Are you perceived as more liberal or conservative in real life ?

My opinion on LGBTQ am I liberal?

They should be able to live like they want and also have rights like inheritance and all those other things straight have too when they are married they should not receive a blessing from the priest or pastor as marriage is sanctuary and can be only between a man and a woman they should not adopt children from straight couples if the couple objects but if they have a biological child they should be entitled to raise it. They should not face bullying or discrimination not at workplace either if there were no discrimination they would ideally don't need pride parade but there is so I think they should be able to walk the streets raise their flag and protest discrimination but they should not engage in public indecency or blasphemy on those days overall I'm much more tolerant then I was when I was 20 but I think also because I didn't know gays only from media I met a gay at hospital he was decent we talked no problem at all.
I have no idea what people perceive me as. No one ever told me that. But I was called nazi in the past. They said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time even now not being one" so probably conservative.

I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal.

This is what I look like in daily encounter

View attachment 255796

Was this Online you were called a Nazi in the past? Well if you told everyone CORRECT and NOT what your DELUSION is ie. always state you are Serbian and NOT culturally or Ethnically Austrian then you would not get IGNORANT ones calling you a Nazi would you? Or do you ENJOY being called a Nazi, does it excite you being called a Nazi? Do you SECRETLY WANT to be ACCEPTED as a Nazi? Is this why you join S***mfron**? Why would ANYONE join S***mfron** IF they did NOT want to get acceptance from in that situation Neo-Nazi's?


From your pictures you also shave your head and wear costumes that many associate WITH not Nazi's but with NEO-Nazi's, so DO WANT as many as you can to THINK you are a Neo-Nazi? If not why fashion yourself AFTER what many Neo-Nazi's look like? This combined with you joining S***mfron** does suggest you have a FETISH about wanting to be accepted as a Neo-Nazi BY actual Neo-Nazi's.

But Mortimer nobody would think you a Nazi as you are Serbian, so you should not become concerned. Hmmmm part of my extended job is to also Monitor other things that we feel misrepresent Online, one of these would be websites like S***mfro** and a few hours ago I was given the thing to go and have a look and the below IS YOU right Mortimer it is a copy and paste I am NOT going to post a link to the place but if anyone wants to go and have a look they can, I get PAID to Monitor CRAP like that other place I do not do this because I like or WANT to.

This is you Mortimer who joined that other place, why ANYONE would WANT to join that place who knows except IF they WANT acceptance from Neo-Nazi's. Mortimer I do not think that you are intelligent enough to know that you are playing a very dangerous game and that we do have LAWS about this type of thing and one day something not good is going to happen to you. I am telling you this as a FRIENDLY WARNING to STOP wanting to attract yourself and/or associate yourself in getting the approval of Neo-Nazi's and as you are NOT a Native to my nation and have a piece of paper it would be VERY easy in a few months from NOW to take that piece of paper OFF you and DEPORT you back to your place of origin Serbia:


Posts: n/a

What do American White Nationalists think about Germans/Austrians?
There is no german sub-forum and very few openly or knowingly active german members here (but some might be german in disguise). I wonder what american patriots and white nationalists think about germans/austrians and World War 1 and 2? I guess they believe "No White Brother wars". What they think about Hitler? I suspect they might like him more then the average american. Thanks for opinions and thoughts. I reside in austria and speak german but Im neither culturally nor ethnically really austrian. Im an immigrant.

^^^^ Why not post this here what I have in the blue.You tell the low IQ crowd on S***mfron** you are NOT culturally or ethnically which is ACCURATE and then you come to this forum and on a daily basis and post things that are NOT ACCURATE. You are Serbian Mortimer be PROUD to be Serbian, I thought last night you and me had got somewhere in that other thread discussing our History and you posting about where you are from in Serbia and me telling you what a beautiful place that is, and then we get this AGAIN you doing the Leftist Cultural Appropriation thing that you have been brainwashed with. I do not know some of your DELUSIONS about WHO you are and WHO you are NOT could be connected to your Schizophrenia that you have.

The other things:

"I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal."

Agree on the importance of functional family values, also agree that a man and a woman is Gods natural order, I also can tolerate LGBTQ but I do not agree with the LGBTQ Agenda. Fiscally I am Conservative, also I do not agree with the fetish about transforming into tigers or lions or men getting boobies and women getting a penis. You are a Christian, I am a Christian, we can agree on many things Mortimer but you should do like you tell the S**rmf**** crowd and then I would stop pulling you up. I am AGAINST Cultural Appropriation and this also is for Serbs because IF EVERY Serb went around saying "I'm Irish" or "I'm French" or whatever it then TRASHES the cohesiveness of what is is to be Serbian. The Americans hate all this because of their Melting Pot thing but this is a European Thing and not connected to the American Thing. Also again you should STOP wanting to have the approval of Neo-Nazi's because that type of thing does not get you into a good situation.

A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I have no idea what people perceive me as. No one ever told me that. But I was called nazi in the past. They said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time even now not being one" so probably conservative.

I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal.

This is what I look like in daily encounter

View attachment 255796

Was this Online you were called a Nazi in the past? Well if you told everyone CORRECT and NOT what your DELUSION is ie. always state you are Serbian and NOT culturally or Ethnically Austrian then you would not get IGNORANT ones calling you a Nazi would you? Or do you ENJOY being called a Nazi, does it excite you being called a Nazi? Do you SECRETLY WANT to be ACCEPTED as a Nazi? Is this why you join S***mfron**? Why would ANYONE join S***mfron** IF they did NOT want to get acceptance from in that situation Neo-Nazi's?


From your pictures you also shave your head and wear costumes that many associate WITH not Nazi's but with NEO-Nazi's, so DO WANT as many as you can to THINK you are a Neo-Nazi? If not why fashion yourself AFTER what many Neo-Nazi's look like? This combined with you joining S***mfron** does suggest you have a FETISH about wanting to be accepted as a Neo-Nazi BY actual Neo-Nazi's.

But Mortimer nobody would think you a Nazi as you are Serbian, so you should not become concerned. Hmmmm part of my extended job is to also Monitor other things that we feel misrepresent Online, one of these would be websites like S***mfro** and a few hours ago I was given the thing to go and have a look and the below IS YOU right Mortimer it is a copy and paste I am NOT going to post a link to the place but if anyone wants to go and have a look they can, I get PAID to Monitor CRAP like that other place I do not do this because I like or WANT to.

This is you Mortimer who joined that other place, why ANYONE would WANT to join that place who knows except IF they WANT acceptance from Neo-Nazi's. Mortimer I do not think that you are intelligent enough to know that you are playing a very dangerous game and that we do have LAWS about this type of thing and one day something not good is going to happen to you. I am telling you this as a FRIENDLY WARNING to STOP wanting to attract yourself and/or associate yourself in getting the approval of Neo-Nazi's and as you are NOT a Native to my nation and have a piece of paper it would be VERY easy in a few months from NOW to take that piece of paper OFF you and DEPORT you back to your place of origin Serbia:


Posts: n/a

What do American White Nationalists think about Germans/Austrians?
There is no german sub-forum and very few openly or knowingly active german members here (but some might be german in disguise). I wonder what american patriots and white nationalists think about germans/austrians and World War 1 and 2? I guess they believe "No White Brother wars". What they think about Hitler? I suspect they might like him more then the average american. Thanks for opinions and thoughts. I reside in austria and speak german but Im neither culturally nor ethnically really austrian. Im an immigrant.

^^^^ Why not post this here what I have in the blue.You tell the low IQ crowd on S***mfron** you are NOT culturally or ethnically which is ACCURATE and then you come to this forum and on a daily basis and post things that are NOT ACCURATE. You are Serbian Mortimer be PROUD to be Serbian, I thought last night you and me had got somewhere in that other thread discussing our History and you posting about where you are from in Serbia and me telling you what a beautiful place that is, and then we get this AGAIN you doing the Leftist Cultural Appropriation thing that you have been brainwashed with. I do not know some of your DELUSIONS about WHO you are and WHO you are NOT could be connected to your Schizophrenia that you have.

The other things:

"I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal."

Agree on the importance of functional family values, also agree that a man and a woman is Gods natural order, I also can tolerate LGBTQ but I do not agree with the LGBTQ Agenda. Fiscally I am Conservative, also I do not agree with the fetish about transforming into tigers or lions or men getting boobies and women getting a penis. You are a Christian, I am a Christian, we can agree on many things Mortimer but you should do like you tell the S**rmf**** crowd and then I would stop pulling you up. I am AGAINST Cultural Appropriation and this also is for Serbs because IF EVERY Serb went around saying "I'm Irish" or "I'm French" or whatever it then TRASHES the cohesiveness of what is is to be Serbian. The Americans hate all this because of their Melting Pot thing but this is a European Thing and not connected to the American Thing. Also again you should STOP wanting to have the approval of Neo-Nazi's because that type of thing does not get you into a good situation.

A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.
i thought you said you were a roma roma man?
anyone who call you a nazi is an idiot...the nazis gassed romas
although they call us nazis for believing in the bill of rights and that it should apply to everyone no matter race color religion blah blah

my favorite roma was django

Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one". That was his exact words. He didnt said I am a nazi or that Romas can be nazis. It didnt happened that often. But I guess some people sometimes have a impression of me as being more on the right eventhough I am not.

"Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one".

Yes a good thing then that you are Serbian. You not being that intelligent I think are being advised to post these vile comments in The Lounge, so you think you can get away with calling MY peoples Nazi's, not the FIRST time you have commented this about MY peoples, you did it the other day also. You then think that I will not DEFEND MY peoples against vile attacks from filthy Roma Welfare Parasites like you. NOBODY trashes MY peoples and me NOT defend them and I do not care what ANYONE thinks, they are MY BLOOD and I will DEFEND them to the DEATH against vile attacks.

So WHY are you squatting then IF you think we are Nazi's? You don't seem to care about us being Nazi's when we are PAYING your WELFARE. MILLIONS of Nazi's go out to work and pay TAXES so wastes of human skin like YOU can sit and DO ZERO and get WELFARE and a free apartment that you give rent for from moneys that MILLIONS of Nazi's go to work to pay you Welfare, we Nazi's also pay for your FAMILY who also are ALL on Welfare, we also pay for ALL your medical treatment and your Schizophrenia pills IF you are taking them and considering your abnormal posts on THIS forum and the 15 OTHER forums you are on I do not think you are on your meds, you even LOOK like what you are a mentally ill person, the mental illness is in YOU and it SHOWS.Okay we are Nazi's so go back to Serbia then, oh I forgot you do NOT get the Welfare that MILLIONS of Nazi's work to give wastes of DNA like you, you are what Historically ALL Roma have been a parasite sucking off the Welfare of your Host Nation and this is the reason why 90% of the European Continent have NEVER wanted Roma in their nation, they do NOT work, they STEAL and get WELFARE. WE Nazi's pay for EVERYTHING YOU get, your food your water your INTERNET ACCESS, EVERY thing you THINK you are paying WE are the one's who are paying via your Welfare.

IF you think we are Nazi's then GTFO and go back to Serbia. WHY are you polluting this forum with your CRAP day after day, ALL you post about is YOU and you constantly post these UGLY pictures of yourself and constantly ask STUPID questions in threads about YOURSELF. You have some random Americans who humour you, who IGNORE your FREQUENT RACIST comments about Blacks, who IGNORE your FREQUENT Fetish with WANTING to be a Neo-Nazi and be ACCEPTED by White Supremacists you have posted MANY threads that are RACIST in nature, your latest about do Turks get accepted as WHITE in America. Most of the Americans who humour you ONLY ignore your RACIST comments because they know that you are NOT okay in the MIND. You post on this forum every day like you are some AUTHORITY on MY NATION, you ONLY STAY in MY NATION because we Nazi's give you Welfare and I told you on the other thread you within 18 months will NOT be getting that ANYMORE we are CUTTING Welfare payments to Professional Parasites and we do NOT care WHAT mental disable situation you have, you can starve to death WE DO NOT CARE. You are SQUATTING in a nation that does NOT WANT you and has NEVER wanted your type, you ONLY stay because of the Welfare, you then go on Internet Forums to call US Nazi's who your WORTHLESS CARCASS is being supported via OUR WELFARE system. You contribute ZERO and then bite the hand that is feeding you.
i thought you said you were a roma roma man?
anyone who call you a nazi is an idiot...the nazis gassed romas
although they call us nazis for believing in the bill of rights and that it should apply to everyone no matter race color religion blah blah

my favorite roma was django

Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one". That was his exact words. He didnt said I am a nazi or that Romas can be nazis. It didnt happened that often. But I guess some people sometimes have a impression of me as being more on the right eventhough I am not.

"Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one".

Yes a good thing then that you are Serbian. You not being that intelligent I think are being advised to post these vile comments in The Lounge, so you think you can get away with calling MY peoples Nazi's, not the FIRST time you have commented this about MY peoples, you did it the other day also. You then think that I will not DEFEND MY peoples against vile attacks from filthy Roma Welfare Parasites like you. NOBODY trashes MY peoples and me NOT defend them and I do not care what ANYONE thinks, they are MY BLOOD and I will DEFEND them to the DEATH against vile attacks.

So WHY are you squatting then IF you think we are Nazi's? You don't seem to care about us being Nazi's when we are PAYING your WELFARE. MILLIONS of Nazi's go out to work and pay TAXES so wastes of human skin like YOU can sit and DO ZERO and get WELFARE and a free apartment that you give rent for from moneys that MILLIONS of Nazi's go to work to pay you Welfare, we Nazi's also pay for your FAMILY who also are ALL on Welfare, we also pay for ALL your medical treatment and your Schizophrenia pills IF you are taking them and considering your abnormal posts on THIS forum and the 15 OTHER forums you are on I do not think you are on your meds, you even LOOK like what you are a mentally ill person, the mental illness is in YOU and it SHOWS.Okay we are Nazi's so go back to Serbia then, oh I forgot you do NOT get the Welfare that MILLIONS of Nazi's work to give wastes of DNA like you, you are what Historically ALL Roma have been a parasite sucking off the Welfare of your Host Nation and this is the reason why 90% of the European Continent have NEVER wanted Roma in their nation, they do NOT work, they STEAL and get WELFARE. WE Nazi's pay for EVERYTHING YOU get, your food your water your INTERNET ACCESS, EVERY thing you THINK you are paying WE are the one's who are paying via your Welfare.

IF you think we are Nazi's then GTFO and go back to Serbia. WHY are you polluting this forum with your CRAP day after day, ALL you post about is YOU and you constantly post these UGLY pictures of yourself and constantly ask STUPID questions in threads about YOURSELF. You have some random Americans who humour you, who IGNORE your FREQUENT RACIST comments about Blacks, who IGNORE your FREQUENT Fetish with WANTING to be a Neo-Nazi and be ACCEPTED by White Supremacists you have posted MANY threads that are RACIST in nature, your latest about do Turks get accepted as WHITE in America. Most of the Americans who humour you ONLY ignore your RACIST comments because they know that you are NOT okay in the MIND. You post on this forum every day like you are some AUTHORITY on MY NATION, you ONLY STAY in MY NATION because we Nazi's give you Welfare and I told you on the other thread you within 18 months will NOT be getting that ANYMORE we are CUTTING Welfare payments to Professional Parasites and we do NOT care WHAT mental disable situation you have, you can starve to death WE DO NOT CARE. You are SQUATTING in a nation that does NOT WANT you and has NEVER wanted your type, you ONLY stay because of the Welfare, you then go on Internet Forums to call US Nazi's who your WORTHLESS CARCASS is being supported via OUR WELFARE system. You contribute ZERO and then bite the hand that is feeding you.
I never said all austrians are nazi.
I have no idea what people perceive me as. No one ever told me that. But I was called nazi in the past. They said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time even now not being one" so probably conservative.

I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal.

This is what I look like in daily encounter

View attachment 255796

Was this Online you were called a Nazi in the past? Well if you told everyone CORRECT and NOT what your DELUSION is ie. always state you are Serbian and NOT culturally or Ethnically Austrian then you would not get IGNORANT ones calling you a Nazi would you? Or do you ENJOY being called a Nazi, does it excite you being called a Nazi? Do you SECRETLY WANT to be ACCEPTED as a Nazi? Is this why you join S***mfron**? Why would ANYONE join S***mfron** IF they did NOT want to get acceptance from in that situation Neo-Nazi's?


From your pictures you also shave your head and wear costumes that many associate WITH not Nazi's but with NEO-Nazi's, so DO WANT as many as you can to THINK you are a Neo-Nazi? If not why fashion yourself AFTER what many Neo-Nazi's look like? This combined with you joining S***mfron** does suggest you have a FETISH about wanting to be accepted as a Neo-Nazi BY actual Neo-Nazi's.

But Mortimer nobody would think you a Nazi as you are Serbian, so you should not become concerned. Hmmmm part of my extended job is to also Monitor other things that we feel misrepresent Online, one of these would be websites like S***mfro** and a few hours ago I was given the thing to go and have a look and the below IS YOU right Mortimer it is a copy and paste I am NOT going to post a link to the place but if anyone wants to go and have a look they can, I get PAID to Monitor CRAP like that other place I do not do this because I like or WANT to.

This is you Mortimer who joined that other place, why ANYONE would WANT to join that place who knows except IF they WANT acceptance from Neo-Nazi's. Mortimer I do not think that you are intelligent enough to know that you are playing a very dangerous game and that we do have LAWS about this type of thing and one day something not good is going to happen to you. I am telling you this as a FRIENDLY WARNING to STOP wanting to attract yourself and/or associate yourself in getting the approval of Neo-Nazi's and as you are NOT a Native to my nation and have a piece of paper it would be VERY easy in a few months from NOW to take that piece of paper OFF you and DEPORT you back to your place of origin Serbia:


Posts: n/a

What do American White Nationalists think about Germans/Austrians?
There is no german sub-forum and very few openly or knowingly active german members here (but some might be german in disguise). I wonder what american patriots and white nationalists think about germans/austrians and World War 1 and 2? I guess they believe "No White Brother wars". What they think about Hitler? I suspect they might like him more then the average american. Thanks for opinions and thoughts. I reside in austria and speak german but Im neither culturally nor ethnically really austrian. Im an immigrant.

^^^^ Why not post this here what I have in the blue.You tell the low IQ crowd on S***mfron** you are NOT culturally or ethnically which is ACCURATE and then you come to this forum and on a daily basis and post things that are NOT ACCURATE. You are Serbian Mortimer be PROUD to be Serbian, I thought last night you and me had got somewhere in that other thread discussing our History and you posting about where you are from in Serbia and me telling you what a beautiful place that is, and then we get this AGAIN you doing the Leftist Cultural Appropriation thing that you have been brainwashed with. I do not know some of your DELUSIONS about WHO you are and WHO you are NOT could be connected to your Schizophrenia that you have.

The other things:

"I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal."

Agree on the importance of functional family values, also agree that a man and a woman is Gods natural order, I also can tolerate LGBTQ but I do not agree with the LGBTQ Agenda. Fiscally I am Conservative, also I do not agree with the fetish about transforming into tigers or lions or men getting boobies and women getting a penis. You are a Christian, I am a Christian, we can agree on many things Mortimer but you should do like you tell the S**rmf**** crowd and then I would stop pulling you up. I am AGAINST Cultural Appropriation and this also is for Serbs because IF EVERY Serb went around saying "I'm Irish" or "I'm French" or whatever it then TRASHES the cohesiveness of what is is to be Serbian. The Americans hate all this because of their Melting Pot thing but this is a European Thing and not connected to the American Thing. Also again you should STOP wanting to have the approval of Neo-Nazi's because that type of thing does not get you into a good situation.

A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I have no idea what people perceive me as. No one ever told me that. But I was called nazi in the past. They said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time even now not being one" so probably conservative.

I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal.

This is what I look like in daily encounter

View attachment 255796

Was this Online you were called a Nazi in the past? Well if you told everyone CORRECT and NOT what your DELUSION is ie. always state you are Serbian and NOT culturally or Ethnically Austrian then you would not get IGNORANT ones calling you a Nazi would you? Or do you ENJOY being called a Nazi, does it excite you being called a Nazi? Do you SECRETLY WANT to be ACCEPTED as a Nazi? Is this why you join S***mfron**? Why would ANYONE join S***mfron** IF they did NOT want to get acceptance from in that situation Neo-Nazi's?


From your pictures you also shave your head and wear costumes that many associate WITH not Nazi's but with NEO-Nazi's, so DO WANT as many as you can to THINK you are a Neo-Nazi? If not why fashion yourself AFTER what many Neo-Nazi's look like? This combined with you joining S***mfron** does suggest you have a FETISH about wanting to be accepted as a Neo-Nazi BY actual Neo-Nazi's.

But Mortimer nobody would think you a Nazi as you are Serbian, so you should not become concerned. Hmmmm part of my extended job is to also Monitor other things that we feel misrepresent Online, one of these would be websites like S***mfro** and a few hours ago I was given the thing to go and have a look and the below IS YOU right Mortimer it is a copy and paste I am NOT going to post a link to the place but if anyone wants to go and have a look they can, I get PAID to Monitor CRAP like that other place I do not do this because I like or WANT to.

This is you Mortimer who joined that other place, why ANYONE would WANT to join that place who knows except IF they WANT acceptance from Neo-Nazi's. Mortimer I do not think that you are intelligent enough to know that you are playing a very dangerous game and that we do have LAWS about this type of thing and one day something not good is going to happen to you. I am telling you this as a FRIENDLY WARNING to STOP wanting to attract yourself and/or associate yourself in getting the approval of Neo-Nazi's and as you are NOT a Native to my nation and have a piece of paper it would be VERY easy in a few months from NOW to take that piece of paper OFF you and DEPORT you back to your place of origin Serbia:


Posts: n/a

What do American White Nationalists think about Germans/Austrians?
There is no german sub-forum and very few openly or knowingly active german members here (but some might be german in disguise). I wonder what american patriots and white nationalists think about germans/austrians and World War 1 and 2? I guess they believe "No White Brother wars". What they think about Hitler? I suspect they might like him more then the average american. Thanks for opinions and thoughts. I reside in austria and speak german but Im neither culturally nor ethnically really austrian. Im an immigrant.

^^^^ Why not post this here what I have in the blue.You tell the low IQ crowd on S***mfron** you are NOT culturally or ethnically which is ACCURATE and then you come to this forum and on a daily basis and post things that are NOT ACCURATE. You are Serbian Mortimer be PROUD to be Serbian, I thought last night you and me had got somewhere in that other thread discussing our History and you posting about where you are from in Serbia and me telling you what a beautiful place that is, and then we get this AGAIN you doing the Leftist Cultural Appropriation thing that you have been brainwashed with. I do not know some of your DELUSIONS about WHO you are and WHO you are NOT could be connected to your Schizophrenia that you have.

The other things:

"I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal."

Agree on the importance of functional family values, also agree that a man and a woman is Gods natural order, I also can tolerate LGBTQ but I do not agree with the LGBTQ Agenda. Fiscally I am Conservative, also I do not agree with the fetish about transforming into tigers or lions or men getting boobies and women getting a penis. You are a Christian, I am a Christian, we can agree on many things Mortimer but you should do like you tell the S**rmf**** crowd and then I would stop pulling you up. I am AGAINST Cultural Appropriation and this also is for Serbs because IF EVERY Serb went around saying "I'm Irish" or "I'm French" or whatever it then TRASHES the cohesiveness of what is is to be Serbian. The Americans hate all this because of their Melting Pot thing but this is a European Thing and not connected to the American Thing. Also again you should STOP wanting to have the approval of Neo-Nazi's because that type of thing does not get you into a good situation.

A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally
i thought you said you were a roma roma man?
anyone who call you a nazi is an idiot...the nazis gassed romas
although they call us nazis for believing in the bill of rights and that it should apply to everyone no matter race color religion blah blah

my favorite roma was django

Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one". That was his exact words. He didnt said I am a nazi or that Romas can be nazis. It didnt happened that often. But I guess some people sometimes have a impression of me as being more on the right eventhough I am not.

"Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one".

Yes a good thing then that you are Serbian. You not being that intelligent I think are being advised to post these vile comments in The Lounge, so you think you can get away with calling MY peoples Nazi's, not the FIRST time you have commented this about MY peoples, you did it the other day also. You then think that I will not DEFEND MY peoples against vile attacks from filthy Roma Welfare Parasites like you. NOBODY trashes MY peoples and me NOT defend them and I do not care what ANYONE thinks, they are MY BLOOD and I will DEFEND them to the DEATH against vile attacks.

So WHY are you squatting then IF you think we are Nazi's? You don't seem to care about us being Nazi's when we are PAYING your WELFARE. MILLIONS of Nazi's go out to work and pay TAXES so wastes of human skin like YOU can sit and DO ZERO and get WELFARE and a free apartment that you give rent for from moneys that MILLIONS of Nazi's go to work to pay you Welfare, we Nazi's also pay for your FAMILY who also are ALL on Welfare, we also pay for ALL your medical treatment and your Schizophrenia pills IF you are taking them and considering your abnormal posts on THIS forum and the 15 OTHER forums you are on I do not think you are on your meds, you even LOOK like what you are a mentally ill person, the mental illness is in YOU and it SHOWS.Okay we are Nazi's so go back to Serbia then, oh I forgot you do NOT get the Welfare that MILLIONS of Nazi's work to give wastes of DNA like you, you are what Historically ALL Roma have been a parasite sucking off the Welfare of your Host Nation and this is the reason why 90% of the European Continent have NEVER wanted Roma in their nation, they do NOT work, they STEAL and get WELFARE. WE Nazi's pay for EVERYTHING YOU get, your food your water your INTERNET ACCESS, EVERY thing you THINK you are paying WE are the one's who are paying via your Welfare.

IF you think we are Nazi's then GTFO and go back to Serbia. WHY are you polluting this forum with your CRAP day after day, ALL you post about is YOU and you constantly post these UGLY pictures of yourself and constantly ask STUPID questions in threads about YOURSELF. You have some random Americans who humour you, who IGNORE your FREQUENT RACIST comments about Blacks, who IGNORE your FREQUENT Fetish with WANTING to be a Neo-Nazi and be ACCEPTED by White Supremacists you have posted MANY threads that are RACIST in nature, your latest about do Turks get accepted as WHITE in America. Most of the Americans who humour you ONLY ignore your RACIST comments because they know that you are NOT okay in the MIND. You post on this forum every day like you are some AUTHORITY on MY NATION, you ONLY STAY in MY NATION because we Nazi's give you Welfare and I told you on the other thread you within 18 months will NOT be getting that ANYMORE we are CUTTING Welfare payments to Professional Parasites and we do NOT care WHAT mental disable situation you have, you can starve to death WE DO NOT CARE. You are SQUATTING in a nation that does NOT WANT you and has NEVER wanted your type, you ONLY stay because of the Welfare, you then go on Internet Forums to call US Nazi's who your WORTHLESS CARCASS is being supported via OUR WELFARE system. You contribute ZERO and then bite the hand that is feeding you.
I never said all austrians are nazi.

You have posted about these situations you have been in with Nazi's, your school the children were Nazi's because you are dark skinned and so they did not accept you or whatever it was that occur. You have random street situations with Nazi's who call you names, you are surrounded with all these Nazi's?
Was this Online you were called a Nazi in the past? Well if you told everyone CORRECT and NOT what your DELUSION is ie. always state you are Serbian and NOT culturally or Ethnically Austrian then you would not get IGNORANT ones calling you a Nazi would you? Or do you ENJOY being called a Nazi, does it excite you being called a Nazi? Do you SECRETLY WANT to be ACCEPTED as a Nazi? Is this why you join S***mfron**? Why would ANYONE join S***mfron** IF they did NOT want to get acceptance from in that situation Neo-Nazi's?


From your pictures you also shave your head and wear costumes that many associate WITH not Nazi's but with NEO-Nazi's, so DO WANT as many as you can to THINK you are a Neo-Nazi? If not why fashion yourself AFTER what many Neo-Nazi's look like? This combined with you joining S***mfron** does suggest you have a FETISH about wanting to be accepted as a Neo-Nazi BY actual Neo-Nazi's.

But Mortimer nobody would think you a Nazi as you are Serbian, so you should not become concerned. Hmmmm part of my extended job is to also Monitor other things that we feel misrepresent Online, one of these would be websites like S***mfro** and a few hours ago I was given the thing to go and have a look and the below IS YOU right Mortimer it is a copy and paste I am NOT going to post a link to the place but if anyone wants to go and have a look they can, I get PAID to Monitor CRAP like that other place I do not do this because I like or WANT to.

This is you Mortimer who joined that other place, why ANYONE would WANT to join that place who knows except IF they WANT acceptance from Neo-Nazi's. Mortimer I do not think that you are intelligent enough to know that you are playing a very dangerous game and that we do have LAWS about this type of thing and one day something not good is going to happen to you. I am telling you this as a FRIENDLY WARNING to STOP wanting to attract yourself and/or associate yourself in getting the approval of Neo-Nazi's and as you are NOT a Native to my nation and have a piece of paper it would be VERY easy in a few months from NOW to take that piece of paper OFF you and DEPORT you back to your place of origin Serbia:


Posts: n/a

What do American White Nationalists think about Germans/Austrians?
There is no german sub-forum and very few openly or knowingly active german members here (but some might be german in disguise). I wonder what american patriots and white nationalists think about germans/austrians and World War 1 and 2? I guess they believe "No White Brother wars". What they think about Hitler? I suspect they might like him more then the average american. Thanks for opinions and thoughts. I reside in austria and speak german but Im neither culturally nor ethnically really austrian. Im an immigrant.

^^^^ Why not post this here what I have in the blue.You tell the low IQ crowd on S***mfron** you are NOT culturally or ethnically which is ACCURATE and then you come to this forum and on a daily basis and post things that are NOT ACCURATE. You are Serbian Mortimer be PROUD to be Serbian, I thought last night you and me had got somewhere in that other thread discussing our History and you posting about where you are from in Serbia and me telling you what a beautiful place that is, and then we get this AGAIN you doing the Leftist Cultural Appropriation thing that you have been brainwashed with. I do not know some of your DELUSIONS about WHO you are and WHO you are NOT could be connected to your Schizophrenia that you have.

The other things:

"I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal."

Agree on the importance of functional family values, also agree that a man and a woman is Gods natural order, I also can tolerate LGBTQ but I do not agree with the LGBTQ Agenda. Fiscally I am Conservative, also I do not agree with the fetish about transforming into tigers or lions or men getting boobies and women getting a penis. You are a Christian, I am a Christian, we can agree on many things Mortimer but you should do like you tell the S**rmf**** crowd and then I would stop pulling you up. I am AGAINST Cultural Appropriation and this also is for Serbs because IF EVERY Serb went around saying "I'm Irish" or "I'm French" or whatever it then TRASHES the cohesiveness of what is is to be Serbian. The Americans hate all this because of their Melting Pot thing but this is a European Thing and not connected to the American Thing. Also again you should STOP wanting to have the approval of Neo-Nazi's because that type of thing does not get you into a good situation.

A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation? In America many Americans concerned about their border with Mexico situation and UNLIMITED amounts of Central Americans getting across their border and then DEMAND to stay and get Welfare etc are these Americans that concerned racist or are they not racist?
i thought you said you were a roma roma man?
anyone who call you a nazi is an idiot...the nazis gassed romas
although they call us nazis for believing in the bill of rights and that it should apply to everyone no matter race color religion blah blah

my favorite roma was django

Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one". That was his exact words. He didnt said I am a nazi or that Romas can be nazis. It didnt happened that often. But I guess some people sometimes have a impression of me as being more on the right eventhough I am not.

"Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one".

Yes a good thing then that you are Serbian. You not being that intelligent I think are being advised to post these vile comments in The Lounge, so you think you can get away with calling MY peoples Nazi's, not the FIRST time you have commented this about MY peoples, you did it the other day also. You then think that I will not DEFEND MY peoples against vile attacks from filthy Roma Welfare Parasites like you. NOBODY trashes MY peoples and me NOT defend them and I do not care what ANYONE thinks, they are MY BLOOD and I will DEFEND them to the DEATH against vile attacks.

So WHY are you squatting then IF you think we are Nazi's? You don't seem to care about us being Nazi's when we are PAYING your WELFARE. MILLIONS of Nazi's go out to work and pay TAXES so wastes of human skin like YOU can sit and DO ZERO and get WELFARE and a free apartment that you give rent for from moneys that MILLIONS of Nazi's go to work to pay you Welfare, we Nazi's also pay for your FAMILY who also are ALL on Welfare, we also pay for ALL your medical treatment and your Schizophrenia pills IF you are taking them and considering your abnormal posts on THIS forum and the 15 OTHER forums you are on I do not think you are on your meds, you even LOOK like what you are a mentally ill person, the mental illness is in YOU and it SHOWS.Okay we are Nazi's so go back to Serbia then, oh I forgot you do NOT get the Welfare that MILLIONS of Nazi's work to give wastes of DNA like you, you are what Historically ALL Roma have been a parasite sucking off the Welfare of your Host Nation and this is the reason why 90% of the European Continent have NEVER wanted Roma in their nation, they do NOT work, they STEAL and get WELFARE. WE Nazi's pay for EVERYTHING YOU get, your food your water your INTERNET ACCESS, EVERY thing you THINK you are paying WE are the one's who are paying via your Welfare.

IF you think we are Nazi's then GTFO and go back to Serbia. WHY are you polluting this forum with your CRAP day after day, ALL you post about is YOU and you constantly post these UGLY pictures of yourself and constantly ask STUPID questions in threads about YOURSELF. You have some random Americans who humour you, who IGNORE your FREQUENT RACIST comments about Blacks, who IGNORE your FREQUENT Fetish with WANTING to be a Neo-Nazi and be ACCEPTED by White Supremacists you have posted MANY threads that are RACIST in nature, your latest about do Turks get accepted as WHITE in America. Most of the Americans who humour you ONLY ignore your RACIST comments because they know that you are NOT okay in the MIND. You post on this forum every day like you are some AUTHORITY on MY NATION, you ONLY STAY in MY NATION because we Nazi's give you Welfare and I told you on the other thread you within 18 months will NOT be getting that ANYMORE we are CUTTING Welfare payments to Professional Parasites and we do NOT care WHAT mental disable situation you have, you can starve to death WE DO NOT CARE. You are SQUATTING in a nation that does NOT WANT you and has NEVER wanted your type, you ONLY stay because of the Welfare, you then go on Internet Forums to call US Nazi's who your WORTHLESS CARCASS is being supported via OUR WELFARE system. You contribute ZERO and then bite the hand that is feeding you.
I never said all austrians are nazi.

You have posted about these situations you have been in with Nazi's, your school the children were Nazi's because you are dark skinned and so they did not accept you or whatever it was that occur. You have random street situations with Nazi's who call you names, you are surrounded with all these Nazi's?
Not all children were racist but some where on apricity I also spoke about me engaging in austria in activities like krampus or fasching as child and that nice austrians helped me learn german I always say and think there are bad and good people everywhere
Was this Online you were called a Nazi in the past? Well if you told everyone CORRECT and NOT what your DELUSION is ie. always state you are Serbian and NOT culturally or Ethnically Austrian then you would not get IGNORANT ones calling you a Nazi would you? Or do you ENJOY being called a Nazi, does it excite you being called a Nazi? Do you SECRETLY WANT to be ACCEPTED as a Nazi? Is this why you join S***mfron**? Why would ANYONE join S***mfron** IF they did NOT want to get acceptance from in that situation Neo-Nazi's?


From your pictures you also shave your head and wear costumes that many associate WITH not Nazi's but with NEO-Nazi's, so DO WANT as many as you can to THINK you are a Neo-Nazi? If not why fashion yourself AFTER what many Neo-Nazi's look like? This combined with you joining S***mfron** does suggest you have a FETISH about wanting to be accepted as a Neo-Nazi BY actual Neo-Nazi's.

But Mortimer nobody would think you a Nazi as you are Serbian, so you should not become concerned. Hmmmm part of my extended job is to also Monitor other things that we feel misrepresent Online, one of these would be websites like S***mfro** and a few hours ago I was given the thing to go and have a look and the below IS YOU right Mortimer it is a copy and paste I am NOT going to post a link to the place but if anyone wants to go and have a look they can, I get PAID to Monitor CRAP like that other place I do not do this because I like or WANT to.

This is you Mortimer who joined that other place, why ANYONE would WANT to join that place who knows except IF they WANT acceptance from Neo-Nazi's. Mortimer I do not think that you are intelligent enough to know that you are playing a very dangerous game and that we do have LAWS about this type of thing and one day something not good is going to happen to you. I am telling you this as a FRIENDLY WARNING to STOP wanting to attract yourself and/or associate yourself in getting the approval of Neo-Nazi's and as you are NOT a Native to my nation and have a piece of paper it would be VERY easy in a few months from NOW to take that piece of paper OFF you and DEPORT you back to your place of origin Serbia:


Posts: n/a

What do American White Nationalists think about Germans/Austrians?
There is no german sub-forum and very few openly or knowingly active german members here (but some might be german in disguise). I wonder what american patriots and white nationalists think about germans/austrians and World War 1 and 2? I guess they believe "No White Brother wars". What they think about Hitler? I suspect they might like him more then the average american. Thanks for opinions and thoughts. I reside in austria and speak german but Im neither culturally nor ethnically really austrian. Im an immigrant.

^^^^ Why not post this here what I have in the blue.You tell the low IQ crowd on S***mfron** you are NOT culturally or ethnically which is ACCURATE and then you come to this forum and on a daily basis and post things that are NOT ACCURATE. You are Serbian Mortimer be PROUD to be Serbian, I thought last night you and me had got somewhere in that other thread discussing our History and you posting about where you are from in Serbia and me telling you what a beautiful place that is, and then we get this AGAIN you doing the Leftist Cultural Appropriation thing that you have been brainwashed with. I do not know some of your DELUSIONS about WHO you are and WHO you are NOT could be connected to your Schizophrenia that you have.

The other things:

"I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal."

Agree on the importance of functional family values, also agree that a man and a woman is Gods natural order, I also can tolerate LGBTQ but I do not agree with the LGBTQ Agenda. Fiscally I am Conservative, also I do not agree with the fetish about transforming into tigers or lions or men getting boobies and women getting a penis. You are a Christian, I am a Christian, we can agree on many things Mortimer but you should do like you tell the S**rmf**** crowd and then I would stop pulling you up. I am AGAINST Cultural Appropriation and this also is for Serbs because IF EVERY Serb went around saying "I'm Irish" or "I'm French" or whatever it then TRASHES the cohesiveness of what is is to be Serbian. The Americans hate all this because of their Melting Pot thing but this is a European Thing and not connected to the American Thing. Also again you should STOP wanting to have the approval of Neo-Nazi's because that type of thing does not get you into a good situation.

A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

There is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian. This is in the world now Nationalism OR Globalism Globalism OR Nationalism and Globalism is predominant a Neo-Marxism Agenda.
A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation? In America many Americans concerned about their border with Mexico situation and UNLIMITED amounts of Central Americans getting across their border and then DEMAND to stay and get Welfare etc are these Americans that concerned racist or are they not racist?
I dont think so that it is racist not wanting unlimited immigrants but you can't denie that some people are indeed racist whether they are american or austrian
I have no idea what people perceive me as. No one ever told me that. But I was called nazi in the past. They said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time even now not being one" so probably conservative.

I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal.

This is what I look like in daily encounter

View attachment 255796

I support gay rights
secular government
freedom and equal rights for ALL religions and nonbelievers
the right of citizens to arm them
I oppose ALL political parties
I do NOT want ILLEGAL ALIENS roaming our streets
I'd like AFFORDABLE health care and education
I think a business (owned by devout religious people) have a RIGHT to NOT bake a cake for a gay wedding
I would then exercise MY right to NOT do business with THAT business.

Conservatives call me "commie scum"

liberals have never insulted me.

Conservatives accuse me of being a "TRAITOR", a "GOD-HATER", a "CHRISTIAN HATER" "SCUM"

liberals don't do any of those things
i thought you said you were a roma roma man?
anyone who call you a nazi is an idiot...the nazis gassed romas
although they call us nazis for believing in the bill of rights and that it should apply to everyone no matter race color religion blah blah

my favorite roma was django

Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one". That was his exact words. He didnt said I am a nazi or that Romas can be nazis. It didnt happened that often. But I guess some people sometimes have a impression of me as being more on the right eventhough I am not.

"Well one guy said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time now not being one".

Yes a good thing then that you are Serbian. You not being that intelligent I think are being advised to post these vile comments in The Lounge, so you think you can get away with calling MY peoples Nazi's, not the FIRST time you have commented this about MY peoples, you did it the other day also. You then think that I will not DEFEND MY peoples against vile attacks from filthy Roma Welfare Parasites like you. NOBODY trashes MY peoples and me NOT defend them and I do not care what ANYONE thinks, they are MY BLOOD and I will DEFEND them to the DEATH against vile attacks.

So WHY are you squatting then IF you think we are Nazi's? You don't seem to care about us being Nazi's when we are PAYING your WELFARE. MILLIONS of Nazi's go out to work and pay TAXES so wastes of human skin like YOU can sit and DO ZERO and get WELFARE and a free apartment that you give rent for from moneys that MILLIONS of Nazi's go to work to pay you Welfare, we Nazi's also pay for your FAMILY who also are ALL on Welfare, we also pay for ALL your medical treatment and your Schizophrenia pills IF you are taking them and considering your abnormal posts on THIS forum and the 15 OTHER forums you are on I do not think you are on your meds, you even LOOK like what you are a mentally ill person, the mental illness is in YOU and it SHOWS.Okay we are Nazi's so go back to Serbia then, oh I forgot you do NOT get the Welfare that MILLIONS of Nazi's work to give wastes of DNA like you, you are what Historically ALL Roma have been a parasite sucking off the Welfare of your Host Nation and this is the reason why 90% of the European Continent have NEVER wanted Roma in their nation, they do NOT work, they STEAL and get WELFARE. WE Nazi's pay for EVERYTHING YOU get, your food your water your INTERNET ACCESS, EVERY thing you THINK you are paying WE are the one's who are paying via your Welfare.

IF you think we are Nazi's then GTFO and go back to Serbia. WHY are you polluting this forum with your CRAP day after day, ALL you post about is YOU and you constantly post these UGLY pictures of yourself and constantly ask STUPID questions in threads about YOURSELF. You have some random Americans who humour you, who IGNORE your FREQUENT RACIST comments about Blacks, who IGNORE your FREQUENT Fetish with WANTING to be a Neo-Nazi and be ACCEPTED by White Supremacists you have posted MANY threads that are RACIST in nature, your latest about do Turks get accepted as WHITE in America. Most of the Americans who humour you ONLY ignore your RACIST comments because they know that you are NOT okay in the MIND. You post on this forum every day like you are some AUTHORITY on MY NATION, you ONLY STAY in MY NATION because we Nazi's give you Welfare and I told you on the other thread you within 18 months will NOT be getting that ANYMORE we are CUTTING Welfare payments to Professional Parasites and we do NOT care WHAT mental disable situation you have, you can starve to death WE DO NOT CARE. You are SQUATTING in a nation that does NOT WANT you and has NEVER wanted your type, you ONLY stay because of the Welfare, you then go on Internet Forums to call US Nazi's who your WORTHLESS CARCASS is being supported via OUR WELFARE system. You contribute ZERO and then bite the hand that is feeding you.
I never said all austrians are nazi.

You have posted about these situations you have been in with Nazi's, your school the children were Nazi's because you are dark skinned and so they did not accept you or whatever it was that occur. You have random street situations with Nazi's who call you names, you are surrounded with all these Nazi's?
Not all children were racist but some where on apricity I also spoke about me engaging in austria in activities like krampus or fasching as child and that nice austrians helped me learn german I always say and think there are bad and good people everywhere

Apricity is the one where they all have a Fetish about skin colour, eye colour, Internet DNA Results, Internet IQ Results etc?
A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation? In America many Americans concerned about their border with Mexico situation and UNLIMITED amounts of Central Americans getting across their border and then DEMAND to stay and get Welfare etc are these Americans that concerned racist or are they not racist?[/QUOTE

"What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation?"

THAT is NOT racist.

However, calling Michelle Obama a gorilla IS racist
Declaring blacks SUBHUMAN and CRIMINALS IS racist
Trying to create a government/country where WHITES have all the rights and blacks are treated as second class citizens (or forcefully deported) IS racist.
I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation? In America many Americans concerned about their border with Mexico situation and UNLIMITED amounts of Central Americans getting across their border and then DEMAND to stay and get Welfare etc are these Americans that concerned racist or are they not racist?
I dont think so that it is racist not wanting unlimited immigrants but you can't denie that some people are indeed racist whether they are american or austrian

In ALL of history peoples have always prefer and wanted to be within their own group of what they are, this racist thing only occur late 1950s that occur in America and then Leftists polluted other Western nations with that Propaganda, it was pre-1950s and back Centuries and Centuries NORMAL and HEALTHY to want to be with your own type. Now they are poisoning EVERYTHING with this Social Justice Warrior thing, EVERYTHING is racist but ONLY IF you are WHITE they in deliberate fashion ignore eg. that Blacks can be VERY racist to Non-Blacks.
A) It was in real life that I was called a nazi. It was by people I hanged around with. Nothing serious or hostile but they had impression that Im such a thing probably. In school it happened too a few times. Nothing really hostile or serious but for some reason they had this imnpression.

B) I have a unique style of dress. I dont think I dress really like a neo-nazi though. Maybe a little bit but it is still visible Im not.

Example I dont think I look like a neo-nazi despite having a bomberjacket and shaved head here with cap or at McDonalds in puma tracksuit. I dont think thats neo-nazi reallyView attachment 255934 View attachment 255935

C) I use StormFront only to ask some questions and to post comments. I dont post anything racist.I dont think thats against the law. Well If I denied the Holocaust or did hate speech it would but I dont. StormFront is also not banned in Austria, it appears in Google search.

D) I think under some certain circumstances you can lose your citizenship like if you have a second one secretly like some turkish people did. But I dont have a second one. I dont know if I could lose my citizenship though. If I would, I would be stateless because I have only austrian citizenship now. I dont see really a good reason to take away my citizenship.

I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

There is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian. This isThere is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian. in the world now Nationalism OR Globalism Globalism OR Nationalism and Globalism is predominant a Neo-Marxism Agenda.

"There is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian."

the right wing is ALSO Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian.
I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation? In America many Americans concerned about their border with Mexico situation and UNLIMITED amounts of Central Americans getting across their border and then DEMAND to stay and get Welfare etc are these Americans that concerned racist or are they not racist?[/QUOTE

"What is racist? Is racist NOT wanting a nation with UNLIMITED amounts of Islamics and Sub-Saharan Africans who many are NOT going to contribute to that nation?"

THAT is NOT racist.

However, calling Michelle Obama a gorilla IS racist
Declaring blacks SUBHUMAN and CRIMINALS IS racist
Trying to create a government/country where WHITES have all the rights and blacks are treated as second class citizens (or forcefully deported) IS racist.

I never call Michelle Obama a gorilla. ALL Blacks are not criminals but many Blacks are criminals eg. Crack dealers. I have not been reading where America is wanting to create a government/country where Whites have all the rights and blacks are second class or that American Blacks are to be deported. Is that now happening this situation?
I. In real life to you = Voice in your head because of your Schizophrenia.

II. Whatever.

III. I was not refer to Stormfront per se, I refer to your weird Fetish with WANTING to associate with Neo-Nazi's and that is something that can and will get you to be a Person Of Interest.

IV. You would NOT be Stateless, you have a piece of paper it is NOT a birth right, you have a State you were born in as your ENTIRE FAMILY were born in Serbia. EG. The crowd who go from European Nations to fight with ISIS eg. French IF BORN in France they CANNOT have their papers revoked because you CANNOT make a Natural Born Citizen into a Stateless person regardless of WHAT they have been involved in. IF that French via papers was born in Algeria or whatever they can have their papers revoked and Deported back to the nation of their origin what would be Algeria. Do NOT with your limited intelligence think you can tell me what I know about my own laws.
I don't know the law in austria but I'm sure they can revoke my citizenship if they want whether I'm born or not in austria. Hitler revoked the citizenship for jews and they were born in germany. Also I think unlike the USA if you are born in austria you are not necessarily citizen you need one or two austrian parents. I had serbian citizenship and was born in Serbia but I had to have it eliminated to get austrian if they take away the austrian one I wouldn't have any anymore but I'm sure they can if they want.

I know that you need one of two Austrian parents to be an actual Austrian which is why you are Serbian, born in Serbia, Serbian parents, Serbian family it is why I tell you all you have is a piece of paper and it is nothing it is a piece of paper. Your Serbian paper can be returned it is the birth nation of your family you are not then Stateless. We two months ago returned four Albanians, they had been squatting since 1998 and they got papers like you have, the papers then removed from them and we paid for them to be returned to their nation of birth origin Albania, they all on Welfare of course, not sure what the Welfare in Albania is.

Why do you stay? You have this thing that we are majority Nazi's, so why stay ONLY for Welfare, why not go ANYWHERE that is NOT Nazi? Why do you want to be in Nazi Territory?
I didn't said they are all or majority nazi only if they are actually racist then I call a spade a spade sorry and fascism is on the rise globally

There is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian. This isThere is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian. in the world now Nationalism OR Globalism Globalism OR Nationalism and Globalism is predominant a Neo-Marxism Agenda.

"There is Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism, the Leftists are also Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian."

the right wing is ALSO Authoritarian and want to be Totalitarian.

I comment Leftist Fascism and Rightist Fascism so yes of course.
I have no idea what people perceive me as. No one ever told me that. But I was called nazi in the past. They said "If you were austrian you would be a nazi you have a hard time even now not being one" so probably conservative.

I think Im a mix of both liberal and conservative. For modern standards I might be a bit conservative but for old school liberals I would be totally liberal. I just put much importance into functional family values. And I believe a man and a woman is Gods natural order. Well I got more tolerant towards LGBTQ though but I still believe it is unnatural but I tolerate them. That would make some think Im conservative maybe. Fiscally Im also a social democrat, or social and such and I think that fits perfectly with christianity too because christianity is social and for the weak and poor. Im not a predatory capitalist. I like Bernie Sanders but I dont like trannies for example. people with lots of tattoos and piercings (some small ones are good if it is nothing too crazy if they are not covered up in tatts and piercings though) and such. There are some people who change even their species they transform into tigers and lions and such. Nowadays that is liberal, but Im not sure if that is really liberal.

This is what I look like in daily encounter

View attachment 255796

I support gay rights
secular government
freedom and equal rights for ALL religions and nonbelievers
the right of citizens to arm them
I oppose ALL political parties
I do NOT want ILLEGAL ALIENS roaming our streets
I'd like AFFORDABLE health care and education
I think a business (owned by devout religious people) have a RIGHT to NOT bake a cake for a gay wedding
I would then exercise MY right to NOT do business with THAT business.

Conservatives call me "commie scum"

liberals have never insulted me.

Conservatives accuse me of being a "TRAITOR", a "GOD-HATER", a "CHRISTIAN HATER" "SCUM"

liberals don't do any of those things

"I oppose ALL political parties"

If you oppose ALL political parties then you do not vote?

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