Are We Living George Orwell's '1984?' It Sure looks Like It...


I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"

Multicultural and diversity training, and the absolute public acceptance ( by the individual) of what is taught enforced by the loss of employment/business.

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"

New Laws Set to Turn California Schools into Gay Indoctrination Centers - Research - Chalcedon

"America’s biggest teachers’ union, recommended that support for “gay marriage” be a requirement for receiving a teaching certificate. Now California has charted a course for the schools to sponsor the homosexual agenda, actively and openly."
I read your article. They're exaggerating and so are you.
Anti-discrimination laws are already the law of the land and tolerance curriculum is fine. A "tolerance" curriculum is not a curriculum to promote homosexuality; it is to prevent homosexual kids from being bullied to death (sometimes literally).

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"

New Laws Set to Turn California Schools into Gay Indoctrination Centers - Research - Chalcedon

"America’s biggest teachers’ union, recommended that support for “gay marriage” be a requirement for receiving a teaching certificate. Now California has charted a course for the schools to sponsor the homosexual agenda, actively and openly."
I read your article. They're exaggerating and so are you.
Anti-discrimination laws are already the law of the land and tolerance curriculum is fine. A "tolerance" curriculum is not a curriculum to promote homosexuality; it is to prevent homosexual kids from being bullied to death (sometimes literally).

They do not teach tolerance, but forced acceptance under threat of punishment. It absolutely promotes the product.

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"

New Laws Set to Turn California Schools into Gay Indoctrination Centers - Research - Chalcedon

"America’s biggest teachers’ union, recommended that support for “gay marriage” be a requirement for receiving a teaching certificate. Now California has charted a course for the schools to sponsor the homosexual agenda, actively and openly."
I read your article. They're exaggerating and so are you.
Anti-discrimination laws are already the law of the land and tolerance curriculum is fine. A "tolerance" curriculum is not a curriculum to promote homosexuality; it is to prevent homosexual kids from being bullied to death (sometimes literally).

They do not teach tolerance, but forced acceptance under threat of punishment. It absolutely promotes the product.
Bully any kid I know about being homosexual and I'll punish you, too.

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"

New Laws Set to Turn California Schools into Gay Indoctrination Centers - Research - Chalcedon

"America’s biggest teachers’ union, recommended that support for “gay marriage” be a requirement for receiving a teaching certificate. Now California has charted a course for the schools to sponsor the homosexual agenda, actively and openly."
I read your article. They're exaggerating and so are you.
Anti-discrimination laws are already the law of the land and tolerance curriculum is fine. A "tolerance" curriculum is not a curriculum to promote homosexuality; it is to prevent homosexual kids from being bullied to death (sometimes literally).

They do not teach tolerance, but forced acceptance under threat of punishment. It absolutely promotes the product.
Bully any kid I know about being homosexual and I'll punish you, too.

I've never bullied anyone. Neither was I ever bullied into accepting association with something for which I believed I had a right of refusal.

It has nothing to do with "tolerance". It has to do with behavior modification.
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Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
IMHO There are some disturbing similarities between Orwell's "1984" and what the state has transformed into both in the U.S. and around the globe, as you pointed out state surveillance of the citizenry and a continuous state of warfare are good examples, even more disturbing is that vast swaths of the citizenry not only accept the massive infringements on the liberty and property of the citizenry by the state they actually cheer it on.

Orwell was spot on regarding the nature of socialism and the evolutionary path of the state once the apathy and ignorance of the citizenry allows "the elite" and their attendant apparatchik central planners to run amok as did other authors of the same era specifically Hayek and Rand. Statism is a disease and the United States and Western Europe have become so infected with it that the afflicted cannot even see that they're actively participating in destroying their own liberty in the service of their politician masters unending thirst for power.

"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power." -- George Orwell, 1984
The Endless War thing is so insane. They bait you into thinking that just one more big battle, and the war will be won. But of course that never happens. There's never a 'Win.' The Wars just go on & on.

A good example is Iraq. Even when ISIS is defeated, we're not leaving. There's just gonna be another 'ISIS.' And another, and another, and another...

It really is '1984.'
We've known for 60 years that our economy couldn't take a hit like buttoning up our war machine. And the fragile state of the economy right now--where would discharged military personnel go? Unemployment lines. All the people making tanks and guns? They'd be laid off, too. We can't do it.

Have you read '1984?' If you haven't, you really should. Big Brother always presents the illusion that the wars will be won. But in reality, there is no 'Victory.' The agenda is to have them go on & on. When ISIS is gone in Iraq, there's gonna be another 'ISIS.' There will always be a new Boogeyman to justify Big Brother's Permanent War. It's so depressing.
Most of American's minds are simply closed to anything that upsets their world.
The Endless War thing is so insane. They bait you into thinking that just one more big battle, and the war will be won. But of course that never happens. There's never a 'Win.' The Wars just go on & on.

A good example is Iraq. Even when ISIS is defeated, we're not leaving. There's just gonna be another 'ISIS.' And another, and another, and another...

It really is '1984.'
In 1984 the question was, if there was a war at all. There was news of war. The state controlled media was full of war, but was there really a war?

Today we have something 1984 didn't have. We have Brave New World. The population can be more easily controlled if they are in a peaceful dreamy state by drugs.
The Endless War thing is so insane. They bait you into thinking that just one more big battle, and the war will be won. But of course that never happens. There's never a 'Win.' The Wars just go on & on.

A good example is Iraq. Even when ISIS is defeated, we're not leaving. There's just gonna be another 'ISIS.' And another, and another, and another...

It really is '1984.'
In 1984 the question was, if there was a war at all. There was news of war. The state controlled media was full of war, but was there really a war?

Today we have something 1984 didn't have. We have Brave New World. The population can be more easily controlled if they are in a peaceful dreamy state by drugs.

Great observation. Yeah, the populace is hooked on drugs. That's obvious. The US especially, consumes most of the world's illegal and legal drugs. They're 'Zombified.'

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