Are We Living George Orwell's '1984?' It Sure looks Like It...

The Endless War thing is so insane. They bait you into thinking that just one more big battle, and the war will be won. But of course that never happens. There's never a 'Win.' The Wars just go on & on.

A good example is Iraq. Even when ISIS is defeated, we're not leaving. There's just gonna be another 'ISIS.' And another, and another, and another...

It really is '1984.'
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?

To hear the left wing media report it, it's all lies that Obama's government spied on Trump

Yup 1984 nothing to see here.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?

To hear the left wing media report it, it's all lies that Obama's government spied on Trump

Yup 1984 nothing to see here.
The Obama government does not believe that they spied on Trump, as they did to him what they do to everyone so in their minds, no biggie here
Suspicion grows deep, into your mind it will creep.
This from a self professed gangstalker. You said on usmb, that if someone disagrees with you they should have every aspect of privacy taken from them. You said it.
Prove it. :lol:

But it makes sense to me, if I were the Emperor of Everything.
Jake, no one has to prove anything to you
You do because you are so often wrong.

And many of us so enjoy pointing out just how screwed up are you.
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?

To hear the left wing media report it, it's all lies that Obama's government spied on Trump

Yup 1984 nothing to see here.
The Obama government does not believe that they spied on Trump, as they did to him what they do to everyone so in their minds, no biggie here
Peeping toms and stalkers always cry innocent.
Suspicion grows deep, into your mind it will creep.
This from a self professed gangstalker. You said on usmb, that if someone disagrees with you they should have every aspect of privacy taken from them. You said it.
Prove it. :lol:

But it makes sense to me, if I were the Emperor of Everything.
Jake, no one has to prove anything to you
You do because you are so often wrong.

And many of us so enjoy pointing out just how screwed up are you.
Jake please point to your medication, and take the recommended dose
Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?
Doublespeak will never occur in our lifetimes.

Massive domestic surveillance on Citizens, and Permanent War? If you haven't read Orwell's '1984', i strongly urge you do so. The man was incredibly brilliant. What are your thoughts?

What about Robert Ludlum? He alludes to or lays it all out in almost all his books.

I think I've read all of them. :eek:
Suspicion grows deep, into your mind it will creep.
This from a self professed gangstalker. You said on usmb, that if someone disagrees with you they should have every aspect of privacy taken from them. You said it.
Prove it. :lol:

But it makes sense to me, if I were the Emperor of Everything.
Jake, no one has to prove anything to you
You do because you are so often wrong.

And many of us so enjoy pointing out just how screwed up are you.
Jake please point to your medication, and take the recommended dose
As you ^^^ just pointed out: you are loopy, proof positive.
This from a self professed gangstalker. You said on usmb, that if someone disagrees with you they should have every aspect of privacy taken from them. You said it.
Prove it. :lol:

But it makes sense to me, if I were the Emperor of Everything.
Jake, no one has to prove anything to you
You do because you are so often wrong.

And many of us so enjoy pointing out just how screwed up are you.
Jake please point to your medication, and take the recommended dose
As you ^^^ just pointed out: you are loopy, proof positive.
Try this Jake

I had to read it too many times in school. I think some of his points were good, but quite obviously the government can't control anything, including itself, so the thing that has saved humankind in every nasty situation so far has happened once again: human fallibility.

I don't know, this massive surveillance and Permanent War stuff really does look like what he described. Pretty disturbing.
The Permanent War stuff, I agree it seems that way. The massive surveillance stuff though? No one is being arrested or tortured for disagreeing with the government--at least no one I know of. I don't think the government is paying much attention to most of us, to be honest. They obviously suck at controlling us.

With all due respect just because you don't "think" they aren't doesn't mean they aren't. They suck up every post, every tweet, every email, every phone call. They've built facilities to store all of this and it just isn't us, it's world wide.

even if they suck up every post, tweet, etc., I don't think they have the people to read all that stuff that goes to storage.

Computers data crunch it for codes and applicable words. Plutonium for example will get this post read

That's what they tell us. If the computers were that savvy hillary would be in prison by now. Maybe even most politicians, dems or repubs would be joining her.

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"
The Endless War thing is so insane. They bait you into thinking that just one more big battle, and the war will be won. But of course that never happens. There's never a 'Win.' The Wars just go on & on.

A good example is Iraq. Even when ISIS is defeated, we're not leaving. There's just gonna be another 'ISIS.' And another, and another, and another...

It really is '1984.'
We've known for 60 years that our economy couldn't take a hit like buttoning up our war machine. And the fragile state of the economy right now--where would discharged military personnel go? Unemployment lines. All the people making tanks and guns? They'd be laid off, too. We can't do it.

I wish we lived where you think we do. I wish that the Nation as you see it had ever existed, it never has. We are taught that it does, we grow up believing that it does, and to protect that belief we discount out of hand any information that might disrupt that belief. Some of us fight or have fought to protect that which have we been told/taught, is good and right and righteous. It's all been a lie. Not the American people, or the American ideal, those are real in our minds, but they are not the reality on the ground.
Can you give me some actual examples of our government behaving like the one in Orwell's 1984? Using its power to control our thoughts and punish those who don't think as they "should?"

New Laws Set to Turn California Schools into Gay Indoctrination Centers - Research - Chalcedon

"America’s biggest teachers’ union, recommended that support for “gay marriage” be a requirement for receiving a teaching certificate. Now California has charted a course for the schools to sponsor the homosexual agenda, actively and openly."

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