Are We Down To Paul,Cruz And Carson On The 2016 Ticket At This Point?

Liberals are known liars. As you have just shown. Two people doesn't quite make a group.

No lying required on my end. The crowd, not just two people, was booing at a debate. Again, not one of the candidates found it inappropriate nor said anything about it. Had one of the candidates spoke up, they would have then been booed and ridiculed by the anti-intellectuals that make up the GOP base.

Watch the video.

So what no candidate spoke up about. It was no big deal. People have the right to not like gays.

Oh and you act as though liberals are such great intellectuals like say ....Obama... saying corpse man instead of corpsman, saying he's been to 57 states with one more to go, saying on Memorial Day the he sees many of them(servicemen) in the audience and the list goes on.......Yea, he's a real smart guy!!

Not to mention Hank "Guam is going to capsize" Johnson, Sheila "I stand here a freed slave" Jackson, Al "I created the internet" Gore, Nancy "500 million Americans will lose jobs" Pelosi.. and I could go on and on.....

Your crazy attitude is epidemic on the far right, and it jeopardizes national victories for the GOP.

Americans, as a whole, don't like stupid from you guys.
Same GObP that said they should stop being the Party Of Stupid while they just go right on being stupid.

Never mind the party though - look at the rw voters who side against their country. Day after day, nothing but hate for their own country.

I wish these rw traitors would all go to Russia where they could be happy with their hero.
Same GObP that said they should stop being the Party Of Stupid while they just go right on being stupid.

Never mind the party though - look at the rw voters who side against their country. Day after day, nothing but hate for their own country.

I wish these rw traitors would all go to Russia where they could be happy with their hero.

It's not that they hate their country....but they are willing to bring down their country if it means bringing down Obama
No lying required on my end. The crowd, not just two people, was booing at a debate. Again, not one of the candidates found it inappropriate nor said anything about it. Had one of the candidates spoke up, they would have then been booed and ridiculed by the anti-intellectuals that make up the GOP base.

Watch the video.

So what no candidate spoke up about. It was no big deal. People have the right to not like gays.

Oh and you act as though liberals are such great intellectuals like say ....Obama... saying corpse man instead of corpsman, saying he's been to 57 states with one more to go, saying on Memorial Day the he sees many of them(servicemen) in the audience and the list goes on.......Yea, he's a real smart guy!!

Not to mention Hank "Guam is going to capsize" Johnson, Sheila "I stand here a freed slave" Jackson, Al "I created the internet" Gore, Nancy "500 million Americans will lose jobs" Pelosi.. and I could go on and on.....

Your crazy attitude is epidemic on the far right, and it jeopardizes national victories for the GOP.

Americans, as a whole, don't like stupid from you guys.

Why do liberals like yourself worry about the GOP?

Go back to defending Obama and let the adults discuss the important issues.
There is a reason the GOP is known as the anti-intellectual party and it isn't because they aren't dumbing themselves down. I mean, we're talking about a group of people that booed a gay soldier during one of their debates and not one of the candidates for president that were on stage said anything about it.

Liberals are known liars. As you have just shown. Two people doesn't quite make a group.

The candidates did not correct the troll audience.

That's not their job idiot!!
Leading GOP Presidential Contenders for 2016

1. Putin
2. Cruz
3. Paul
4. West

Gunna be tough to beat
Liberals are all in a tizzy because Putin turned out to be a better President than obama. It's drives them crazy.
Liberals are all in a tizzy because Putin turned out to be a better President than obama. It's drives them crazy.

That is why he is the leading Republican contender in 2016

Putin can see Alaska from his house

and we will welcome him with open arms and he shall be president of merka.
Iam hearing rumors we may have a "Putin/Palin" ticket in the making, something to do with Alaska seeing Russia.

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