Are We Living George Orwell's '1984?' It Sure looks Like It...

Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?

Pretty close. Obama approached Big Brother-style idol worship among some Democrat factions. Now those same factions are having "Two Minutes Hate" every morning on their media broadcasts.

"Nineteen-Eighty Four" should be required reading in 6th grade.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you to do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

With all due respect just because you don't "think" they aren't doesn't mean they aren't. They suck up every post, every tweet, every email, every phone call. They've built facilities to store all of this and it just isn't us, it's world wide.

even if they suck up every post, tweet, etc., I don't think they have the people to read all that stuff that goes to storage.

Computers data crunch it for codes and applicable words. Plutonium for example will get this post read
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you to do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

With all due respect just because you don't "think" they aren't doesn't mean they aren't. They suck up every post, every tweet, every email, every phone call. They've built facilities to store all of this and it just isn't us, it's world wide.

even if they suck up every post, tweet, etc., I don't think they have the people to read all that stuff that goes to storage.

Have you heard of a "Boolean Search"?

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you to do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

With all due respect just because you don't "think" they aren't doesn't mean they aren't. They suck up every post, every tweet, every email, every phone call. They've built facilities to store all of this and it just isn't us, it's world wide.

even if they suck up every post, tweet, etc., I don't think they have the people to read all that stuff that goes to storage.

They don't, and the truth is that it is counterproductive because it buries the analysts in useless data and forces them into a defense posture, meaning that they are always trying to catch up. But the fact remains, the info is there and they have it.

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
The purpose of smart TV's is partly so they can play us the programming that they choose.

Can the ASPCA really afford 20 minute ads that show dogs being abused?

Have you seen that one? and had your remote not work so you can't change it?

Ask Comcast about that?
I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

With all due respect just because you don't "think" they aren't doesn't mean they aren't. They suck up every post, every tweet, every email, every phone call. They've built facilities to store all of this and it just isn't us, it's world wide.

even if they suck up every post, tweet, etc., I don't think they have the people to read all that stuff that goes to storage.

They don't, and the truth is that it is counterproductive because it buries the analysts in useless data and forces them into a defense posture, meaning that they are always trying to catch up. But the fact remains, the info is there and they have it.

When any law enforcement gets a tip, they already have the suspects entire past recorded
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
Orwell was a Targeted Individual. He was living in it back then.

One only has to observe the gay community to see the separation of the sexes(or university for that matter). It's not done for traditional reasons as it was once in school, but for reasons of voyeurism and control.

Gay people are vicious towards a gay man who shows interest in a lesbian. Shock horror!

I have no doubt this will get as bad as "1984". A progressive control freaks perfect world would be men and women sharing the wrong stuff like battle and toilets, but not sharing the good stuff like romance, loyalty, family. And those who deviate from it being tortured for months on end like in the book.

Why? Because progressive control freaks are perverts. No fucken other reason.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
I don't think there's a nationwide (or western world) coordinated movement to curtail what facts we have access to. Before Assange became a Putin stooge, his schtick was that there was some curtailment of information, but imo it's more a self-imposed containment. Some stuff we don't want to hear or really just don't care about.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you to do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

Wars that never end, and rapidly expanding Government surveillance on Citizens? Sounds like Orwell did nail it.
The thing is that Orwell could not imagine the internet or digital communications or even DNA storage that could store the entire library of Congress on part of a small thumb drive, with the rest of the drive containing every phone call and email

They live and they are watching
Yes it will be worse. The only way I would recommend having children is if you have them in secret, off grid of off grid of off grid.

Personally I'm going to adopt.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
Orwell was a Targeted Individual. He was living in it back then.

One only has to observe the gay community to see the separation of the sexes(or university for that matter). It's not done for traditional reasons as it was once in school, but for reasons of voyeurism and control.

Gay people are vicious towards a gay man who shows interest in a lesbian. Shock horror!

I have no doubt this will get as bad as "1984". A progressive control freaks perfect world would be men and women sharing the wrong stuff like battle and toilets, but not sharing the good stuff like romance, loyalty, family. And those who deviate from it being tortured for months on end like in the book.

Why? Because progressive control freaks are perverts. No fucken other reason.

Nope. It's a false choice.

"Hegelian dialectic
an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which an assertable proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by its apparent contradiction (antithesis), and both reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis). Also called Hegelian triad."

It's all designed to keep us at each others throats.
I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

Wars that never end, and rapidly expanding Government surveillance on Citizens? Sounds like Orwell did nail it.
The thing is that Orwell could not imagine the internet or digital communications or even DNA storage that could store the entire library of Congress on part of a small thumb drive, with the rest of the drive containing every phone call and email

They live and they are watching
Yes it will be worse. The only way I would recommend having children is if you have them in secret, off grid of off grid of off grid.

Personally I'm going to adopt.

They pay a lot more attention to off grid people

Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
Orwell was a Targeted Individual. He was living in it back then.

One only has to observe the gay community to see the separation of the sexes(or university for that matter). It's not done for traditional reasons as it was once in school, but for reasons of voyeurism and control.

Gay people are vicious towards a gay man who shows interest in a lesbian. Shock horror!

I have no doubt this will get as bad as "1984". A progressive control freaks perfect world would be men and women sharing the wrong stuff like battle and toilets, but not sharing the good stuff like romance, loyalty, family. And those who deviate from it being tortured for months on end like in the book.

Why? Because progressive control freaks are perverts. No fucken other reason.

Nope. It's a false choice.

"Hegelian dialectic
an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which an assertable proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by its apparent contradiction (antithesis), and both reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis). Also called Hegelian triad."

It's all designed to keep us at each others throats.
I'm not saying it will be exactly how I described but it will be.
I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

Wars that never end, and rapidly expanding Government surveillance on Citizens? Sounds like Orwell did nail it.
The thing is that Orwell could not imagine the internet or digital communications or even DNA storage that could store the entire library of Congress on part of a small thumb drive, with the rest of the drive containing every phone call and email

They live and they are watching
Yes it will be worse. The only way I would recommend having children is if you have them in secret, off grid of off grid of off grid.

Personally I'm going to adopt.

They pay a lot more attention to off grid people

Ah lost in the crowd huh?

I did say off grid of off grid.

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