Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Can anyone on this Board right now, remember a time when our Nation wasn't involved in some sort of military action? Curious to see what you all think. Thanks.
I am still only 28, so I can obviously say no. And based on our most recent and current politicians we have to choose from I don't see that ending anytime soon. One thing Republicans and Democrats can always come together on is sending young men into harms way for their special interests.
We used to have clear objectives when we used military force, and only responded in self-defense, or to protect our own interests. Now, we have presidents like Clinton and Obama who use military force selectively to serve their political agendas.
Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

the answer is emphatically no - without the A-Bomb there would not have been a break in the real World Wars ... and that threat continues to sustain a period or relative peace.
We used to have clear objectives when we used military force, and only responded in self-defense, or to protect our own interests. Now, we have presidents like Clinton and Obama who use military force selectively to serve their political agendas.

Nice how you select only our most recent Democratic Presidents. God knows both Bushes and Reagan never started wars to serve their own political agendas. :cuckoo: The truth is that since WW2 almost every President we have had has started wars based on political agendas. It is ignorant and short sighted to blame a single party.
Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

the answer is emphatically no - without the A-Bomb there would not have been a break in the real World Wars ... and that threat continues to sustain a period or relative peace.

Sorry, but i haven't seen the 'Peace' you speak of. We've been off around the World bombing & killing since WWII.
I believe Jimmy Carter was the last U.S. President that dared to keep the county out of foreign wars--and you saw what they did to him.

The political/economic structure of this country is entirely dependent upon warfare. Without a war, it lacks cohesion and citizens would begin installing economic and political systems more similar to the European social democracies.

We are essentially a fascist-style government.
Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

the answer is emphatically no - without the A-Bomb there would not have been a break in the real World Wars ... and that threat continues to sustain a period or relative peace.

Sorry, but i haven't seen the 'Peace' you speak of. We've been off around the World bombing & killing since WWII.

Who were we bombing and killing from April '75 to August '90?
How else are we supposed to keep the Military Industrial Economy going? You guys wanna' keep yer jobs right? Well this is how we do it here in the U, S of A!

"Why don't you get with the team and come on in for the Big Win?"

[ame=]Full Metal Jacket Peace - YouTube[/ame]
The war on terrorism will never end as long as liberal (kiss their ass) Democrats have political power.
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Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

the answer is emphatically no - without the A-Bomb there would not have been a break in the real World Wars ... and that threat continues to sustain a period or relative peace.

Sorry, but i haven't seen the 'Peace' you speak of. We've been off around the World bombing & killing since WWII.

Every now and then you have a moment of lucidity.
The USA has not been in a declared war since WWII that ended in 1945. Probably the longest period of 'official' peace was from the end of the Civil War 1865 to the beginning the Spanish American war 1898 and then to WWI that we entered in 1914.

But the concept itself is tough because the definition of peace is not ncessarily the absence of war. Some would say Bill Clinton presided over a period of peace but that is only if you don't count the Kosovo/Serbian conflict or bombing Iraq at intervals during the sanctions period or targeting Yemen and other places due to terrorist activities or attacks on the USA at the World Trade Center, the U.S. Cole, et al.

And even if we were not in conflict with another foreign power, there have been border skirmishes at times and with various American Indian groups.

The Bible speaks of there always being wars and rumors of wars and that may in fact be prophetic.

I go around and around on some of Ron Paul's proposals but he is right about one thing. If we don't want to be at perpetual war, we need a Constitutional amendment that we cannot commit our military to any conflict or peace keeping mission on foreign soil without a declaration of war by Congress.

Would any of us agree to that?
The war on terrorism will never end as long as liberal (kiss their ass) Democrats have political power.

I can't agree with you on this one. Perpetual War has been perpetuated by both Political Parties for several decades. I'll agree with you when or if i see real change in the Republican Party. If they boot the phony Conservative Neocons, you could be proven right.
yes, just because we don't declare war, doesn't mean we are not at war. we fight wars differently we have had lulls, periods of less activity and fewer American casualties, but we've still been at war
So again. Would any of us agree to a constitutional amendment that our military could not be deployed on foreign soil for any peace keeping or military action without a congressional declaration of war?
How else are we supposed to keep the Military Industrial Economy going? You guys wanna' keep yer jobs right? Well this is how we do it here in the U, S of A!

"Why don't you get with the team and come on in for the Big Win?"

Full Metal Jacket Peace - YouTube

very true, the military is a huge part of our economy. it keeps the unemployment numbers down. there is a huge amount of profit to be made off of it. besides the direct profits made from military spending, there are also the profits derived from activities we use our military to protect.
Are We In A Perpetual State Of War?

the answer is emphatically no - without the A-Bomb there would not have been a break in the real World Wars ... and that threat continues to sustain a period or relative peace.

Sorry, but i haven't seen the 'Peace' you speak of. We've been off around the World bombing & killing since WWII.

Every now and then you have a moment of lucidity.

I accept snotty back-handed compliments too. ;)
Can anyone on this Board right now, remember a time when our Nation wasn't involved in some sort of military action? Curious to see what you all think. Thanks.

Right now the U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … and those are the ones they will admit to, Plus Many More Covert Wars they will not admit too.
Have to keep the Military Industrial Complex fed, and it is one hungry monster.
U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars ? And Many More Covert Wars | Global Research

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