Are you Ready for some Football.


NCAA and NFL are groups of pansy snowflake pussy's who don't deserve 2 seconds of anyone's time.

There, I filled my 2017-2018 season time quota.

Dont know anything about NCAA but you nailed it on the NFL.:thup: with teams being allowed to move at the drop of the dime all the time and a certain team getting away with scandal after scandal constantly all the time that other teams get punished for if they commit those same scandals.its no wonder NFL ratings have dropped drastically the last five years.

the NFL became a joke when teams were allowed to relocate at the drop of a dime anytime they want. and because of that,we can count on ratings dropping at an all time low like nothing we have ever seen before this was one thing to let the chargers go to LA but even fans of opposing teams are mad about the raiders getting approval to leave for vegas.You just dont do that. Thats like the packers leaving green bay or the cowboys leaving dallas or the yankees leaving new york for a place like orlando florida or st louis or somewhere like just dont do that,thats a crime.
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Just was at the Clemson / Kent State game, it is so much better being in a suite to watch a game ...the presidental suite..



Some excellent games this weekend.

I think:

Clemson will beat auburn by 7.

Oklahoma will edge OSU by 3. (not sure of this one, but it should be a great game)

USC will probably beat Stanford. But the Stanford D should make them earn it.

Georgia will beat Notre Dame by 7. (The new QB will be good, and the Bulldog run game will explode)

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