Are We Alone in the Universe?

There is just as much if not more to support his life story.


There is a certain "clique" of yapping dogs on this site that are just plain jealous of anyone that gets Out There and does something.

I find the dude interesting. I would much rather be entertained by his stories and knowledge than listen to the tired whining from those that have balls like knats.

There is just as much if not more to support his life story.


There is a certain "clique" of yapping dogs on this site that are just plain jealous of anyone that gets Out There and does something.

I find the dude interesting. I would much rather be entertained by his stories and knowledge than listen to the tired whining from those that have balls like knats.

Now, now Sean, I hope you're not putting me in that category....
...I see Robert a bit like Long John Silver - likes a tall tale or too and would be an interesting chap to have a beer or two with....

There is just as much if not more to support his life story.


There is a certain "clique" of yapping dogs on this site that are just plain jealous of anyone that gets Out There and does something.

I find the dude interesting. I would much rather be entertained by his stories and knowledge than listen to the tired whining from those that have balls like knats.

Well actually, there is much more. 12 years ago I and Phil Platt were frequent guest on his radio show. I caught Hoagy in several lies, Bell cut me off, and that was the end of it. Then, Bell sued me for $60 million dollars. I won. He left the country.

Bad deal but fun. It is why if they are too far off like some here or Tarrel or the like there is no point as they have something ajar mentally. But, this medium lets one be anything one wants to be.

Type into Google: 'Robert A.M. Stephens, NASA'

Or, 'Robert A.M. Stephens, NASA Art'

Fun stuff, some good and some bad.


There is just as much if not more to support his life story.


There is a certain "clique" of yapping dogs on this site that are just plain jealous of anyone that gets Out There and does something.

I find the dude interesting. I would much rather be entertained by his stories and knowledge than listen to the tired whining from those that have balls like knats.

Well actually, there is much more. 12 years ago I and Phil Platt were frequent guest on his radio show. I caught Hoagy in several lies, Bell cut me off, and that was the end of it. Then, Bell sued me for $60 million dollars. I won. He left the country.

Bad deal but fun. It is why if they are too far off like some here or Tarrel or the like there is no point as they have something ajar mentally. But, this medium lets one be anything one wants to be.

Type into Google: 'Robert A.M. Stephens, NASA'

Or, 'Robert A.M. Stephens, NASA Art'

Fun stuff, some good and some bad.

isnt that about when he abruptly left coast2coast and George Noory took over?

There is just as much if not more to support his life story.


There is a certain "clique" of yapping dogs on this site that are just plain jealous of anyone that gets Out There and does something.

I find the dude interesting. I would much rather be entertained by his stories and knowledge than listen to the tired whining from those that have balls like knats.

Now, now Sean, I hope you're not putting me in that category....
...I see Robert a bit like Long John Silver - likes a tall tale or too and would be an interesting chap to have a beer or two with....

Every good pirate likes to spin a yarn or two. Adventure is just as much in the readers imagination as it is in the facts. Only the story teller knows for sure where reality and imagination exchange seats. Even then memory errs on a good story. Truth be told the best adventure is a handful of exciting events spaced by tedious waiting. A good story just spares the audience the dullness of the waiting.
Every good pirate likes to spin a yarn or two. Adventure is just as much in the readers imagination as it is in the facts. Only the story teller knows for sure where reality and imagination exchange seats. Even then memory errs on a good story. Truth be told the best adventure is a handful of exciting events spaced by tedious waiting. A good story just spares the audience the dullness of the waiting.

There is just as much if not more to support his life story.


There is a certain "clique" of yapping dogs on this site that are just plain jealous of anyone that gets Out There and does something.

I find the dude interesting. I would much rather be entertained by his stories and knowledge than listen to the tired whining from those that have balls like knats.

Well actually, there is much more. 12 years ago I and Phil Platt were frequent guest on his radio show. I caught Hoagy in several lies, Bell cut me off, and that was the end of it. Then, Bell sued me for $60 million dollars. I won. He left the country.

Bad deal but fun. It is why if they are too far off like some here or Tarrel or the like there is no point as they have something ajar mentally. But, this medium lets one be anything one wants to be.

Type into Google: 'Robert A.M. Stephens, NASA'

Or, 'Robert A.M. Stephens, NASA Art'

Fun stuff, some good and some bad.

isnt that about when he abruptly left coast2coast and George Noory took over?

Yes. and Hoag and the TEM took a hit that lasted for a year. It was good times. But they are as insane as ever and steal so much stuff from NASA, me, Bad Astronomy,, and so many others source, and claim it as their own. Sad, but humorous in a dark perverse sort of way.

again, the distance factor means it takes a very long time for those signals to get from point A to point B
and radio waves do not move at the speed of light
i dont remember how far away the closes C class star is from us, but i think its over 100 LY

And that's assuming the civilization with that kind of technology doesn't also have the technology to blow themselves up... and hasn't done so already.
I did a quick browse, Robert, in google.
Just for curiosity..did the woman/cancer thing ever get straightened out or did she never respond at all?
again, the distance factor means it takes a very long time for those signals to get from point A to point B
and radio waves do not move at the speed of light
i dont remember how far away the closes C class star is from us, but i think its over 100 LY

And that's assuming the civilization with that kind of technology doesn't also have the technology to blow themselves up... and hasn't done so already.

I doubt it is a game limited to just two players. Following MY tack there are many possible scenarios that could be playing out. Let's postulate that there are at least a thousand advanced species. If my "survival of the fittest/predatory" theory holds true then there will have already been "wars" between species. Peremptory strikes,, losers. Now is so relative in that what we are looking at through the Hubble happened millions and billions of years ago. What we might "find" now would certainly have changed beyond all recognition and certainty by the time we might actually visit or communicate with in any form. What may appear as benign at first blush could be taken over by a much more lethal species by the time the message got there that we are interested in a pow wow.

Even if some of the life out there is not assume all of it is is just fucking madness.
If a cow could be taught to talk would we stop eating hamburgers?

Work up an equation for the possiblity of cows speaking and be as famous as Drake. There have been billions of cows that have never spoke. The odds of one coming along have to be getting better all the time. Infinity is so fun to speculate about that even a mathematician can act like a party animal.
again, the distance factor means it takes a very long time for those signals to get from point A to point B
and radio waves do not move at the speed of light
i dont remember how far away the closes C class star is from us, but i think its over 100 LY

And that's assuming the civilization with that kind of technology doesn't also have the technology to blow themselves up... and hasn't done so already.

I doubt it is a game limited to just two players. Following MY tack there are many possible scenarios that could be playing out. Let's postulate that there are at least a thousand advanced species. If my "survival of the fittest/predatory" theory holds true then there will have already been "wars" between species. Peremptory strikes,, losers. Now is so relative in that what we are looking at through the Hubble happened millions and billions of years ago. What we might "find" now would certainly have changed beyond all recognition and certainty by the time we might actually visit or communicate with in any form. What may appear as benign at first blush could be taken over by a much more lethal species by the time the message got there that we are interested in a pow wow.

Even if some of the life out there is not assume all of it is is just fucking madness.

Yeah who knows. Maybe there's a species that's evolved so highly that they no long have their animal, dog eat dog, instincts--they've bred-out their version of the medula oblongota like it was an appendix.

The thing about life "out there", is that I could write whatever I wanted it to be and it would be no more or less true than anyones else's for all we don't know. Basically we're all just talking about of our asses, here.
I did a quick browse, Robert, in google.
Just for curiosity..did the woman/cancer thing ever get straightened out or did she never respond at all?

How cool you would ask. Wow.

Yes, Naomi Bronson ended up getting ahold of me and I got her in to the U of Washington Oncology Center in Seattle, WA and she got treated and I funded it and within a year she was in remission and is now doing quite well, bless her heart.

Always save the maidens!!

Thank you for asking.

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Yeah who knows. Maybe there's a species that's evolved so highly that they no long have their animal, dog eat dog, instincts--they've bred-out their version of the medula oblongota like it was an appendix.

The thing about life "out there", is that I could write whatever I wanted it to be and it would be no more or less true than anyones else's for all we don't know. Basically we're all just talking about of our asses, here.

This is the point I was and am making and trying to, on topic: If you saw the incredible movie with Nicolas Cage, called, "Knowing", those visitors are and were probably well featured of what we are talking about with the last numeric of the Drake Equation: in that they are not out for anything under the guise of bad guy-good guy, since their technology is so far advanced its not even an issue.

It is more in the world in inquisition and discovery, rather than some sort of planetary conquest. This is a fact only in that there comes always a big big boot on a little ant hill.

In that window, we will either find them or they find us and we exchange. It will go from there as intelligent beings tend to do.

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I don't know. I need to ask an expert about these things.

Where's Terral?

Usually eternal optimists get on my nerves. Strangely you do not evoke that in me. If not for the outcome of a handful of battles in WWII this world would be an entirely different place. In the entire history of the modern human race how could any outside observer look at us and determine we are a peaceful species.

We are living in an anomaly. Even though there is less wanton carnage during our lifetime than is usually the case in our history the bigger picture of time suggests a far less benign and forgiving judgment.

I am curious how you arrive at the prediction that alien life will be "nice" based on our track record. We are still murdering each other at a pretty good clip. 24,000 in the USA alone last year. Then there are the more organized "will of the people" killings as governments will do in our names.

Is there some formula that aides your speculation? Do you just "want" us to be these kind and benevolent creatures in spite of the evidence and hope as you will for our goodness, transfer that dream as a projection onto extra terrestrial life?

Let's just speculate that aliens have been watching us... what do you think they might believe with more weight?.. Your or my wishful thinking or FBI statistics?

If aliens are atheistic we are fucked. They would look at us and think we are almost all out of our minds.

If they have a god it would most certainly conflict with our gods and present an entirely different problem. You know damn well that these crazy Christians ..possibly you included(I saw your Christian site affiliation) and Muslims would rather die than accept an alien god.

Sean Corey

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