Are we headed for planed Martial Law?

Feb 18, 2011
With many states in financial crisis due to excessive social program and employee expenses forcing the Executive and Legislative branches of local governments to make drastic cuts. The Unions and Progressive groups making plans for nationwide protests that are getting extremely aggressive and disrupting the legal process of lawmaking. The Democrat law makers are ducking out of their responsibilities to make law. Our President sending his campaign team to support and organize the protestors. All of the afore mentioned points seem to point to a planned effort to break the normal rules of governance to pave the way to declare a national state of emergency and institute martial law.

Remember... Martial law is the only way the 2012 elections could be stopped.. Hate to say it but with Obama.... I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility.
So now it comes down to blaming the economic debacle cooked up by a Republican Administration that thought it could fight two wars off the books, and lower taxes at the same time, on our teachers. Who next? Anyone that belongs to a Union? That too, seems in the works.
I don't think the man has the stomach for it. Take the recent events into consideration and then look at him and Hillery on the news when they make comments on them. They look incompetent and as if they don't know what to do. I feel we are in more danger from the union rats rioting in the streets with out any motivation from there sugar daddy. I feel Trumka or what ever that vermins name is is more of a threat then Obamma.
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So now it comes down to blaming the economic debacle cooked up by a Republican Administration that thought it could fight two wars off the books, and lower taxes at the same time, on our teachers. Who next? Anyone that belongs to a Union? That too, seems in the works.

No. It comes down with being honest and realizing that government at all levels is spending way too much.

Oh wait, that would require you to stop being a partisan hack.
It seems, what we have here, is a failure to communicate.

Let me see if I can help straighten it out a little.





Hope that helps.
So now it comes down to blaming the economic debacle cooked up by a Republican Administration that thought it could fight two wars off the books, and lower taxes at the same time, on our teachers. Who next? Anyone that belongs to a Union? That too, seems in the works.

No. It comes down with being honest and realizing that government at all levels is spending way too much.

Oh wait, that would require you to stop being a partisan hack.

they went from spending to much for eight years, and then way to much for two more. Its not a Republican or Democrat problem its that its the same old Republican and Democrat's that have been in power for way to long and have gotten fat and greedy problem. Until they are gone it wont change.
Are we headed for planed Martial Law ?

Yes... but the Masses will spread the shit on toast and eat it willingly...cuz its keppin em safe from terrorism
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Ordinarily a post like this would be easily classified as some "tinfoil hatter" conspiracy theory, and so far some brilliantly thoughtless people have attempted just that. And while I don't think martial law is likely, unlike every other US president (some of whom the libs have invented astounding fairy tales, such as Bush and Cheney arranging for the destruction of the world trade center!) I'm sorry to say that at least the attempt at martial law is a very real possibility with Obama, and one that we have to watch with some concern.

The reason I say that is Obama's background. Obama's friend Bill Ayres is an admitted communist/terrorist (he later recanted the terrorism part, but who cares, he's so busted on this it isn't funny) and would be serving the same term as his wife Bernadine Dorn for the same crime, bombing police stations, had it not been for a bungled prosecution. Ayres was a terrorist and refuses to repent.

Here's Ayres's wife Dorn, also a friend of obamas (libs will desperately deny and spin this, but facts are facts and Obama was friends with these people and has admitted it) making a declaration of war as reported on the CBS news of 1970:

Ayres thinks all that was fine....

Obama so disliked America that he refused to salute the flag until political necessity drove him to do so (does he hate America or is he just as clueless as a 2-year-old in traffic? You decide. Epic president-material fail either way).

Famously Michelle Obama - take this in context with Ayres and the flag incident - said she was not proud of her country - apparently ever - until she became poised to become the First Lady of the United States as Obama was poised to become President. She said it not once, but twice at two different speeches, so we must assume she meant it, despite trying to backtrack later (the liar):

Then there is Jeremiah Wright, in whose church Obama sat for 20 years until political necessity drove Obama out, at which point he threw Wright politically under the bus:

And this of course, among other blatant admissions of Marxist activism, from Dreams From My Father, read by Obama himself

As far as ObamaCare, eventual President Ronald Reagan (who won re-election by historic numbers) predicted precisely Obamacare - sometime around the late 1950's early 1960's, An unbelievably relevant audio from decades past:

So will Obama behave like a mature adult - though he continues to fight lawsuits to keep from having to disclose his citizenship records - or will he follow a pattern he - and his wife who only recently was ever proud of America - have followed seemingly until today: radical, Ayres/Wright/Michelle style philosophy, because if the latter, then martial law is not impossible. It's unlikely because Americans are very used to freedom, but he's been brainwashed since his youth, as his parents were also Marxist and he grew up in socialist Indonesia, and socialists and communists have no trouble at all with martial law.

It's only a somewhat worrisome concern, but it's absolutely, positively a concern nevertheless. if you don't think so, re-watch the first few videos.

And now on with the infuriated and/or casually superior-minded dismissive liberal rebuttals meant to demean the issue out-of-hand, and don't forget the endless minutia-spinners, of course, heedless of the evidence of a very clear anti-American pro-Marxist pattern of past behavior and association by Obama which is entirely irrefutable.
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Ordinarily a post like this would be easily classified as some "tinfoil hatter" conspiracy theory, and so far some brilliantly thoughtless people have attempted just that. And while I don't think martial law is likely, unlike every other US president (some of whom the libs have invented astounding fairy tales, such as Bush and Cheney arranging for the destruction of the world trade center!) I'm sorry to say that at least the attempt at martial law is a very real possibility with Obama, and one that we have to watch with some concern.

The reason I say that is Obama's background. Obama's friend Bill Ayres is an admitted communist/terrorist (he later recanted the terrorism part, but who cares, he's so busted on this it isn't funny) and would be serving the same term as his wife Bernadine Dorn for the same crime, bombing police stations, had it not been for a bungled prosecution. Ayres was a terrorist and refuses to repent.

Here's Ayres's wife Dorn, also a friend of obamas (libs will desperately deny and spin this, but facts are facts and Obama was friends with these people and has admitted it) making a declaration of war as reported on the CBS news of 1970:

Obama so disliked America that he refused to salute the flag until political necessity drove him to do so (does he hate America or is he just as clueless as a 2-year-old in traffic? You decide. Epic president-material fail either way).

Famously Michelle Obama - take this in context with Ayres and the flag incident - said she was not proud of her country - apparently ever - until she became poised to become the First Lady of the United States as Obama was poised to become President. She said it not once, but twice at two different speeches, so we must assume she meant it, despite trying to backtrack later (the liar):

Then there is Jeremiah Wright, in whose church Obama sat for 20 years until political necessity drove Obama out, at which point he threw Wright politically under the bus:

And this of course, among other blatant admissions of Marxist activism, from Dreams From My Father, read by Obama himself

As far as ObamaCare, eventual President Ronald Reagan (who won re-election by historic numbers) predicted precisely Obamacare - sometime around the late 1950's early 1960's, An unbelievably relevant audio from decades past:

So will Obama behave like a mature adult - though he continues to fight lawsuits to keep from having to disclose his citizenship records - or will he follow a pattern he - and his wife who only recently was ever proud of America - have followed seemingly until today: radical, Ayres/Wright/Michelle style philosophy, because if the latter, then martial law is not impossible. It's unlikely because Americans are very used to freedom, but he's been brainwashed since his youth, as his parents were also Marxist and he grew up in socialist Indonesia, and socialists and communists have no trouble at all with martial law.

It's only a somewhat worrisome concern, but it's absolutely, positively a concern nevertheless. if you don't think so, re-watch the first few videos.

And now on with the infuriated and/or casually superior-minded dismissive liberal rebuttals meant to demean the issue out-of-hand, and don't forget the endless minutia-spinners, of course, heedless of the evidence of a very clear anti-American pro-Marxist pattern of past behavior and association by Obama which is entirely irrefutable.

I was in LA in 1992 and have seen riots. The police and national guard takes credit for calming that mess down, but in realty they just sat and watched. the morons who were doing the rioting ran out of shit to burn and steal and that's what ended the riots. For starters I can say as a ten year veteran of our armed forces, if martial law were declared it would not last long. Obama is not popular among those in the armed forces (i was in during Clinton/Bush) And if martial law were declared, I just don't think it would go Obama's way. At some point, they would tell him to go to hell. I am more concerned about the union folks. The S.C.I.U. has proven that they will resort to strong arm tactics and violence back when they beat up that tea party guy. They also see there power slipping and like any type of vermin they are most dangerous when they are wounded.
So now it comes down to blaming the economic debacle cooked up by a Republican Administration that thought it could fight two wars off the books, and lower taxes at the same time, on our teachers. Who next? Anyone that belongs to a Union? That too, seems in the works.

No. It comes down with being honest and realizing that government at all levels is spending way too much.

Oh wait, that would require you to stop being a partisan hack.

they went from spending to much for eight years, and then way to much for two more. Its not a Republican or Democrat problem its that its the same old Republican and Democrat's that have been in power for way to long and have gotten fat and greedy problem. Until they are gone it wont change.
You certainly understand reality.
Were you born in Tejas ?
it seems, what we have here, is a failure to communicate.

Let me see if i can help straighten it out a little.





Hope that helps.

you heard the whore

she want's to be left alone

Listen. I might disagree with her, but she is not a whore. She doesn't deserve to be called that. Seriously you just crossed a line.

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