Are You Content With The Amount You Pay For Taxes?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I reside in the Socialist Republic Of Washington State & I must say that taxes are of a MAJOR concern for many Washingtonians including me. The skyrocketing property tax is my major gripe in our SROWS. Inflation due to debt/increased spending(& ever higher taxes) on social programs in some states is turning quality of life into a nightmare for many Americans. Then there is the federal g'ment debt $pending(YIKES!!!) which the D.istrict of C.orruption is accomplishing what Imperial Japan, fascist Italy & Nutzi Germany attempted to accomplish but failed to do with our USA.

Below is a link that is worth reading in my opinion. The link comes across to me with possible bias & I am not standing behind the accuracy of the info in the link for I really do not know if the links figures are valid. As you read the link you will find many suggestions to the ever increasing co$t of living many of our fellow Americans are currently experiencing. I picked this link because it illustrated a family that lives in Washington state. I do know of one of our fellow USMB members that relocated from Washington state to the mid west for she sounded to be unhappy with the state of Washington overall(?) & I could easily see the cost of living/taxes in Washington state as one of the reasons she relocated to another state.

I reside in the Socialist Republic Of Washington State & I must say that taxes are of a MAJOR concern for many Washingtonians including me. The skyrocketing property tax is my major gripe in our SROWS. Inflation due to debt/increased spending(& ever higher taxes) on social programs in some states is turning quality of life into a nightmare for many Americans. Then there is the federal g'ment debt $pending(YIKES!!!) which the D.istrict of C.orruption is accomplishing what Imperial Japan, fascist Italy & Nutzi Germany attempted to accomplish but failed to do with our USA.

Below is a link that is worth reading in my opinion. The link comes across to me with possible bias & I am not standing behind the accuracy of the info in the link for I really do not know if the links figures are valid. As you read the link you will find many suggestions to the ever increasing co$t of living many of our fellow Americans are currently experiencing. I picked this link because it illustrated a family that lives in Washington state. I do know of one of our fellow USMB members that relocated from Washington state to the mid west for she sounded to be unhappy with the state of Washington overall(?) & I could easily see the cost of living/taxes in Washington state as one of the reasons she relocated to another state.

You should be happy you don't live in CA or NY.
It's is what taxes get spent on that upset most people. Adults know that taxes are inevitable, they just want them spent on their own golden cows and snivel about 'the other guys' waste'.

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