Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
According to Multiculturalism we are all the same under the skin and if everyone has a chance to live in freedom and pursue their dreams, we will all live in peace and war will become obsolete. And flyhing unicorns will soar through the air shitting little Skittles....

Seriously, the events of the last few weeks have put the lie to the basic claims of multiculturalism and it seems that people across Europe may be waking up and realizing that they dont want millions of Muslims living among them committing crimes, evading their laws and taking their jobs.

Sweden which is one of the most proud multicultural countries in the world has finally closed its borders to undocumented refugees.

CLOSED: Sweden Suspends Free Movement, Set To Turn Migrants Away In Major Policy U-Turn

How Sweden, the most open country in the world, was overwhelmed by migrants

Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground - Powdered Wig Society

And just before these attacks over the past week or so, many of these refugees slipped away from authorities and no one knows where they went, maybe until now?

Thousands of Muslim migrants ‘disappear’ from camps

Europeans have been getting sick of this undemocratic imposed influx of Muslim 'refugees' as this video shows, but how much more angry are they now, after the attacks in France?

WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe

And here in the US most GOP candidates are now anti illegal immigration and opposed to taking in these Muslim refugees and MOST AMERICANS AGREE.

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

They agree with Mark Levin that self-deprtation works.
Self-Deportation Works - Mark Levin Counters The False Claims Of Drama Queen Pro-Amnesty Enablers |

Our own courts are apparently sick of it too, giving Obam yet another defeat in the courts over his Executive Order legalizing millions of illegal aliens in our nation.

Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions

Now Paris has been raked with terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Paris shooting: Scores killed and injured after 'Kalashnikov and grenade attacks' across French capital with dozens of hostages taken

Hostages Taken Amid Deadly Violence in Paris: Police

And Obama take away money from our own veterans to fund the importation of more Muslim refugees and how many of them are the same kind of terroist that just attacked Paris?

Obama Commits To Spend $4.5 Billion For Syrian Migrants, VA has $1.4 Billion Shortfall - Truth And Action

And the fact is, that despite all of the Multicultural, open borders nonsense, we cannot help the Third World by importing their best experts to work here in our country.

The insanity of Multiculturalism is out of the bag, and maybe, justmaybe people will finally start waking up.
According to Multiculturalism we are all the same under the skin and if everyone has a chance to live in freedom and pursue their dreams, we will all live in peace and war will become obsolete. And flyhing unicorns will soar through the air shitting little Skittles....

Seriously, the events of the last few weeks have put the lie to the basic claims of multiculturalism and it seems that people across Europe may be waking up and realizing that they dont want millions of Muslims living among them committing crimes, evading their laws and taking their jobs.

Sweden which is one of the most proud multicultural countries in the world has finally closed its borders to undocumented refugees.

CLOSED: Sweden Suspends Free Movement, Set To Turn Migrants Away In Major Policy U-Turn

How Sweden, the most open country in the world, was overwhelmed by migrants

Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground - Powdered Wig Society

And just before these attacks over the past week or so, many of these refugees slipped away from authorities and no one knows where they went, maybe until now?

Thousands of Muslim migrants ‘disappear’ from camps

Europeans have been getting sick of this undemocratic imposed influx of Muslim 'refugees' as this video shows, but how much more angry are they now, after the attacks in France?

WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe

And here in the US most GOP candidates are now anti illegal immigration and opposed to taking in these Muslim refugees and MOST AMERICANS AGREE.

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

They agree with Mark Levin that self-deprtation works.
Self-Deportation Works - Mark Levin Counters The False Claims Of Drama Queen Pro-Amnesty Enablers |

Our own courts are apparently sick of it too, giving Obam yet another defeat in the courts over his Executive Order legalizing millions of illegal aliens in our nation.

Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions

Now Paris has been raked with terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Paris shooting: Scores killed and injured after 'Kalashnikov and grenade attacks' across French capital with dozens of hostages taken

Hostages Taken Amid Deadly Violence in Paris: Police

And Obama take away money from our own veterans to fund the importation of more Muslim refugees and how many of them are the same kind of terroist that just attacked Paris?

Obama Commits To Spend $4.5 Billion For Syrian Migrants, VA has $1.4 Billion Shortfall - Truth And Action

And the fact is, that despite all of the Multicultural, open borders nonsense, we cannot help the Third World by importing their best experts to work here in our country.

The insanity of Multiculturalism is out of the bag, and maybe, justmaybe people will finally start waking up.

Alot of us have been awake! Liberals will remain hypnotized, tho'.
The high tide was reached a couple of years back :)

But remember, though the tide is going out, it's still high, so the thought police haven't noticed.
"Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

It's predicated on the ridiculous lie that 'multiculturalism' exists as some sort of 'official' government policy, purposely 'implemented' to realize a particular 'goal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

It's predicated on the ridiculous lie that 'multiculturalism' exists as some sort of 'official' government policy, purposely 'implemented' to realize a particular 'goal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
It implies that people are getting backed into a corner, and they are getting their back up.
Another clueless righty thread ..
Civilization has always been multi cultural.
This country has always been multi cultural
Everything except for the native American cultures was
imported from somewhere else
In the not too distant past.
Our language is an import
Our laws are a stew of laws from other countries and traditions.
The only " truly American addition is our attempt to make it all work.
"Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

It's predicated on the ridiculous lie that 'multiculturalism' exists as some sort of 'official' government policy, purposely 'implemented' to realize a particular 'goal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
It implies that people are getting backed into a corner, and they are getting their back up.
Only the ignorant and fearful ones.
"Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

It's predicated on the ridiculous lie that 'multiculturalism' exists as some sort of 'official' government policy, purposely 'implemented' to realize a particular 'goal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

No one is saying it is official government anything, idiot.

Good gawd, can you ever reply without inventing a complete Straw Man Fallacy first?

"Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

It's predicated on the ridiculous lie that 'multiculturalism' exists as some sort of 'official' government policy, purposely 'implemented' to realize a particular 'goal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

No one is saying it is official government anything, idiot.

Good gawd, can you ever reply without inventing a complete Straw Man Fallacy first?

You should take your own advice.
Yep, all over the USA and in Europe, people are looking around at all the chaos and going 'WTF? Why did we listen to these abject fools? Send the bastards home!'
"Are We Witnessing the 'High Water Mark' of Multiculturalism?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

It's predicated on the ridiculous lie that 'multiculturalism' exists as some sort of 'official' government policy, purposely 'implemented' to realize a particular 'goal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
It implies that people are getting backed into a corner, and they are getting their back up.
Only the ignorant and fearful ones.
translation: unestablished. I.e, young.
Ian Bremmer: 'I Fear' 'You'll See Increasingly Large Amounts of Xenophobia and Populism' After Paris Attacks - Breitbart

Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer stated, “I fear that going forward, we’re going to start talking about a two-track Europe politically, where you’ll see increasingly large amounts of xenophobia and populism” and “unfortunately, we’re seeing borders being closed” during MSNBC’s coverage of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday.

Bremmer said, “I guess the biggest thing is that Europe is in a much deeper crisis than it has at any point since the end of the Cold War. The French will show extraordinary resilience and solidarity as a consequence of this, but Europe will not. I would argue yes, this is France’s 9/11, but also that the social fabric of what it means to be Europe is unraveling in front of our eyes, and unfortunately, we’re seeing borders being closed. This isn’t just France. We’ve seen borders be closed over the course of the last week as a consequence of the refugee crisis, none of this is going to get better. We have failed states across the Middle East. We have record numbers of refugees. We have $40 oil. The economic capability to get these countries back on their feet is not there, and the military and leadership wherewithal to try to create stability in these countries isn’t going to happen either. Europe is in the face of this. In the United States. We can talk about immigrants coming from Mexico. That is a reality that unfortunately, the Europeans cannot accept.”

He added, “I fear that we’re going to see, yes, an extraordinary resilience on the part of the French citizens, and international leaders from all over the world, including Europe, will say the right things, they’ll stream to France, they’ll light the candles, but there’s going to be a reaction here. There’s going to be enormous populism. You know, Brian, over the last eight years we’ve talked about a two-track Europe economically, that there was a core and a periphery, that some were doing well, some weren’t economically. I fear that going forward, we’re going to start talking about a two-track Europe politically, where you’ll see increasingly large amounts of xenophobia and populism, you’ll see political forces that will become stronger, that are away from the establishment. You’re already seeing that in France. They have regional elections coming up next month. I fear that the Front national will do quite well in those elections. This is made for that kind of populism. And it’s not just there, you’ll see it across eastern Europe. Merkel’s extraordinary leadership in saying that they’ll accept 800,000 refugees a year is incredibly unpopular, both in many segments of German society, but also across Europe, and unfortunately the tragedy that we’re seeing play out on our screens in front of our eyes this evening is really going to feed into what’s going to be a very ugly narrative across Europe.”

Yeah, people in a democracy voting for their own interests and against cheap labor for corporate profits who might kill your children.

Imagine that, and it is all 'xenophobia' and 'populism' to want your kids to be safe.

Pathetic, even for a libtard.

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