Are you born gay?

Incorrect. It first manifested itself in the US in the homosexual community.

Where you get the rest of that from is beyond me. It isn't responding to anything I said. Address what I say. If I choose to agree with a portion of a comment and address it, that does not mean I agree with everything that person posts.

People can be unaccepting of homosexuals if they want to. That is their right. But hey, keep tromping on the majority's rights to shove the minority's behavior down their throats.

I'm not taking up for anyone. I responded to something you said and disagreed with it because you are incorrect. Simple as that.
They also say another reason for the spread of AIDS is the drug use during the 70's and I don't think only gay people used drugs.
Which proves what? Nothing. The homosexual community was STILL the first country in this nation to be ravaged by the disease. It doesn't matter WHAT or WHO they can trace the origin back to. That doesn't address what I posted.
And that probably has to do with the fact they had to hide their lifestyle so they had to go to such places as bath houses where they could live they live the life they wanted. Homosexuals had to hide their true self throughout time and when you have to hide it one tends to not be careful.
And another point no one deserves to get AIDS even if the choices they make. I know I said I hope that guy get AIDS and dies but I don't think he even deserves to have this disease. People make mistakes no one is perfect and no one deserves to get AIDS even if they make the choice to live a lifestyle that makes them at a higher risk they still did not ask for it. To say they did I believe is wrong.
I hope not.

I could never understand how people could eat chimps, either. Too close to humans.

The slash hunter theory has been rejected, if that was the case Africans would have been ravaged by AIDS a long time ago.
They also say another reason for the spread of AIDS is the drug use during the 70's and I don't think only gay people used drugs.

Regardless of where it originated, AIDS/HIV was most and first dominant in homosexuals in the US and to this day they have higher HIV/AIDS rates because of their high risk, promiscous lifestyle. For example, their excessive anal sex puts them at high risk for STDs and anal injuries, not to mention their penchant for fisting, urine drinking and anal rimming.
Regardless of where it originated, AIDS/HIV was most and first dominant in homosexuals in the US and to this day they have higher HIV/AIDS rates because of their high risk, promiscous lifestyle. For example, their excessive anal sex puts them at high risk for STDs and anal injuries, not to mention their penchant for fisting, urine drinking and anal rimming.
Who the 'f' cares if they have it more, really get off of it. And I wasn't saying black people and homosexuals are the same, I said the the majority said the same thing about black people when they wanted to be desegregated. They wanted the same rights as everyone else just like homosexauls do now.
Who the 'f' cares if they have it more, really get off of it. And I wasn't saying black people and homosexuals are the same, I said the the majority said the same thing about black people when they wanted to be desegregated. They wanted the same rights as everyone else just like homosexauls do now.

Sodomite so called rights and the black civil rights movement are like apples and oranges, one is looking for acceptance of their eviant sexual lifestyle via forcing it in people's faces, the other were fighting for basic rights after a legacy of slavery and separate but "unequal" legislation. All the rights that blacks fought for gays already have, they just want to shove their lifestyle down people's throat to force acceptance, so *DON'T* make any comparisons between blacks and people who want acceptance of their sexual behavior.
Sodomite so called rights and the black civil rights movement are like apples and oranges, one is looking for acceptance of their eviant sexual lifestyle via forcing it in people's faces, the other were fighting for basic rights after a legacy of slavery and separate but "unequal" legislation. All the rights that blacks fought for gays already have, they just want to shove their lifestyle down people's throat to force acceptance, so *DON'T* make any comparisons between blacks and people who want acceptance of their sexual behavior.
How are they forcing you? Do they have sex in front of you? You are forcing your lifestyle on them! They shouldn't have to change who they are!
The point is, is that it did not originate from homosexuals so those people who claim AIDS was God's way of punishing gays are FOS.
God works in strange ways, Why do you think its called Anal Intercourse Disease Syndrome? :badgrin:
I have many gay friends. They tell me stories of having affairs with married men. There is a certain bar in this city where married men like to go to meet the men of their true calling. (the love that dare not speak it's name so to say)

A lot of these men have children with their wives, hmmm, so it's straight in public, gay in private I guess.

Wonder if the so called "gay bashers" on here have anything like that to hide? :eusa_whistle:

This is certainly one way that AIDS is being transfered to the Straight community.

Of course the queers will tell you that 'it's not a queer disease... when in fact AIDS is nothing, if not a queer disease.

Again... Take the deviant (queer / IV drug user) out of the equation and presto... AIDS has no where to go.
This is certainly one way that AIDS is being transfered to the Straight community.

Of course the queers will tell you that 'it's not a queer disease... when in fact AIDS is nothing, if not a queer disease.

Again... Take the deviant (queer / IV drug user) out of the equation and presto... AIDS has no where to go.

In Africa, where it first developed, it's mostly affecting heterosexuals.

Here in the USA is IS mostly a disease found predominantly in the homosexual community.

Except for those thousands of people who got it from blood transfusions, and from intervenous drug injecting, of course.
Do *NOT* compare my people to homosexuals, being born black and engaging in deviant sexual behavior are incomparable.

"my people"? I know quite a few black homosexuals and black heterosexuals as well who would cringe to think anyone would associate them with a bigot like you just because of a similar shade of skin color.
The slash hunter theory has been rejected, if that was the case Africans would have been ravaged by AIDS a long time ago.

Lets have some proof of that.

Maybe you are not aware that viruses are constantly mutating and that the simian virus had to mutate before it transformed into a virus which could attack human cells.
Regardless of where it originated, AIDS/HIV was most and first dominant in homosexuals in the US and to this day they have higher HIV/AIDS rates because of their high risk, promiscous lifestyle. For example, their excessive anal sex puts them at high risk for STDs and anal injuries, not to mention their penchant for fisting, urine drinking and anal rimming.

Do you, Sunni man and glock ever stop obsessing over human sexual behavior? You're starting to sound like a perv.
Sodomite so called rights and the black civil rights movement are like apples and oranges, one is looking for acceptance of their eviant sexual lifestyle via forcing it in people's faces, the other were fighting for basic rights after a legacy of slavery and separate but "unequal" legislation. All the rights that blacks fought for gays already have, they just want to shove their lifestyle down people's throat to force acceptance, so *DON'T* make any comparisons between blacks and people who want acceptance of their sexual behavior.

I've noticed a pattern in your posts concerning some fantasy of yours about gays forcing something in your face, down your throat ...
This is certainly one way that AIDS is being transfered to the Straight community.

Of course the queers will tell you that 'it's not a queer disease... when in fact AIDS is nothing, if not a queer disease.

Again... Take the deviant (queer / IV drug user) out of the equation and presto... AIDS has no where to go.

Interesting that no scientific or medical organization is backing up your claims.

You have to resort to lies in order to justify your hatred of homosexuals. That makes you a bigot. You should get some help for that. Hatred will eat you alive.
In Africa, where it first developed, it's mostly affecting heterosexuals.

Here in the USA is IS mostly a disease found predominantly in the homosexual community.

Except for those thousands of people who got it from blood transfusions, and from intervenous drug injecting, of course.

And children born to infected mothers. Everyone who is sexually active is at risk.

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