Are We Down To Paul,Cruz And Carson On The 2016 Ticket At This Point?

Feb 1, 2013
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Just you wait, if Cruz is on either end of the ticket, PMS-NBC will be all over him over his questionable birth-certificate, right? If Ben Carson is on the ticket, MSM will create numerous excuses and fake scandals about his past as a womanizer, Rand Paul? God, not him! He's too young and Inexperienced !!!!
Any combination of these three leading candidates would have the Hillary/Howard Dean ticket in total panic mode!
If you google Paul/Cruz 2016, I did see over 2 million pages/hits.
No wonder "Kernel Holder" wants to "Mess With Texas".
On a Libertarian Party ticket, perhaps.

On a Republican Party ticket: none of them.
It is our constant prayer that Dr. Rand Paul will run for the Office of President of the United States in 2016.
at least Rand Paul doesn't need a teleprompter just to hold a conversation when he appears on Fox News.
Yup, Christie will be a candidate and will have no trouble telling the TPM and the social traditionalists and the neo-cons to toe the line
Paul, Cruz and Carson are candidates for the Republican Clown Car.

None are serious contenders
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Cruz, Paul, Carson, and don't forget West.

Any combination of the above would be fantastic. They're all immeasurably better than the slimy little rat fuck commie turd we have now.
Hey Rand, Rafael, Ben....We are saving a seat for you

Whoever it is, democrats can be trusted to drag out all their stale complaints. He's an idiot, he's stupid, he can't win. If it is Christie, he's fat. Everyone knows what they are going to say anyway. Democrats don't have anyone but Biden, Clinton and if they really need to scrape to bottom of that barrel, Cuomo.
Whoever it is, democrats can be trusted to drag out all their stale complaints. He's an idiot, he's stupid, he can't win. If it is Christie, he's fat. Everyone knows what they are going to say anyway. Democrats don't have anyone but Biden, Clinton and if they really need to scrape to bottom of that barrel, Cuomo.

It won't matter if the dems run GOD HIMSELF, they'll lose in '16, if there's ANYTHING left of our country after another 3 years of the kenyan commie.

But, he might even be impeached or the country implodes before then, and he'll be removed from office by force. If that happens, don't look for another libtard/leftist/democrap president for about 30 years.
In all likelyhood some moderate will probably be nominated, and he'll lose to whatever rabid leftwing shitbag the progressives nominate.

Conservatism doesn't stand a chance in the greedy "me,me,me" society America has become. We've let our country be overrun by liberals, illegals, and criminals. They will always band together to vote against the white Christian conservatives.
Whoever it is, democrats can be trusted to drag out all their stale complaints. He's an idiot, he's stupid, he can't win. If it is Christie, he's fat. Everyone knows what they are going to say anyway. Democrats don't have anyone but Biden, Clinton and if they really need to scrape to bottom of that barrel, Cuomo.

It won't matter if the dems run GOD HIMSELF, they'll lose in '16, if there's ANYTHING left of our country after another 3 years of the kenyan commie.

But, he might even be impeached or the country implodes before then, and he'll be removed from office by force. If that happens, don't look for another libtard/leftist/democrap president for about 30 years.

So Cruz praising Helms does not bother you?
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Just you wait, if Cruz is on either end of the ticket, PMS-NBC will be all over him over his questionable birth-certificate, right? If Ben Carson is on the ticket, MSM will create numerous excuses and fake scandals about his past as a womanizer, Rand Paul? God, not him! He's too young and Inexperienced !!!!
Any combination of these three leading candidates would have the Hillary/Howard Dean ticket in total panic mode!
If you google Paul/Cruz 2016, I did see over 2 million pages/hits.
No wonder "Kernel Holder" wants to "Mess With Texas".

Howard Dean???? LOL

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Whoever it is, democrats can be trusted to drag out all their stale complaints. He's an idiot, he's stupid, he can't win. If it is Christie, he's fat. Everyone knows what they are going to say anyway. Democrats don't have anyone but Biden, Clinton and if they really need to scrape to bottom of that barrel, Cuomo.

It won't matter if the dems run GOD HIMSELF, they'll lose in '16, if there's ANYTHING left of our country after another 3 years of the kenyan commie.

But, he might even be impeached or the country implodes before then, and he'll be removed from office by force. If that happens, don't look for another libtard/leftist/democrap president for about 30 years.

So Cruz praising Helms does not bother you?
Not any more than obama praising Rev Wright.

Hey Rand, Rafael, Ben....We are saving a seat for you

The more you bubble headed libroid losers make fun of our candidates, the more SURE we are we have the RIGHT PEOPLE.

Somebody has to make fun of the Republican Clown Car. God knows Republicans will do nothing about it

Last election they allowed the members of the Clown Car to tie up endless debates and take away valuable face time from legitimate contenders

I expect the 2016 clown car to be bigger than the 2012 model......after all, Obama is no longer running

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