Are you a moderate or do you lean left or right (Poll)?

Are you a moderate or do you lean left or right?

  • I'm a MODERATE!

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • I lean LEFT!

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • I lean RIGHT!

    Votes: 33 60.0%

  • Total voters
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.


no government

no taxes.

and 20 minutes later the commies from china or russia march into washington and take over the country and install THEIR government.

because morons thought NO government and NO taxes was a good fkn idea.

Enjoy the communist internment camps!

Better start learning chinese or russian now

Your reading comprehension needs work, as well as your critical thinking skills.

I acknowledged a need for government, even pointed out that I served it. I tolerate it but I would like as little interference in my life as possible. When you have moonbats regulating what kind of water heater timer switches you have to buy, preventing people from building fences or buildings on private property because of migratory birds I say you've got too much fucking government.

Furthermore the amount of hunters in North Dakota who shoot rifles from distance as well as any trained snipers, are a larger force than all of the world's infantry combined. Add to that the hunters in TX and we have a better military presence than any government could possibly land here.

Now... californian bed wetters might welcome the chi-coms as liberators, but the amount of armed people in this country would force any invader to exterminate all life on the continent and make the land unsuitable for life, hence leaving no purpose for an invasion. It's fine that we have a standing military with weapon systems that can repel all the other militaries in the world, but when you look at what the afghani people did to the soviets, there is no way the rest of the world could invade the US and establish a foot hold. We could literally disband our military save for maintenance and operations of some missile systems and airplanes, about %25 of it and not worry about a thing. Yet we have to police the world for some reason so we spend billions doing that.
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Lean Left.

I did this and my red dot was in the top right section.

Of course Mac lands in the delusional kumbaya hippy corner.

I didn't like that test. Here's a better one:


My results:
View attachment 258504

Im appalled at that 12% communist thing. Gonna have to throw myself out of a helicopter...
View attachment 258510

My results, I am 93% Nationalist and 7% Communist and 79% Conservative and 26% Laissez-faire YES FUCK Laissez-faire that is for Cuckservatives:

View attachment 258521

It's funny. Right vs left is basically open vs closed or order vs chaos.

Laissez-faire is no rules capitalism. It should be considered a left-wing ideology.

Indeed, Because Capitalism leads to loose, and Liberal values for profit.

One can claim to be anything they want, a Anarchist-Communist, or a Right-Wing Capitalist, in reality these things in practice are major contradictions.
Of course Mac lands in the delusional kumbaya hippy corner.

I didn't like that test. Here's a better one:


My results:
View attachment 258504

Im appalled at that 12% communist thing. Gonna have to throw myself out of a helicopter...

Here is mine.

One can't get more centrist or moderate than this.



Do the test I linked to. It's much more informative.

I did. Now, look at mine and explain it to me. I am sure there is something there I really don't want to know and you are itching to tell me.

Constructivism vs Essentialism is mostly about race, gender roles and sexuality. Except for the one question about whether scholars or "the people" define a language. I sided with scholars on that one.

The rest are pretty much self explanatory.

Yes I am in that test 88% Essentialism and 7% Constructivism and NO NO NO NO NO NO a BIOLOGICAL MAN can NEVER be a WOMAN, and Gender IS NOT a Social Construct. We need to DESTROY these SJW Insects that promote this insanity.

You do realize that Zena the Warrior Princess was Gay and died a virgin never passing on her gene pool, don't you. At least Wonder Woman got laid.
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.
Anarchy has historically been recognized as a left wing position.

Only by complete imbeciles or euroweenies.

The correct perspective is nanny state bed wetters like you on the left with your authoritarian genocidal sociopath cults of personality, and libertarians who keep their foot on the throat of government on the right.

Haha, Sure, so explain how Anarchy would keep Law & Order, crack down on Illegal Immigrants, crack down on Abortion, crack down on Illicit drugs, maintain the border security, crack down on Porn, crack down on Prostitution, regulate Hollywood, regulate the media for more Conservative values?
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.

How are we to stop Islamic Jihadists without government, exactly?

Pete quit making Polaks look dumb, you Jewish geezer.
No such thing as a moderate. You either have beliefs or you don't.

I would consider a "moderate" as a person who has no hard political affiliation or loyalty and who can be persuaded to vote in either direction.

I do not buy that. A moderate is an idiot.

Voting for someone who has a different party affiliation, has nothing to do with being a moderate. You could be a hard core lefty, or righty, and change who you vote for.

For example: Say you hear some Democrap saying that the minimum wage will drastically improve everyone's lives. So you vote for a Democrap.

Then they jack up the minimum wage, and you see that people lose their jobs. The next election you vote Republican, because you know jacking up the minimum wage harms people.

That's not you being a moderate. That's you going from being ignorant and fooled into support bad policy, to being educated, and making a better choice.

Equally, say I know jacking up the minimum wage will harm people, and I happen to be in an election where the Republican supports jacking up the minimum wage, but the Democrap does not. Then I would vote for the Democrap.

That's not me being a moderate. I am rigidly supporting my ideological views as a right-winger. There is nothing moderate about it.

Now if you are telling me, that you are not voting based on the issues, or an ideological view.... then what are you voting based on?

Nothing. And that makes a moderate, and idiot.

The clearest example was the Al Gore kiss in 2000.
New polls show Al Gore pushing ahead in the race for White House - and it all started with a very public embrace with his wife Tipper at the Democratic convention. Martin Kettle in Washington reports​

US elections: It started with a kiss

So to recap, Al Gore kissed his wife. The polls jumped 5 points.

When you base who you are going to vote for, on how you feel, and what the candidate looks like, rather than the issues or policies.... you are what is known as "an idiot".

That's what a moderate is. Because if you are basing your vote on the issues and policies, you won't be waffling back and fourth on who to vote for. You won't be a "moderate".
What would you call someone who believes in the Progressive tax system, that only discretionary income should be taxed, that Abortions should only be done when needed, ie when the mothers life is at stake. Guns are everyone's right to carry with no restrictions. Gays should be free to be Gay but control themselves while in public. Men's room is for those with dicks. Those without dicks can use the other one. War should only be fought if necessary to accomplish a specific goal benefiting America, and it should only last as long as it needs to kill who it needs to kill then get out of there. Let someone else come in and clean up the mess afterwards. NK capital and all their nukes should be destroyed using the Airforce and the Navy. The Marines come in later to mop up and ensure we got them all. Israel should be free to wage war against Iran. Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel. And we stop giving money we borrowed from China to other people. You shouldn't be a lender if you are already a borrower. Other than that live and let live.

That is my definition of a Moderate.

Since nobody replied yet I'll add State funded Education centers. Get the Federal Government out of Education. State funded Medicaid and Medicare. Again get the Federal Government out of it. Maybe even State funded Healthcare depending on your state. Federal Government should stay out of States business.
/——/ Conservative 100%
I put the option of "moderate" in there sort of jokingly. I thought more people would count themselves as one. I've seen some radicals on this forum call themselves "moderate" and had to laugh.

No such thing as a moderate. You either have beliefs or you don't.

Says you. Of course there is such a thing. Like I believe you’re a white trash, Jew hating, unemployed loser. In reality you should be a Democrat.

White trash lives matter.
I lean humanitarian.
I don’t believe in free college and I believe people should have jobs and healthcare. I believe in science. And I believe in the draft. Everyone should serve. Even the super wealthy.
On the other hand, I don’t believe in the meanness and corruption and heartlessness and especially the racism of the right.
But I’m not middle of the road. Because I strongly believe in my beliefs.

I think you mean you support Science, when it suites your Liberal agenda.

Doesn't science support racism, though?
Every study I've seen measuring racial genes, or racial IQ, or racial differences shows racial disparities.
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.


no government

no taxes.

and 20 minutes later the commies from china or russia march into washington and take over the country and install THEIR government.

because morons thought NO government and NO taxes was a good fkn idea.

Enjoy the communist internment camps!

Better start learning chinese or russian now
You know that the commies are an outdated notion. The Chinese are communist in name only, and the Russian CP can't garner enough votes to be part of the government.
/—-/ Move to Cuba or NK. And people in China have no rights regardless of how the government makes money.
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.
Anarchy has historically been recognized as a left wing position.

Only by complete imbeciles or euroweenies.

The correct perspective is nanny state bed wetters like you on the left with your authoritarian genocidal sociopath cults of personality, and libertarians who keep their foot on the throat of government on the right.

Haha, Sure, so explain how Anarchy would keep Law & Order, crack down on Illegal Immigrants, crack down on Abortion, crack down on Illicit drugs, maintain the border security, crack down on Porn, crack down on Prostitution, regulate Hollywood, regulate the media for more Conservative values?

Think of this. It's like a circle. We want to be at the bottom center. Not too much of one or the other. We need a little Anarchy and a little Chaos but in small doses to make life interesting. Each side leads back to the top center to Chaos and Anarchy. Both are arrived at through a different path but they are the same thing.
On one side you have white Republicans and on the other side you have everyone else.
White Republicans have become a cult, Democrats are a collation party.
There’s nothing similar between the two parties.
And now the Republicans have been become super greedy lewd libertines they are even worse.

So, Republicans aren't just Democrats who cut taxes?
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.
Anarchy has historically been recognized as a left wing position.

Only by complete imbeciles or euroweenies.

The correct perspective is nanny state bed wetters like you on the left with your authoritarian genocidal sociopath cults of personality, and libertarians who keep their foot on the throat of government on the right.

Haha, Sure, so explain how Anarchy would keep Law & Order, crack down on Illegal Immigrants, crack down on Abortion, crack down on Illicit drugs, maintain the border security, crack down on Porn, crack down on Prostitution, regulate Hollywood, regulate the media for more Conservative values?

Think of this. It's like a circle. We want to be at the bottom center. Not too much of one or the other. We need a little Anarchy and a little Chaos but in small doses to make life interesting. Each side leads back to the top center to Chaos and Anarchy. Both are arrived at through a different path but they are the same thing.

Anarchy is ridiculous, letting your culture, environment, hungry, and sick all whither away die.
Someone who doesn't understand or care about the issues more like.

Swing-voters could be considered "moderate", in my view. Conversely, people who vote their party 100% of the time are NOT "moderate".

Or maybe, Swing-voters like myself, are tired of being gouged by both parties, and are looking for more extremist positions like Fascism.

If you are voting a party ticket you aren't a swing voter. But being a swing voter doesn't necessarily mean you are a moderate or a centrist either. It only alternate your party ticket vote then you are a confused voter. Now, if you vote for the person instead of the Party you still might not be a moderate or a centrist.
On one side you have white Republicans and on the other side you have everyone else.
White Republicans have become a cult, Democrats are a collation party.
There’s nothing similar between the two parties.
And now the Republicans have been become super greedy lewd libertines they are even worse.

So, Republicans aren't just Democrats who cut taxes?

In less than 2 years, the "Republicans" ran up over 12 trillion in debt. I guess they heard that Obama had the new record and couldn't stand having him hold any sort of record. They could do what it took him 8 years to do in 4 years. Spending, there is NO difference between parties and hasn't been since Ike.
Hardcore right, I don't want a government. It seems like most people need one so I have ti tolerate it.

I even enlisted to serve it against the jihad only to have bed wetting libturds undermine it.
Anarchy has historically been recognized as a left wing position.

Only by complete imbeciles or euroweenies.

The correct perspective is nanny state bed wetters like you on the left with your authoritarian genocidal sociopath cults of personality, and libertarians who keep their foot on the throat of government on the right.

Haha, Sure, so explain how Anarchy would keep Law & Order, crack down on Illegal Immigrants, crack down on Abortion, crack down on Illicit drugs, maintain the border security, crack down on Porn, crack down on Prostitution, regulate Hollywood, regulate the media for more Conservative values?

Think of this. It's like a circle. We want to be at the bottom center. Not too much of one or the other. We need a little Anarchy and a little Chaos but in small doses to make life interesting. Each side leads back to the top center to Chaos and Anarchy. Both are arrived at through a different path but they are the same thing.

Anarchy is ridiculous, letting your culture, environment, hungry, and sick all whither away die.

Well, you can come in from the right and do Chaos. That's a fun thing where it ends up being about the same thing.
I put the option of "moderate" in there sort of jokingly. I thought more people would count themselves as one. I've seen some radicals on this forum call themselves "moderate" and had to laugh.

No such thing as a moderate. You either have beliefs or you don't.

Says you. Of course there is such a thing. Like I believe you’re a white trash, Jew hating, unemployed loser. In reality you should be a Democrat.

White trash lives matter.

What do you do for work? Photography?

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