Are we living in a science fiction novel?

We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.
Sorry buddy. Clinton is their leader and they reside in Hollywood...they are your spokespeople. The crowd your side constantly wants the masses to listen to.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.

I note the Catholic priests have been preaching against the Democrats of late. You people may be losing yet another constituency.
Who cares what a bunch of pedophiles think? You can have them.

Blanket statement. Broad brush. Votes is votes.

By the way ...

You're trying to deflect from the shameful spoiled behavior of the right during a national crisis. I understand.

No you don't, or you would realize that voting patterns are shifting in tandem with the shift of the Democratic Party to their weird hybrid of Communism/Fascism. Seems even some American Jews, long a loyal constituency, are beginning to kick the Democrats off their shoes.
What does any of that bullshit have to do with my original statement that the right has selfishly refused to come to the aid of their country? Some patriots you people turned out to be.

Can't imagine living in your world where 150,000 dead Americans is a meaningless statistic not worthy of putting a piece of cloth on your face. If anything causes a major shift in the electorate it is the right's absolute refusal to mourn for the dead.

I wear a mask when required by property owners. It's just common courtesy. Those who do not extend that common courtesy should be clubbed like the baby seals and tossed off the property.

That said, those 150,000 dead Americans are the responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party, not Donald Trump. That you people are in league with the CCP clearly indicates your level of mourning.
If they cared about the dead...they wouldn’t have gleefully created more of them via nursing homes. of their governors is STILL fighting against the nursing home protections afforded the elderly.
We're living in a bad joke book where America conservatives cried like spoiled little bitches when asked to something minor for the good of the country.
Except of course that the virus can enter through your eyes so a mask is useless ( always has been) but liberals insist you wear them out of a sense of “ control”. Same with the lockdown.
Beyond caring at this point. I have no regard for the assholes who refuse to wear a mask for political reasons, I hope they get it and die. It's the other people they will infect that I worry about.
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
Oh come on. He thinks everything his a conspiracy and tRump's fascist behaviors will save democracy.

He so far off the rails it's not even funny any more.
There is no fake news like Trump says.


Because the term fake news implies that there is also real news and there is not.
That is an extremely weak deflection.

Why do you feel the need to defend this nut-bar?
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies.

So, I bet you are "winning" this discuss in your head, aren't you.

It's too early on a Sunday for you to be this stoned.
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies? Why are you afraid to answer?

I said what?

I've got the feeling we aren't having the same conversation.
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
Oh come on. He thinks everything his a conspiracy and tRump's fascist behaviors will save democracy.

He so far off the rails it's not even funny any more.
There is no fake news like Trump says.


Because the term fake news implies that there is also real news and there is not.
That is an extremely weak deflection.

Why do you feel the need to defend this nut-bar?
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies.

So, I bet you are "winning" this discuss in your head, aren't you.

It's too early on a Sunday for you to be this stoned.
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies? Why are you afraid to answer?

I said what?

I've got the feeling we aren't having the same conversation.
You implied it because you believe everything you hear or see on TV.

So do you believe that the government did the right thing in putting covid patients in nursing homes

Duh, moron alert
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
Oh come on. He thinks everything his a conspiracy and tRump's fascist behaviors will save democracy.

He so far off the rails it's not even funny any more.
There is no fake news like Trump says.


Because the term fake news implies that there is also real news and there is not.
That is an extremely weak deflection.

Why do you feel the need to defend this nut-bar?
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies.

So, I bet you are "winning" this discuss in your head, aren't you.

It's too early on a Sunday for you to be this stoned.
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies? Why are you afraid to answer?

I said what?

I've got the feeling we aren't having the same conversation.
You implied it because you believe everything you hear or see on TV.

So do you believe that the government did the right thing in putting covid patients in nursing homes

Duh, moron alert
You need to stop posting until you sober up.

You're hallucinating again.
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
Does anyone else besides me feel like they are living in a science fiction novel? In just a few short months the most powerful civilization in the history of the human race has been reduced to wearing masks and soon, goggles in their day-to-day lives. No one is asking any questions-they just comply. Ray Bradbury could never have come up with this-it would have been too unbelievable even for his most avid readers.

How the hell did we get here? This is the first question that should be asked because truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is far more dangerous. We know that there are two theories bandied about regarding human interaction: self-destiny by way of free societies (democracy) and planned outcomes via controlled oppression by corporate elites (socialism/communism) and its contemporary soldier of fortune, wokeness.

Democracy is the simpler of the two; it allows for free choices. But democracy has a built-in flaw-winners and losers. Though even losers in a democracy benefit greatly from free choice, sometimes poor choices can introduce a disadvantage. This leaves an opening for the opposing hypothesis stating that free choice cannot be left in the hands of the people because they will make bad choices.

The creeping malcontent of bad choice can be a powerful force to dismantle democracy and it is the preferred tool of authoritarianism. A tiny nucleus of elite controllers can enrich themselves by making choices for the people and bending the gears. It is the end justifying the means. This is the Chinese model.

Traitors is the US government were happily on a timetable to deliver democracy to the dustbin when an upstart former reality show host came along and exposed the betrayal. The people had long suspected treachery in leadership, so they elected the upstart to foster a return to free choice.

Authoritarianism reacted swiftly to take down the upstart even perverting government agencies ostensibly in place to protect the people from exactly what those agencies were doing. But even this was failing because the people were not fooled, and the upstart had a flourishing economy.

Then, in desperation, Chinese authoritarians took matters into their own hands and released a worldwide plague to shatter the upstart’s economy. Now science, medicine and politics are a whirling dervish of the end justifying the means. No science fiction novel can compete with this.
I don't know about the rest of us, but you certainly aren't living in anything resembling reality.
Neither are you
Oh come on. He thinks everything his a conspiracy and tRump's fascist behaviors will save democracy.

He so far off the rails it's not even funny any more.
There is no fake news like Trump says.


Because the term fake news implies that there is also real news and there is not.
That is an extremely weak deflection.

Why do you feel the need to defend this nut-bar?
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies.

So, I bet you are "winning" this discuss in your head, aren't you.

It's too early on a Sunday for you to be this stoned.
LOL. So you are saying that the government never lies? Why are you afraid to answer?

I said what?

I've got the feeling we aren't having the same conversation.
You implied it because you believe everything you hear or see on TV.

So do you believe that the government did the right thing in putting covid patients in nursing homes

Duh, moron alert
You need to stop posting until you sober up.

You're hallucinating again.
You also refused to answer as to whether you believe everything the government says.

So do you kiddy

LOL you have been compromised by your own lies.

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Here's a link going months back on one doctor's knowledge of the virus and what an asshole trump was from the beginning in mismanaging it, if mismanaging is the right word for his utter stupidity and lack of even caring. He was mostly just telling people not to worry about the virus since it'll just go away eventually.
I just ordered this on Amazon:


Wikipedia has all kinds of dog whistles like "discredited" and "conspiracy theorist" Which means the book is almost certainly the gospel truth so I ordered one for myself and one for my brother. The book is $24 but I know I need to read it.
Last edited:
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
It's the common cold?

Would you like to explain that to the 150,000+ folks who have died from it? How about the hundreds of thousands who are or recently have been hospitalized for it?
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
It's the common cold?

Would you like to explain that to the 150,000+ folks who have died from it? How about the hundreds of thousands who are or recently have been hospitalized for it?
150,000 people have not died from covid 19, in fact no one has died from covid 19 though many have died with it. Now how would this be determined?

Simple take the average daily death total in America for the last 10 or so years and determine how much this number is up. Note that no cause of death will be examined, just the death totals.

Think the government wants to do this?


You also refused to answer as to whether you believe everything the government says.

So do you kiddy, the fact is that you can not answer without lying so you are compromised as you fully do know that the government lies, and you are part of the lie.

You can come clean and live free, or stay there as a slave to the lies

I am free
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
It's the common cold?

Would you like to explain that to the 150,000+ folks who have died from it? How about the hundreds of thousands who are or recently have been hospitalized for it?
150,000 people have not died from covid 19, in fact no one has died from covid 19 though many have died with it. Now how would this be determined?

Simple take the average daily death total in America for the last 10 or so years and determine how much this number is up. Note that no cause of death will be examined, just the death totals.

Think the government wants to do this?


You also refused to answer as to whether you believe everything the government says.

So do you kiddy, the fact is that you can not answer without lying so you are compromised as you fully do know that the government lies, and you are part of the lie.

You can come clean and live free, or stay there as a slave to the lies

I am free
Lol, you're an idiot.
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
It's the common cold?

Would you like to explain that to the 150,000+ folks who have died from it? How about the hundreds of thousands who are or recently have been hospitalized for it?
150,000 people have not died from covid 19, in fact no one has died from covid 19 though many have died with it. Now how would this be determined?

Simple take the average daily death total in America for the last 10 or so years and determine how much this number is up. Note that no cause of death will be examined, just the death totals.

Think the government wants to do this?


You also refused to answer as to whether you believe everything the government says.

So do you kiddy, the fact is that you can not answer without lying so you are compromised as you fully do know that the government lies, and you are part of the lie.

You can come clean and live free, or stay there as a slave to the lies

I am free
Lol, you're an idiot.
LOL the FBI came to the same conclusion before I took them back to school
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
It's the common cold?

Would you like to explain that to the 150,000+ folks who have died from it? How about the hundreds of thousands who are or recently have been hospitalized for it?
150,000 people have not died from covid 19, in fact no one has died from covid 19 though many have died with it. Now how would this be determined?

Simple take the average daily death total in America for the last 10 or so years and determine how much this number is up. Note that no cause of death will be examined, just the death totals.

Think the government wants to do this?


You also refused to answer as to whether you believe everything the government says.

So do you kiddy, the fact is that you can not answer without lying so you are compromised as you fully do know that the government lies, and you are part of the lie.

You can come clean and live free, or stay there as a slave to the lies

I am free
Lol, you're an idiot.
LOL the FBI came to the same conclusion before I took them back to school
Ok, so you're an idiot and a liar.

Do you think that's some kind of improvement?
Wrong 200 to 300 million are or were infected they just had no or few symptoms like I did

We don't know that. We also don't know for sure that if you catch it once, you can't catch it again.
My Son is in the Navy, was at sea when the lockdown happened. The Navy supposedly had a big problem on a carrier. So has the government tested my son and the other young men in the Navy?

Nope not once, they either do not care or know that testing is not needed

You pick
It been several months ago I posted a study where vaccines given to military were tainted. Not going back and search for it as I do not have the time today but a thought for you to consider.
Vaccines are preserved with a mercury compound. The only thing more dangerous to a human than mercury is plutonium dust
You're just the conspiracy theory kid, aren't you?

A. They stopped using thimerosol in vaccines 20 years ago.

B. Even when they did it was only in multiple dose vials to prevent bacterial growth.

C. You get more mercury eating a can of tuna than you do from a dose of vaccine.


D. Shut the fuck up and get vaccinated.
Why should I get vaccinated for a disease that my entire family had?

Are you claiming that people who received mercury 20 years ago are not sick today? Wasn't Mercury already a deadly toxin in 1980?

Yea moron it was

What disease did your entire family have?

Who is sick from mercury poisoning today?

1980 was not 20 years ago.

What year do you think it is, anyway?
WE all had covid 19, it's the common cold. So why do I need a vaccine for what I already had and have antibodies for?

Duh retard alert
It's the common cold?

Would you like to explain that to the 150,000+ folks who have died from it? How about the hundreds of thousands who are or recently have been hospitalized for it?
150,000 people have not died from covid 19, in fact no one has died from covid 19 though many have died with it. Now how would this be determined?

Simple take the average daily death total in America for the last 10 or so years and determine how much this number is up. Note that no cause of death will be examined, just the death totals.

Think the government wants to do this?


You also refused to answer as to whether you believe everything the government says.

So do you kiddy, the fact is that you can not answer without lying so you are compromised as you fully do know that the government lies, and you are part of the lie.

You can come clean and live free, or stay there as a slave to the lies

I am free
Lol, you're an idiot.
LOL the FBI came to the same conclusion before I took them back to school
Ok, so you're an idiot and a liar.

Do you think that's some kind of improvement?
They said that too.......................................

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