Are you a denier?

Are you a Denier

  • I’m a proud Climate Change Denier

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m a proud Election Denier

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I proudly deny Climate Change and democrat rigged elections

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
So, if we went back to real infrastructure and reduced the human infrastructure a bit, we can solve most of these problems. Water pipelines can be built. Finding underground water can be put to the forefront. Cleaning up rivers is sensible. There is a difference between most pollution and climate change. And the elites of the world are using the declining wealth of the United States to fund their follies and enrich themselves at the same time. Biden is a tyrant tool of the globalists.

Underground water should only be used in an emergency. But everything else you posted is accurate
We produce more food than we need now, 50% is lost due to spoilage.
which my pigs don't mind at all.....
whitefact 3.JPG

How do you figure?
sheer population juxtaposed to resources....
breeding licenses.

well, there's that........~S~


  • IMG_3612.JPG
    660.9 KB · Views: 11
These FAKE 'crisis' BS is how inept government CONTROLS you. Before climate change it was global warming and before that it was a hole in the ozone and before that it was animals going extinct and the spotted owl BS and before that it was global cooling FFS. These morons in government keep fabricating BS to force you to comply with their f'ed up goverment BS.
Example of government geniuses...government dip shits BANNED paper grocery bags. Claiming they were saving trees. Forced us to switch to plastic grocery bags. A few decades later after government dip shits created a massive environmental disaster with their plastic bags now these same dip shits are BANNING plastic bags and forcing us back to paper bags. FFS
I deny there is any substantial difference between the two parties.

As for your two choice, I deny any election was stolen and I deny that the climate is not changing, as it has always been changing.
There’s no real fundamental difference between the 2 Parties; just like the Express train or the local, they all go to the same place
I do not deny climate change, I deny co2 based climate change, since co2 does nothing and climate change is about where land is and tectonic plate movement.

If we had two polar oceans we would live on a very different planet.
We have two polar oceans. Artic ocean and southern ocean.
There’s no real fundamental difference between the 2 Parties; just like the Express train or the local, they all go to the same place

Correct. There is a political class that is at war with the middle class.

What they call themselves is immaterial.

The Gator is too stupid to figure that out.
I didn't say anything about the south pole.

He was referring to a polar ocean. That has a huge impact on climate. If the south pole was not a continent, the Earth would be a vastly different place to live.
Correct. There is a political class that is at war with the middle class.

What they call themselves is immaterial.

The Gator is too stupid to figure that out.


This from the guy that has sold his soul to the GOP!

Too fucking funny
Antarctica = 90% of earth ice, colder, puts 9 times ice into oceans vs Arctic

Greenland 7%
Ellesmere Island (Canada) 0.3%

Vast majority of ice on land near pole.

Land moves....

Think of earth as a room with two AC units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with settings 0= off and 10 = maxCOOL

Right now Arctic is set at 1 and AA set at 9

Two polar oceans = earth has no ice

This from the guy that has sold his soul to the GOP!

Too fucking funny

This from a dipshit who whines about the "duopoly" then cowers and flees like a bitch when a true alternative showed up.

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