Are We Getting Jerked Around?


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.

What do you think? Are we being played? Even after 9/11, I did not fear Muslims in America. I still don't....but I am trying to understand those who do.
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I assume you meant that in an affectionate manner, Tom Clancy. My question is, do you think politicians are dwelling on fears and anxieties to manipulate us?
I assume you meant that in an affectionate manner, Tom Clancy. My question is, do you think politicians are dwelling on fears and anxieties to manipulate us?

Of course they are. They always have and always will.

There is no better justification for more government than protecting the public from the "enemy"

Haven't you ever wondered why the U.S. has been engaged in one war or another for most of the past century. What would politicians do if we actually had a protracted period of peace?
That comic caricature with no basis in reality is not very persuasive.

But then what do you expect when you get caught up into these false right/left dichotemies.

Can we just adress the real problems? If muslims want to impose sharia law, im not supporting it, but we have more immediate problems such as the fact that we are spending trillions of dollars we don't have and that the people are becoming less and less self sufficient.
Can you just say "mebbe" for me, please?

It comforts me in some uber fucked up manor to see it on the screen in blue. Yepp, I am weird.


What do you think? Are we being played? Even after 9/11, I did not fear Muslims in America. I still don't....but I am trying to understand those who do.

I dont think anyone fears them Madeline, but more people are coming to understand them better.

That is a big difference then fear.
You moonbat.

I'm off topic here but your worship of those 2 RB's from Carolina is just too much! I have both on my fantasy football team and they have done nothing, nothing all year. I would be ashamed to be posting with them affixed to my posts.
That comic caricature with no basis in reality is not very persuasive.
....And, it helps to stick-your-head-in-the-sand, when "Frig" Newton shows-up.....

[ame=]YouTube - Newt Gingrich Is Officially Insane[/ame]

You moonbat.

I'm off topic here but your worship of those 2 RB's from Carolina is just too much! I have both on my fantasy football team and they have done nothing, nothing all year. I would be ashamed to be posting with them affixed to my posts.
"Good offenses sell tickets. Good defenses WIN GAMES." - Joe Paterno​

[ame=]YouTube - Steelers-Killer Hits !![/ame]

Prior to 9/11, I didn't think of Muslims and make the connection of 'terrorism.' I did with bin Laden and his group, but that is a very different case. I do not fear Muslims, actually live in an area with a fairly heavy presence of Muslims, no problems.

However as I believe syrenn wrote, I do have more information regarding Muslim attitudes on general issues thanks to polling done since. I've known about the bare bones of Islam for over 40 years, the 5 pillars, the story of Muhammed, etc., but now understand Sharia better, along with Quran, Hadith and traditional proverbs. I find that I am more aware of the possibility of 'homegrown terrorists' coming from different psychological place than the OKC bomber and his ilk:

Power Line - The Anatomy of Evil

The Anatomy of Evil
September 29, 2010 Posted by John at 8:58 PM

I think it is safe to say that the number one evil in the world today is Islamic extremism. Today we got a glimpse into that world, courtesy of Faisal Shahzad. Do you remember him? He is the home-grown terrorist who tried to blow up a Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square. He failed, fortunately, like several of his brethren over the last year or two, and therefore faded from memory.

But he is about to be sentenced for the crimes to which he has enthusiastically pled guilty. Earlier today, the federal prosecutors filed their memorandum in support of the government's recommendation of a sentence of life imprisonment. You can read the whole thing here. The prosecutors made several excellent points. First, it is easy to ridicule a terrorist whose plan goes awry, but Shahzad's attempt was no joke. The government carried out a reconstruction of Shahzad's crime in which his detonators worked: "[T]he controlled detonation conducted by the JTTF demonstrated that those effects would have been devastating to the surrounding area." Nearby vehicles would have been blown up, and dozens of pedestrians would have been killed. Shahzad planned his attack to maximize pedestrian casualties, since it is easier to kill people on foot than in cars.

Second, Shahzad is a typical terrorist in that he is intelligent, well-educated, and economically secure. Those who blindly assume that poverty is the cause of terrorism aren't paying attention:...
Prior to 9/11, I didn't think of Muslims and make the connection of 'terrorism.' I did with bin Laden and his group, but that is a very different case. I do not fear Muslims, actually live in an area with a fairly heavy presence of Muslims, no problems.

However as I believe syrenn wrote, I do have more information regarding Muslim attitudes on general issues thanks to polling done since. I've known about the bare bones of Islam for over 40 years, the 5 pillars, the story of Muhammed, etc., but now understand Sharia better, along with Quran, Hadith and traditional proverbs. I find that I am more aware of the possibility of 'homegrown terrorists' coming from different psychological place than the OKC bomber and his ilk:

Power Line - The Anatomy of Evil

The Anatomy of Evil
September 29, 2010 Posted by John at 8:58 PM

I think it is safe to say that the number one evil in the world today is Islamic extremism. Today we got a glimpse into that world, courtesy of Faisal Shahzad. Do you remember him? He is the home-grown terrorist who tried to blow up a Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square. He failed, fortunately, like several of his brethren over the last year or two, and therefore faded from memory.

But he is about to be sentenced for the crimes to which he has enthusiastically pled guilty. Earlier today, the federal prosecutors filed their memorandum in support of the government's recommendation of a sentence of life imprisonment. You can read the whole thing here. The prosecutors made several excellent points. First, it is easy to ridicule a terrorist whose plan goes awry, but Shahzad's attempt was no joke. The government carried out a reconstruction of Shahzad's crime in which his detonators worked: "[T]he controlled detonation conducted by the JTTF demonstrated that those effects would have been devastating to the surrounding area." Nearby vehicles would have been blown up, and dozens of pedestrians would have been killed. Shahzad planned his attack to maximize pedestrian casualties, since it is easier to kill people on foot than in cars.

Second, Shahzad is a typical terrorist in that he is intelligent, well-educated, and economically secure. Those who blindly assume that poverty is the cause of terrorism aren't paying attention:...

I think the problem is that some people do not desire to learn, it is too easy to hate. How many times have you talked to people and they have closed minds. They have set their mind and nothing can change it. A lot of people will not take the time to understand another culture or religion, they get their education on CNN or from general conversation without doing any research. Some of the individuals here on this board are the same way, no research but plenty of hot air. When you take the time to get to know and understand people of different cultures, hatred is harder to generate.

What do you think? Are we being played? Even after 9/11, I did not fear Muslims in America. I still don't....but I am trying to understand those who do.

Fear is the primary political tool of the right wing.
The right is going to take away your social security, and throw grandma and grandpa in the street.

The right is going to take away your job and ship it overseas leaving you to starve.

The right is going to take away Roe v. Wade tomorrow and make your daughters have to carry that unviable tissue mass to term then abandon it into foster care.

The right is going to poison your drinking water and make you eat frankenfoods.

The right is going to burn black churches.

The right is going to lynch minorities and bring back slavery.

The right is going to bomb countries with brown people in them after falsely claiming they're a threat even though we deserved to be attacked first.

The right wants to unjustly execute falsely convicted innocents.

The right wants to keep your children stupid and in the street by closing their schools.

The want your children to starve in the gutter.

The right wants you to get sick and die by taking away your access to healthcare.

The right wants you helpless against corporations and keep all the money for the rich.


Who's the fear monger? Everyone's heard this drumbeat before.
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What do you think? Are we being played? Even after 9/11, I did not fear Muslims in America. I still don't....but I am trying to understand those who do.

Fear is the primary political tool of the right wing.
The right is going to take away your social security.

The right is going to take away your job and ship it overseas.

The right is going to take away Roe v. Wade tomorrow.

The right is going to poison your drinking water.

The right is going to burn black churches.

The right is going to lynch minorities.

The right is going to bomb countries with brown people in them.

The right wants to unjustly execute falsely convicted innocents.

The right wants to keep your children stupid and in the street.

The want your children to starve in the gutter.

The right wants you to get cancer and die.

The right wants you helpless against corporations.


Who's the fear monger? Everyone's heard this drumbeat before.

but all of those are true ;)

Fear is not the Primary political tool of the left like it is for the right.
Orange ALERT!
Fear is the primary political tool of the right wing.
The right is going to take away your social security.

The right is going to take away your job and ship it overseas.

The right is going to take away Roe v. Wade tomorrow.

The right is going to poison your drinking water.

The right is going to burn black churches.

The right is going to lynch minorities.

The right is going to bomb countries with brown people in them.

The right wants to unjustly execute falsely convicted innocents.

The right wants to keep your children stupid and in the street.

The want your children to starve in the gutter.

The right wants you to get cancer and die.

The right wants you helpless against corporations.


Who's the fear monger? Everyone's heard this drumbeat before.

but all of those are true ;)

Fear is not the Primary political tool of the left like it is for the right.
Orange ALERT!
Riiiight Moonbat. :razz: ;)

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