Are you a "low information" voter? Here is a quiz from PEW.

Not an easy test, I blew it when they started asking what countries were Sunni and Shia. So to give everyone a heads up, here is a map.

You might need a freebee!

I actually thought that one was easy. Iraq previously was ruled by the Sunni and is now aligned with Iran since the overthrow of Saddam.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.

I got 12/12 just fyi.
You got 12 of 12 too? That's that surprise of the century. I had you pegged for 50%.
That's because you know I'm smarter than you so you figured I did twice as well as you did.
8/12. I missed the current unemployment rate, what the federal government spends the most money on, how many Americans are below poverty, and the current head of the Federal Reserve. To be fair, that last one changed while I was in training.
Not an easy test, I blew it when they started asking what countries were Sunni and Shia. So to give everyone a heads up, here is a map.

You might need a freebee!

I actually thought that one was easy. Iraq previously was ruled by the Sunni and is now aligned with Iran since the overthrow of Saddam.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.

I got 12/12 just fyi.
You got 12 of 12 too? That's that surprise of the century. I had you pegged for 50%.
That's because you know I'm smarter than you so you figured I did twice as well as you did.
LOL at suggesting you're smarter than anything besides a shoe. You get clowned here on a daily basis.
Not an easy test, I blew it when they started asking what countries were Sunni and Shia. So to give everyone a heads up, here is a map.

You might need a freebee!

I actually thought that one was easy. Iraq previously was ruled by the Sunni and is now aligned with Iran since the overthrow of Saddam.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.

I got 12/12 just fyi.
You got 12 of 12 too? That's that surprise of the century. I had you pegged for 50%.
That's because you know I'm smarter than you so you figured I did twice as well as you did.
LOL at suggesting you're smarter than anything besides a shoe. You get clowned here on a daily basis.
Butt hurt much? I make all the libs here look like idiots when they have to deflect from their own points.
12 out of 12, but the demographic breakdown by Party is obviously a lie. I was asked my sex, age, and education, but not Party, so that breakdown is bullshit.

Pew Research put’s out little quizzes from time to time to time, This is a pretty good test. It sure indicates that the majority of Americans don’t know what’s going on.

It’s astonishing that so many people (25%) got less than half right.

These results say that 80% of the (voting) public doesn’t have a clue and that’s pretty scary.

There are no tricks here. Just a simple test to see if you are current on your information. Test your knowledge with 13 questions, and then be ready to shudder when you see how others (many are voters) did. Just click the link below

Ya got anything harder, that was too easy.
try this question...Mr. president...there are how many states....

1) a few
2) 57
3) 5o plus Mexico
4). I don't really know but I heard about it on the news..
try this question...Mr. president...there are how many states....

1) a few
2) 57
3) 5o plus Mexico
4). I don't really know but I heard about it on the news..

My results:
Screen Shot 2015-04-06 at 9.42.14 PM.png

Me a 72 year old white male that doesn't WATCH any NETWORK evening news knowing that 85% of the ABC,CBS,NBC executives, anchors, producers gave over
$1 million to Obama in 2008 election and that the editor of Newsweek said:

"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way Today Cheers Obama s Football Play

YET this same Editor of NewsWeek Thomas...who Obama NOW bashes...gushed about Obama.....
"mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek s Evan Thomas Obama Is Sort of God
try this question...Mr. president...there are how many states....

1) a few
2) 57
3) 5o plus Mexico
4). I don't really know but I heard about it on the news..

My results:
View attachment 39163
Me a 72 year old white male that doesn't WATCH any NETWORK evening news knowing that 85% of the ABC,CBS,NBC executives, anchors, producers gave over
$1 million to Obama in 2008 election and that the editor of Newsweek said:

"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way Today Cheers Obama s Football Play

YET this same Editor of NewsWeek Thomas...who Obama NOW bashes...gushed about Obama.....
"mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek s Evan Thomas Obama Is Sort of God

You have brought up an important point. In my mid thirties I spend a good deal of time with men over sixty in business. They may not be smarter, (though they often are), but their experience is priceless. It is a pleasure to watch them think creatively. Some how it always ends up that they spin me.

While I like being treated like "one of the Seniors," the main thing is that these people have thought about all the great questions in life, and have a lot to offer. It saves me a lot of thought time to pick up where their experience has left them. They like me because I am a good listener, and I follow instructions well. In their company there is rarely a "new idea" because they have done it all. They constantly push me to "bring them something new." They are as interested in what my generation is doing as I am in theirs.

We spend less then 5% of the federal budget on infrastructure and science....These two areas do more for America then any other 50% of the rest combined.

Learn something low information voters!
We spend less then 5% of the federal budget on infrastructure and science....These two areas do more for America then any other 50% of the rest combined.

Learn something low information voters!
Do you have a buck...................buddy.
Damn is it any wonder pols and our gov get away with whatever they want? A dumb population is easily duped.
12 for 12...​
Most can't tell you many, if any, of those that represent them but they know the words to the latest songs and who got the most points on DWTS.
What does that 5% pay for
The road you drive on
The bridge you drive over
The weather service that saves your ass just in the nick of time
The medical research that cures your wife that has cancer.
Keeps us safe from bad food. Imagine Mexico!!! So thank you fda and cdc!
Our edge in science!

It is worth it and more. Sadly, you assholes can't contact the dots and this is why you don't deserve power.

Pew Research put’s out little quizzes from time to time to time, This is a pretty good test. It sure indicates that the majority of Americans don’t know what’s going on.

It’s astonishing that so many people (25%) got less than half right.

These results say that 80% of the (voting) public doesn’t have a clue and that’s pretty scary.

There are no tricks here. Just a simple test to see if you are current on your information. Test your knowledge with 13 questions, and then be ready to shudder when you see how others (many are voters) did. Just click the link below

I missed one, poverty rate is 15%, I went with 35%.

ISIS is in more countries than Syria too, but, it was a low information pollster, it seems.

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