Are we sending aid to Mexico for their earthquake recovery?

the question was should we help them. not should we expect theirs.

I understand where you're coming from but I have a problem with helping a country that has been invading the US for the last thirty years and basically telling us to fuck off while they did it.

Maybe you dont live in a border state and just dont understand the damage they've done to our country but I do.

Enlighten me, then.

Illegal immigration from Mexico has been an issue for more than thirty years, bud. I've spent most of my life in border states, and illegal immigrants have existed my entire life. I travel all over Mexico, and I think it's a pretty great country. Sure, it doesn't possess the first-world wealth the US has, but they possess many enviable tangible natural resources that the US once or never had. To name just a few, Mexico's coastline is over double that of the US. Their agriculture economy outshines ours three fold. They build Ford pickup trucks, for fucks sake. Some of the most breathtaking places I've ever been to are in Mexico. But, I suppose that makes me some kind of liberal shitbag to you on principle, because reasons...

The same ineffectual US Republican and Democrat senators/representatives have been wringing their hands about illegal immigration this whole time with scant results. They are the ones at fault for doing little to nothing. They are responsible for letting the situation come to a head after all this time (SEE: 'War on Drugs'). If you knew anything at all about the facts as well as history regarding what you pretend to ruminate about, you might understand that the real solution to the problem of illegal immigration would be for both countries to work together to reform our horribly broken, outdated, bureaucratic and unmanageable immigration and naturalization system...

...But that would take some sort of research and mutual understanding, thus real effort. USA, in our current pointless quest to seem exceptional, seems to have taken the lazy way out on this issue for about forty years. Actually, we do that on a multitude of foreign and domestic problems that face the country, but I digress. If I seem cynical, well it's only because I'm right. Watch 'Idiocracy'. It's becoming more like a documentary than a comedy each coming day. I mean, why bother with solving the 'hard' stuff when our cowed population is more concerned with celebrity worship, like who is on 'The Apprentice' this week than taking the time to actually understand, study and improve upon foreign and domestic problems facing the nation? Nah, fuck it. That requires educating ourselves to our domestic and global problems, and that shit is for nerds, amiright? God forbid we come off as elitist, for fucks sake... USA!!! USA!!!

Furthermore, building 'the Wall' is a pointless, band-aid temporary fix on an already overflowing dam of immigration problems coming in from the south. It's nothing more than political theater designed to satiate the demands of the commoner. It works, too. Those same ineffectual politicians bank on said public laziness and apathy to exist, and like good little peasants, majorities in the US continue to vote for said congress critters, guaranteeing they stay ineffectual, fat, rich and happy for the rest of our peasant lives. Term limits? Who wants that? If you can't see that as our real threat, if that doesn't sincerely scare the shit out of you, then you have no real cause for weighing in on the conversation. You're not qualified to have a serious, objective political discussion. Thus, that'll do, pig.

We elect the government we deserve. It might do you well to bear that in mind.

Mexico is not a good neighbor,they instruct their citizens on the best way to cross the border illegally and how to game our system.


I'm sorry but I have zero sympathy for a country ran by the drug cartels.

Aaaaand, more horseshit.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Too long , but , feck mexico and its mexicans is all i have to say TTW !

That's a fascinating point, Jethro. Thanks for sharing.
--------------------------------------------------------------- yeah feck mexico and your BS is too long to take the time to read . And yes , mexico instructs its mexicans on how to invade the USA and to take advantage of welfare laws in the USA . They do it through little handbooks many written in Cartoon style with pictures and some written words TTWeed .
Got an example to show us?
yeah , send them the mexicans that are here in the USA . They are supposed to be 'master' builders but i don't believe that claim as lots of building in 'mexico' have collapsed eh .

7.5 you brainless, heartless idiot.

In point of fact, since 85, Mexico retrofitted older buildings, built new to higher standards.

As to the OP - Mexico sent help to Texass, Florida, Louisiana. It's shameful that the US would let innocent humN beings die rather than let go of their ignorance and hate.

How many of you call yourselves "christian "?

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We can send them all of the illegals that came from there. Since those illegals have costs taxpayers billions of dollar, I'd call it even.
At times like this it's time to put politics aside and do what you can to save lives. They are our neighbor and we should help anyway we can.
feck the mexicans , but as i said , TRUMP sent teams to the beggar mexicans . Israelis also there Bailey . I HEARD this on the news Bodecea but i would be very surprised if Trump didn't send help to the fecking mex beggars . Maybe i'll get a link Bodecea .
Just curious. Looks pretty bad.
When they send us money to support their illegals or help with The Hurricane Recovery, I'll care about Mexico.

It's a Criminal Nation almost as bad as Venezuela, and just as bad as Cuba.
To me these catastrophes don't impact the govt elites just regular folks.A collapsed school would receive all the help I could offer regardless of who they are.
We need to send what we can afford.
Illegals and Democrats.

Given enough time this monkey ^^^ got something correct.

Sending conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians wouldn't and couldn't do anything to aid those hurt or the environment destroyed. They'd spend time complaining about the cost, blaming the people trapped, and pissing and moaning that it's not their responsibility to render aid, for they themselves are self sufficient (at least until the need something; isn't that correct Sen. Cruz?).
those regular folk are the mex peasants that invade the USA so it is THEY that are the problem and they have been invading the USA for a lotta years . As my one link shows , President Trump is sending help Bailey .
Just curious. Looks pretty bad.
When they send us money to support their illegals or help with The Hurricane Recovery, I'll care about Mexico.

It's a Criminal Nation almost as bad as Venezuela, and just as bad as Cuba.
To me these catastrophes don't impact the govt elites just regular folks.A collapsed school would receive all the help I could offer regardless of who they are.
Yet you are on here typing away furiously instead of in Mexico helping the people you want to help.

How much money did you donate to Hurricane Relief in THE US?

How much money did you donate to Earthquake Relief in Mexico?

Now, for the ass kicking closer..

How much money did Clinton and Obama donate for either?
The tax payers dime needs to be saved for more important issues. We could greatly assist the effort by sending our non whites to the venue . Jews could manage the effort ; negros could work for them as usual.
We need to send what we can afford.
Illegals and Democrats.

Given enough time this monkey ^^^ got something correct.

Sending conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians wouldn't and couldn't do anything to aid those hurt or the environment destroyed. They'd spend time complaining about the cost, blaming the people trapped, and pissing and moaning that it's not their responsibility to render aid, for they themselves are self sufficient (at least until the need something; isn't that correct Sen. Cruz?).
----------------------------------------- oh man , silly post , as i have shown , it is Trump that is sending the mex some American help at MY cost WCatcher .
jews and other non white "humanists" are dying to be of assistance to preserve the multi cult cesspool called mayheco. Send them.
We need to send what we can afford.
Illegals and Democrats.

Given enough time this monkey ^^^ got something correct.

Sending conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians wouldn't and couldn't do anything to aid those hurt or the environment destroyed. They'd spend time complaining about the cost, blaming the people trapped, and pissing and moaning that it's not their responsibility to render aid, for they themselves are self sufficient (at least until the need something; isn't that correct Sen. Cruz?).
----------------------------------------- oh man , silly post , as i have shown , it is Trump that is sending the mex some American help at MY cost WCatcher .

It's true, Trump could have signed an EO denying aid to Mexico, or making sure any aid sent would result in the Mexican government paying for his wall.

You emphasis at "MY COST is telling, and there was nothing "silly" about my comment, especially to the posts by the sociopathic / racist jerks above.
We need to send what we can afford.
Illegals and Democrats.

Given enough time this monkey ^^^ got something correct.

Sending conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians wouldn't and couldn't do anything to aid those hurt or the environment destroyed. They'd spend time complaining about the cost, blaming the people trapped, and pissing and moaning that it's not their responsibility to render aid, for they themselves are self sufficient (at least until the need something; isn't that correct Sen. Cruz?).
----------------------------------------- oh man , silly post , as i have shown , it is Trump that is sending the mex some American help at MY cost WCatcher .

It's true, Trump could have signed an EO denying aid to Mexico, or making sure any aid sent would result in the Mexican government paying for his wall.

You emphasis at "MY COST is telling, and there was nothing "silly" about my comment, especially to the posts by the sociopathic / racist jerks above.
--------------------------------------------------------- aid sent to the mex beggars is at MY Cost WCatcher !!

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