Are We Supposed to Kneel?

You do have to feel sorry for them. Multi million dollar contracts, giving the mafia a run for their money as to which one has the most thugs.
Then they want to believe that not only are they needed but their opinion matters.
I have never listened to anything a sport player has to say nor have I ever needed one. I have needed a plumber, a salesperson and others. But I am not about to take political or other advise from them either.
I kneel to One... and one only
Your osteopath?

Fck off loon.

How's that? I'll bet Thursday night when the National Felon League played your knees got chaffed

Now run along, .....asshole. you're nothing

Wow. You don’t pretend to be a Christian, do you?

No pretending about it.

Now get back to topic, I have little use for your personal attacks or flaming

Understand? You may very well get an alert.

You kneel for what you desire and don't worry yourself about what I do
I kneel to One... and one only
Your osteopath?

Fck off loon.

How's that? I'll bet Thursday night when the National Felon League played your knees got chaffed

Now run along, .....asshole. you're nothing

Wow. You don’t pretend to be a Christian, do you?

No pretending about it.

Did you learn to curse and attack people in church? Doesn't seem very Christian. I guess anger makes some people abandon their faith. That's a shame. Maybe it's the loss of faith and tradition that is causing so much consternation in our nation these days.
I forget the rules, when the athletes gather for the big FU to their fans, are they just talking about white people? The Race Theory stuff they teach in schools and re-education seminars is pushing that ALL white people are evil, but what about Latinos or Asians? Are black people the only good guys, or are other people allowed to live without shame? Maybe IM2 can explain this to us. What if one parent is white? Does it then go to how dark your skin is? If a Hispanic person has a white parent is he automatically evil? If a Hispanic does not have dark skin, Is he evil? All the appearance based judgements are hard to keep up with.

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