Are we living in a science fiction novel?

150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.

All 328 MM aren't infected. If they were infected, and the 3% fatality rate held, we would be looking at 9.84 million dead.

By way of comparison....

160,000 dead from Trump Plague.

Compared to
56,000 killed in Vietnam
38,000 killed in Korea
15,000 killed in Iraq/Afghanistan/War on Terror.

Compared to other pandemics. 500,000 died in the 1918 Pandemic... about 0.5% of the population and more people than we lost in WWI. It was economically devastating.

the Hong Kong Flu of 1968 killed 34,000 to 100,000 Americans. That was with vaccines and effective treatments.

So, yeah, this really is a problem, a problem made worse because we have an incompetent game show host instead of a professional leader.
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
What crisis?

A virus that has a survivability rate of over 99% is a "crisis" to you?
If so, you're the one who should be ashamed..... ashamed of how utterly gutless you're acting.

Would you fly on an airline that only crashes 1% of the time?
Would you eat at a restaurant that only poisons 1% of their customers?

We have had 4.675 MILLION cases of covid and 160K deaths. That's a fatality rate of 3%. Now, lots of people have it and probably don't know they had it or are showing no symptoms, but what we do know looks pretty bad.
I was a paratrooper, so yes, I would.

I also patronize taco trucks, so clearly I ain't scared.

And don't try and tell me about this, I work in an ER. I know more about it than you.
And I'm still not scared.

You are behaving like a coward.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
Are you including the people who died because governors ordered infected people into nursing homes.

We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.
What crisis?

A virus that has a survivability rate of over 99% is a "crisis" to you?
If so, you're the one who should be ashamed..... ashamed of how utterly gutless you're acting.
COVID lives lost matter.
Freedoms lost matters more.

Because it will lead to more death. It always does.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
I have always resisted making the complicated issue of how exactly to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic a simple partisan issue.

But paranoid theories about it being — take your pick — a Chinese / Bill Gates / big pharma / New World Order / communist / Democratic Party conspiracy ... well all that is a symptom of the profound dysfunction of American society and hyper-partisanship in politics.

That there would be new viral epidemics was predictable and predicted, and this one will almost certainly not be the last. Population growth, rapid urbanization and improvements in transportation, all led scientists to warn of the threat. The next epidemic may be worse.

Of course it is possible Covid-19 will burn itself out naturally, even without a vaccine. Its fatality rate is certainly not of “Black Plague” proportions. It is easy to go crazy when considering practical alternative policies to deal with future prospects like “global warming” or the threat of nuclear apocalypse. But even if there will only be future tricky asymptomatic pandemics (or terrorist attacks) with SARS-like fatality rates, we are clearly unprepared. After some early failures, the Chinese government successfully stopped the spread of this novel and tricky coronavirus, and probably would do so even better next time. Would we match the success of even South Korea if a new more serious pandemic broke out next year?

I don’t think the biggest issue is figuring how to balance difficult economic & health trade offs involved in battling Covid-19, or assigning blame to this or that politician or party. As a society we will certainly survive this epidemic, even if hundreds of thousands of oldsters do not. Covid-19 will certainly bring on economic adjustments, and even a major depression where unemployment remains at very high levels may well result. These were, in my opinion, already “baked into” our debt-fueled crony capitalist system.

Today U.S. capitalism is facing profound international economic challenges, similar to but not the same as European states did in the 1930s. Hysterical conspiracy mongering and political dysfunction is deepening among our citizens and common folk, and if they are not overcome they will prevent even modest improvements in our ability to meet all future threats cohesively. That is worrying.
Last edited:
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.

All 328 MM aren't infected. If they were infected, and the 3% fatality rate held, we would be looking at 9.84 million dead.

By way of comparison....

160,000 dead from Trump Plague.

Compared to
56,000 killed in Vietnam
38,000 killed in Korea
15,000 killed in Iraq/Afghanistan/War on Terror.

Compared to other pandemics. 500,000 died in the 1918 Pandemic... about 0.5% of the population and more people than we lost in WWI. It was economically devastating.

the Hong Kong Flu of 1968 killed 34,000 to 100,000 Americans. That was with vaccines and effective treatments.

So, yeah, this really is a problem, a problem made worse because we have an incompetent game show host instead of a professional leader.

Need a tampon? Maybe some Midol?
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
Are you including the people who died because governors ordered infected people into nursing homes.

Quit acting like you care about old people in some blue states when you don't give a fuck about the people dying everywhere right now.

The places where this thing blew up first made a lot of mistakes that the rest of America steadfastly refused to learn anything from.
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
Are you including the people who died because governors ordered infected people into nursing homes.

Quit acting like you care about old people in some blue states when you don't give a fuck about the people dying everywhere right now.

The places where this thing blew up first made a lot of mistakes that the rest of America steadfastly refused to learn anything from.
Yeah.......I heard some of the hospitals didn't get the memo in time too..........They missed out of getting all that money by not labeling everything covid at the beginning...........Accountants almost lost their jobs over it.......

And putting non covids in with the covid positives early would have infected more in the ICU' they lost MORE MONEY...........amazing huh.

come here..........take a look.
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
Are you including the people who died because governors ordered infected people into nursing homes.

Quit acting like you care about old people in some blue states when you don't give a fuck about the people dying everywhere right now.

The places where this thing blew up first made a lot of mistakes that the rest of America steadfastly refused to learn anything from.
Yeah.......I heard some of the hospitals didn't get the memo in time too..........They missed out of getting all that money by not labeling everything covid at the beginning...........Accountants almost lost their jobs over it.......

And putting non covids in with the covid positives early would have infected more in the ICU' they lost MORE MONEY...........amazing huh.

come here..........take a look.

Making everything into an evil plot against the president is not going to be a winning political strategy either.
The whole thing is bullshit as is the accounting of it all. The virus is real beyond a doubt but 'you and yours' are trying to use it all for your crappy ass agendas. Again I didn't miss anything. Go F' yourself and do it with your agendas.

You fully ignore factual information posted. This bs is being used as a control mechanism and a cash grab.

BTW, I think Trump is doing an excellent job whether it is by happenstance or planned makes no difference as God controls the outcome of it all you little antichrist plebe.

Sigh, I always know when I've beaten a Wingnut is when they start screaming about "God's Will".

There is no Pixie in the sky. There is only science. The Science is very clear. It's a virus, it's contagious, it's deadly and we don't have a vaccine for it, yet.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.
150,000...….. out of 328,000,000.

If you think that is a good reason to impose some arbitrary and useless "new normal" upon a society, then you need to work on your logic, your critical thinking, and your basic math.

And you need to grow a pair of balls and develop some appreciation for the concept of individual liberty.
Every single person that has died had families and friends that loved them. Just keep on telling them their sense of loss is foolish and that this is nothing but a hoax. I often wonder what a Trump true believer would feel like if they avoidably brought that shit home and infected their families. Would you, even then, find some way to blame it on someone else?
Are you including the people who died because governors ordered infected people into nursing homes.

Quit acting like you care about old people in some blue states when you don't give a fuck about the people dying everywhere right now.

The places where this thing blew up first made a lot of mistakes that the rest of America steadfastly refused to learn anything from.
Yeah.......I heard some of the hospitals didn't get the memo in time too..........They missed out of getting all that money by not labeling everything covid at the beginning...........Accountants almost lost their jobs over it.......

And putting non covids in with the covid positives early would have infected more in the ICU' they lost MORE MONEY...........amazing huh.

come here..........take a look.

Making everything into an evil plot against the president is not going to be a winning political strategy either.

Watch the video dumb ass........fitting symbol of the traitor party of the DNC
You should compare the amount of abuse claims against the Catholic church, to the amount of abuse claims against the public school system sometime. Hell, throw in the BSA, too, just for fun.

Department of Education has a lot more to answer for than the Vatican does.

Except the Public Schools didn't hide the abusers, they turned them over to police when caught. They also take precautions to prevent them. Of course, we are talking about less than 100K Catholic priests compared to millions of people who work in Education. When you compare those numbers, the Catholic Church looks a lot worse.
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
Oh come on. He thinks everything his a conspiracy and tRump's fascist behaviors will save democracy.

He so far off the rails it's not even funny any more.
The whole thing is bullshit as is the accounting of it all. The virus is real beyond a doubt but 'you and yours' are trying to use it all for your crappy ass agendas. Again I didn't miss anything. Go F' yourself and do it with your agendas.

You fully ignore factual information posted. This bs is being used as a control mechanism and a cash grab.

BTW, I think Trump is doing an excellent job whether it is by happenstance or planned makes no difference as God controls the outcome of it all you little antichrist plebe.

Sigh, I always know when I've beaten a Wingnut is when they start screaming about "God's Will".

There is no Pixie in the sky. There is only science. The Science is very clear. It's a virus, it's contagious, it's deadly and we don't have a vaccine for it, yet.
Life came from abroad, God brought it from the sky. The moment we leave the process continues

Actually it is quite simple
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
Oh come on. He thinks everything his a conspiracy and tRump's fascist behaviors will save democracy.

He so far off the rails it's not even funny any more.
There is no fake news like Trump says.


Because the term fake news implies that there is also real news and there is not.

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