Are You in the "New American Center"?

Not surprising, barely right of center. Here's the thing; being center doesn't always mean that you are in the middle on everything. For most, it means you lean right on some issues and left on others, while you may be in the true middle some of the time. What we run into a great deal on USMB is that conservatives are so far to the right, they believe anyone in the middle is a flaming left wing liberal and communist. It's the reason taking anything most of them say is almost impossible to do.


we also have Liberals here so far to the Left, they believe anyone in the middle is a Far Right Wing Asshole......and its the same with them.... taking anything most of them say is almost impossible to do......
Another quiz that means absolutely nothing.

Do people really need a quiz to figure out what label to put on themselves?
I am not in the New American center and I really doubt that most people are.

Now more than any other time in history, the people are dividing into increasingly hostile camps. It isn't the time of the centrist. It's the time of choosing up sides.

You obviously missed the exit polls reports from the 2012 election.
Here's the results from one I'm sure you may trust.
2012 Fox News Exit Poll | Politics | Fox News
Their results were;
Liberal 25%
Conservative 35%
Moderate 41%
Even people who may consider themselves as Democrats or Republicans fall into that moderate category because they don't goose-step to their parties ideology. As noted in the article, moderates/centralist are really sick and tired of the extremism of both major parties. That doesn't bode well for the far right or the far left, which interestingly is a composite of a majority of posters at MSMB.
Anyway here's a screenshot of where I ended up with the quiz.


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I am not in the New American center and I really doubt that most people are.

Now more than any other time in history, the people are dividing into increasingly hostile camps. It isn't the time of the centrist. It's the time of choosing up sides.

You're blind to the reality.

Left-leaning, left of center, center, independent, and moderate right of center NOW ALL STAND AGAINST the EXTREME RIGHT.
Take the test and find out where you really are:

American Center Politics Quiz - Political Beliefs Quiz - Esquire

"Where do you fall on today’s ideological spectrum? Answer a few short questions and find out whether you’re part of the New American Center.""

I took the Esquire survey and I found myself answering some questions quite conservatively in regards to wasteful gov't spending, taxes, etc. And even though I have never taken any federal or state assistance in any form ever in my entire life, I am definitely not in the new American center:


I think the quiz missed the mark with me. It had me as slightly right of center.
Not surprising, barely right of center. Here's the thing; being center doesn't always mean that you are in the middle on everything. For most, it means you lean right on some issues and left on others, while you may be in the true middle some of the time. What we run into a great deal on USMB is that conservatives are so far to the right, they believe anyone in the middle is a flaming left wing liberal and communist. It's the reason taking anything most of them say is almost impossible to do.


I ended up right where you are and probably for the same reasons that you mention.
I'm not sure the survey shows the center as leaning left so much as it shows the center is more or less not judgmental of others ... and doesn't like people who are judgmental.

I didn't see anything new, but it's not a bad thing to remind oursleves that despite moves by the right, and to a lesser degree the left, to claim that unfair impositions upon them justify extraordinary responses. And that was really Hitler's schtick. It's not a good way to govern. We're better with optimists like FDR, JFK and Reagan.

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