Are white Americans born racists?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
You need to deal with what is happening before it is too late. That is all I am going to say.

You need to deal with what is happening before it is too late. That is all I am going to say.

THIS is just a TAD f*cked up. Thanks for the post, Ray.
Silly question. Of course whites aren’t born racist. You are a product of your environment. If you are taught by your parents, or others, that another race is inferior, that will be your mindset. Some people are racists because of their negative experiences with others of a different race. It is wrong to blame your negative experience on an entire race, but if you haven’t had positive experiences, some people figure everyone of that race is the same.
You need to deal with what is happening before it is too late. That is all I am going to say.

Here's a life principle blacks just dont get:

If people think you're likely violent, loud, aggressive, vulgar and dangerous to be around, THE PROBLEM IS WITH YOU.
You need to deal with what is happening before it is too late. That is all I am going to say.

I imagine there are certainly some American white folks that were taught racism at a young age & therefore harbor enough narcissism to qualify them as a racist. I've actually met a few in my area of abode that were narcissistic in this way(REALLY RARE in this geographical area). This area I live in is truly the melting pot of America. We got them all, Native American Indians(Spokane Indian Tribe & other folks from various tribes), Italiano's, Latinos(south), Whites(Caucasians), India Indians, a few Russians(heavy into body & fender work), Orientals a plenty from many countries, a handful of Roma Gypsies, & even Peruvians & some Columbians. I actually met a security guard out at my place of employment that was CUBAN(Latino? Native Indian?)!!! Like he is the ONLY Cuban I ever heard of in this entire geographical area(Idaho west to Cascade mountain range/Canadian border to the Columbia river). His grandpa fought the Castro regime as a guerilla & needless to say he is quite negative(this is putting it mildly) on the subject of communalism. Ironically over in neighboring northern Idaho we at one time had a LOT of neo nazis/skinheads but they started coming up missing, & the sheriffs dept. did not seem too energetic about finding their bodies so the survivors apparently disbanded & moved on to safer places. Sorry about rambling on but to answer your question, NO, not born racist but taught to be racist, but rascists up here tend to be coastal Blacks(Seattle area/lower caste coastal blacks in general). I am NOT saying all Blacks as we have had & do possess successful Blacks in Washington state in general that wanted to become all they could be so left the Black ghettos. Just a tip; folks are born in NEUTRAL. Racism is a taught/learned religion albeit a destructive religion for sure.
Whites learn to be racists when they are born in the significant majority, like the US or UK or Germany, etc., the same way blacks are born to be racists in South Africa or Nigeria.
What an ignorant claim........without merit or common sense.
If you are born into a majority culture, you are going to grow up as a member of the culture and absorb its elitism.

It does not matter at all whether you agree, the ignorance is all yours.
In my opinion, whites are far less racist than other racial groups. From my experience, blacks are racist towards everyone who isn't black, latinos tend to be racist towards blacks and other latinos darker than the latino in question. Chinese and Japanese are racist towards every other racial group. Now again from my experience, other than blacks, the longer a racial group has been in the USA and the more assimilated it is, the less racist it is.
AZrailwhale is telling us the longer minorities adapt successfully to white traits the less racist they are. :)
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Whites learn to be racists when they are born in the significant majority, like the US or UK or Germany, etc., the same way blacks are born to be racists in South Africa or Nigeria.
What an ignorant claim........without merit or common sense.
If you are born into a majority culture, you are going to grow up as a member of the culture and absorb its elitism.

It does not matter at all whether you agree, the ignorance is all yours.
what a total ignorant statement. There's that famous "ism" suffix that the racist, American hating, God hating, sick and twisted left love to throw around in the wind hoping it will stick. Majority does not equal elite. In reality the term "elite" generally refers to a small group.
Nobody is born racist. They are TAUGHT first by parents when they are in their informative years of learning....then later TAUGHT in schools. Whether they embrace that mindset is entirely how they were raised.

Silly question. Of course whites aren’t born racist. You are a product of your environment. If you are taught by your parents, or others, that another race is inferior, that will be your mindset. Some people are racists because of their negative experiences with others of a different race. It is wrong to blame your negative experience on an entire race, but if you haven’t had positive experiences, some people figure everyone of that race is the same.
Lets not also forget... racism is rammed down or throats by government, whether it be Federal, State, County, City or what have you. We are one of the few countries who ask us when filling out paperwork while buying a house, a car, trying to get a credit card, etc what are race is. As if the color of ones skin matters. How much does one make, how does oe pay their bills, can they afford to make the payment etc is the only thing that matters. Affirmative action, black history month, BET, scholarships just for black students, etc are allowed by governments, which are all racist in nature. Yet if whites did this, it would be, "oh no, that's racist. And we wonder why we have racial issues. Of course these are pushed by the left to keep Americans at odds with each other because they (all politicians in my mind) are afraid that if there was not this strife and Americans of all colors united, they (politicians) lose the power they have over us and know the power then goes to us. That my friends is what keeps them awake at night. Fearing that people will wake up and become one united front and stop their reign of oppressing us all, with their bs they throw at us.
Righty rookie is outright silly. Group solidarity built around the majority favored socially and economically of course leads to perverted isms. To deny it is some silly form of leftist ism.
Whites learn to be racists when they are born in the significant majority, like the US or UK or Germany, etc., the same way blacks are born to be racists in South Africa or Nigeria.
There is the small matter of colonization that occurred in Africa which influences the way Africans see whites. I agree that racism is a learned behavior. Racism, not the response to racism by the people affected by it.
You need to deal with what is happening before it is too late. That is all I am going to say.

No. I didn't see my first racism till I was 5 years old when I had a Black friend from school come home with me to play. I still remember it and didn't like it then and I don't much like it now. You respect me I will respect you.

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