. As in EVERYTHING.

Thank you.


Thank you,



Consider: They felt this way about Columbus in 1491.


Consider: If I was an Native American Chief none of those sailing ships would have made it back to Europe.

Please do not misunderestimate me! :lol: I am not one of those "either/or" people. I am just earnestly advocating caution in our inevitable exploration.
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Hey! I undergetit!.. If all the scientists came out and declared that most likely any advanced life form we encounter might very well eat us or harvest all of the liquid water from our ice caps that would put a big dampener on space exploration. This isn't a dare at the big swing that goes out over the big rocks at the summer lake. This is potentially for ALL the chips. I would be more certain before I bet the house.
If a cow could be taught to talk would we stop eating hamburgers?
I further suspect that we will stupidly go on trying to find other life and eventually come into contact with it somewhere in deep space way before we "find" it on some planet. It will no doubt "find" us out there first and study whatever it is we have sent out there. If "they" have survived long enough to get to a point in developing the environment where they can waste resources by "exploring" in person it is likely the vessel we encounter will be huge. It will have to store vast quantities of whatever sustains their life and have enough shielding for energy rays and layers to absorb the odd meteorite with out being destroyed. In any case I even further suspect that assuming these "things" will have human characteristics like the Star Trek Characters is way beyond foolish. If THEY are out looking for something it will be something that benefits THEM.

Good points but not necessarily. History has proven that discovery proceeds acquisition and that acquisition only succeeds by mutual consent. We are past conquest. But we are on the frontier of discovery. It holds that would be likewise, with few exceptions for others we may encounter upcoming.

On the other hand, I always have a dark vision of waking up one morning and seeing this:


by, Robert A.M. Stephens, Courtesy, 20th Century Fox

.........and that would be very very bad.


You are probably the smartest guy here on USMB , and I'm no slouch, but you remind me a bit of my mom that graduated U of W at 19 yrs. She was book smart and a street idiot. Now I'm not saying you are an idiot.. maybe a smidge foolish. :lol: :lol::lol:

Ya I know you go around in the jungle in your fancy jeep and everything but the truth is that you are damned lucky and I think you know it. My money says you should have already been killed for the gold in your teeth and the valuable parts of your rig.

I used to fly in and out of Colombia and there are "different worlds" here on our own planet let alone out there where the template for success may be a program we are in no way ready for.

You would be wise to reflect on the permanent consequences of something like your "vision" occurring.

This post of yours is so fucking cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!

Ok, so you know, and you are right, in my years of being all over the world, including downtown Timbuktu, Mali Empire, Africa, in all my travels in these 35 years, I've had to kill 7 bad men in three different countries, who were trying to kill me by making me pay a road toll on a public road. I FUCKING DON'T DO TOLLS!!!! I told them that. I told them I would kill them all if they did not stop, have a smoke and chat about life. Most of the time, we talk. Good.

But, that is what the 870 Remington 12 gauge Magnum is for with 8 shot mag. extension.

Growing up in Montana and hunting and fishing and firefighting summers and logging in the winters, made me fairly adept at not doing horse shit off of baddies.

Other than that, I love everybody.....mostly. I am very peaceful.....

And so you know, I NEVER go through Columbia anymore. EVER!!! Haven't for 14 years. Assholes all!. And its so frustrating since they are strategically right at the end and entrance of South America from the canal. I have to go either to the Pacific by ship and come in at Quitos Equador, or Atlantic side and come in at Caracas Venzueula. Crummy deal.

Lastly, I have been in 132 of the Earth's 195 nation states. I understand.

So, still holds, 7 out of billions isn't bad, from my personal view. I think this holds by what is on our horizon. There will be Borg and ID4, but that is not on our horizon, yet.

Great post. Brilliant in fact. And I am very very aware!!!!!

Thank you!

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Someone is trying to charge me a toll. Did you read my response to you on page 5, bottom. And I love UFO Watchdog group. So funny and so cool to unpack them over the years. Oh well, a case for the Borg if ever there was one.

Your response to me was brilliant, BTW, on page 5, bottom.
Again, thank you.


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