Are you disgusted with the way the GOP candidates are conducting themselves?

I feel like all of them but Kasich are doing their best to destroy the GOP brand. We have spent so many years tossing around terms like RINO & Neocon that it has become second nature to immediately drop to the lowest level when engaging each other. Just like the term racist or racism have lost all meaning because of the overuse the GOP labels are as well. Now we call people like Cruz a Rino & Trump a conservative. It's beyond ridiculous.

I DO NOT support any candidate at this point. If shit doesn't change by fall I may become one of the people I mocked for the last 15 other 20 years. A no party, no conviction independent.
The left can go fuck themselves and if the GOP doesn't get it together stat, they can join the left.

You're just now noticing that the right is crazy? You haven't been paying attention for a long time.
^ that

Him being proud of NOT being an Independent speaks volumes.
Dottie, the free thinker LMAO
Republican debate ratings are through the roof

It is a chance for Republicans to highlight that after eight long years of Obama they will offer strong, responsible leadership

What they have demonstrated is bratty behavior, bullying, taunts, brags about penis size

Do they really think this is the direction the public wants the country to go in?
What's crazy ? When someone talks about compromise or being able to just move a little on an issue they are met with boos and it's seen as a negative.
Its truly an insult and disgusting. I don't watch anymore. The candidates on both sides are lower than dung.
It's funny when Trump gets attacked by these clowns for saying he wouldn't touch Social Security, and in the next breath these clowns are invoking Ronald Reagan,

who saved Social Security.
This may be the saddest point in Republican history I have seen in my life

Used to be that Democrats were the firebrands and Republicans were the conservative, calm voice of reason

Last nights debate looked like it belonged on Jerry Springer
We're just watching the aftermath of W. When Karl Rove literally financially attacked a guy like David Frum and literally ran him out of the gop because he had the temerity to publically publish that W's tax cuts, spending and wars were not the actions of a conservative, the GOP changed.

It does sort of bewilder me why so many like a guy like Trump though. I understand the desire for an outsider. I even understand why people would support the guy who is promising them shite that any relatively intelligent SHOULD know is not gonna happen, at least not the way he's saying he'll do it, and in fact is actually intentionally refusing to say how he'd do it. But I don't understand how 30-40% or primary voters would vote for a guy who really is obscene and obnoxious. If someone acted like that in my house, I'd tell them to leave and call the cops. And, if I had to I'd get my pistol.
Pretty sure I'll be voting for Gary Johnson again.
If this shit doesn't stop I may write in Ronald Reagan

Great idea. A dead guy who had Alzheimer's. He's at least as good as the other republicans.

This guy is looking pretty fucking good right now

This may be the saddest point in Republican history I have seen in my life

Used to be that Democrats were the firebrands and Republicans were the conservative, calm voice of reason

Last nights debate looked like it belonged on Jerry Springer
We're just watching the aftermath of W. When Karl Rove literally financially attacked a guy like David Frum and literally ran him out of the gop because he had the temerity to publically publish that W's tax cuts, spending and wars were not the actions of a conservative, the GOP changed.

It does sort of bewilder me why so many like a guy like Trump though. I understand the desire for an outsider. I even understand why people would support the guy who is promising them shite that any relatively intelligent SHOULD know is not gonna happen, at least not the way he's saying he'll do it, and in fact is actually intentionally refusing to say how he'd do it. But I don't understand how 30-40% or primary voters would vote for a guy who really is obscene and obnoxious. If someone acted like that in my house, I'd tell them to leave and call the cops. And, if I had to I'd get my pistol.

I don't understand how Trump is "likeable" or "Presidential"

Two factors that usually help decide the election
Republican debate ratings are through the roof

It is a chance for Republicans to highlight that after eight long years of Obama they will offer strong, responsible leadership

What they have demonstrated is bratty behavior, bullying, taunts, brags about penis size

Do they really think this is the direction the public wants the country to go in?
Maybe they will become part of WWE programing
Its truly an insult and disgusting. I don't watch anymore. The candidates on both sides are lower than dung.

Penis size seems to be an issue in only one of the parties.

I don't know. You might want to talk your leftist pal JoeB131 who brings it up in every gun discussion.

Actually, I think the Left is afraid to bring up the possible size of Hillarys penis.
I feel like all of them but Kasich are doing their best to destroy the GOP brand. We have spent so many years tossing around terms like RINO & Neocon that it has become second nature to immediately drop to the lowest level when engaging each other. Just like the term racist or racism have lost all meaning because of the overuse the GOP labels are as well. Now we call people like Cruz a Rino & Trump a conservative. It's beyond ridiculous.

I DO NOT support any candidate at this point. If shit doesn't change by fall I may become one of the people I mocked for the last 15 other 20 years. A no party, no conviction independent.
The left can go fuck themselves and if the GOP doesn't get it together stat, they can join the left.

You are assuming that the general public will remember any of this once the actual election campaign begins. All of this will be forgotten once we get an actual nominee, unless of course Trump feels he has been cheated and goes 3rd party anyway.

Youtube is forever

People caring about things isn't.
Get a freaking life. Politics is tough. Would you rather have a candidate keep his strong feelings to himself and lie to the public? When the smoke clears republicans will have a viable candidate. The same can't be said for the love fest between the old commie and the psychotic abused wife of a world class philanderer and of course the liberal media.
I have a life bud. I realize politics is "tough" but tough does not also mean that everyone gets a free pass to act like teenagers in a school locker room

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