Are You Really Ready For The New Rule?

RW's like Sessions, can't recall the decades of constant horseshit they manufactured and distributed about Democrats (Clinton/Obama) ... daily GUILTY verdicts and prison terms were, and still are being issued by HYPOCRITICAL RW PUKES who cant take what they dished out ..

to all the whining little RW bitches - deal with it.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

Has someone been imprisoned because of "howling Twitter and MSM mobs"? If not, I'm not sure what this has to do with due process.

People certainly do seem unfortunately willing to accept claims of wrongdoing against those of opposing politics, but due process is about the law, not public opinion. :dunno:

Well, it does become about due process when public opinion has been tainted and you are trying to find a jury.

Indeed. I'd also like to stress that Public Opinion is highly manipulated via Behavior Modification Media (I refuse to call it social media given how algorithms work and how information is targeted and fed to the subjects).
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

There are some who fear that we have been on this road for so long that we have literally lost the capacity to engage in normal, adult conversation. I certainly agree with that, too.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

Has someone been imprisoned because of "howling Twitter and MSM mobs"? If not, I'm not sure what this has to do with due process.

People certainly do seem unfortunately willing to accept claims of wrongdoing against those of opposing politics, but due process is about the law, not public opinion. :dunno:

Well, it does become about due process when public opinion has been tainted and you are trying to find a jury.

Indeed. I'd also like to stress that Public Opinion is highly manipulated via Behavior Modification Media (I refuse to call it social media given how algorithms work and how information is targeted and fed to the subjects).

Sure, and this happens on both sides of the aisle. I agree though that the leftist ideology is much more prominent in the MSM and social media venues. They do use it to push an agenda. There is no denying that much!
Look how the rules on this very site are ignored. Mob justice is as practiced here as anywhere.

Agreed, but this is a virtual, anonymous community. I'm not aware of anyone's PI being abused to get them fired or ruin their "Meatspace" life. It does provide a good indication of what human nature will result in when proper social mores are set aside, however.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?
You mean like republicans and Russians did to Snow White Hillary?
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

Has someone been imprisoned because of "howling Twitter and MSM mobs"? If not, I'm not sure what this has to do with due process.

People certainly do seem unfortunately willing to accept claims of wrongdoing against those of opposing politics, but due process is about the law, not public opinion. :dunno:

I didn't say prison, did I? The impact of the new rule is that one's life is basically ruined.

You did not say prison, but you did say due process, and again, due process is about the law, not public opinion. Public opinion has never been constrained by due process.

I'll note that in a culture with a broad and proper Civil Society, mores of decency prevent an innocent person from being pilloried by the public opinion mob. Given that our Civil Society has basically collapsed to the point where anonymous people feel that it is appropriate to DOXX and destroy the lives of people who do things like refuse to bake wedding cakes or who donate to political causes they don't favor, every single person is at risk. Behavioral Modification Media has made this So Easy. Is this really how you want to live?

I would guess that we have never had "a culture with a broad and proper Civil Society" then. People reacting to rumors and speculation is nothing new, probably as old as human society itself. What makes it perhaps more dangerous today than in the past is the ease with which such rumors and accusations are communicated.

Do I want a society that is happy to try to destroy someone's life based on rumor? No. I'm not sure how to prevent it outside of overly restrictive laws, though.

I also think that the current rash of sexual misconduct allegations is an unusual situation. There seems to be a perception, real or imagined, that such misconduct has been going on unreported pretty much all the time up to now. For whatever reason, those who have been silent about incidents like these now feel empowered to come forward about them. Many people find such accusations easy to believe because of the perception that this kind of conduct has been going on as a sort of open secret, particularly in Hollywood but among the powerful in general. Some of those who are being accused now also faced accusations in the past without having their lives ruined; there has been a confluence of events to make people believe such charges recently. I don't think it is fair to consider the current crop of sexual misconduct allegations, and the public reaction to them, as indicative of the norm.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?
You mean like republicans and Russians did to Hillary?

No, I don't. hiLIARy promoted the culture of identify politics/character assassination. Telling the truth about her doesn't ruin her life without due process, bub.
RW hypocrisy knows no bounds.

they really must be dedicated to ignorance and stupidity - their resolve to prove they are total idiots is beyond compare,
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?
After 8 years of hysteria over Obama, and decades over Hillary, you are really in no place to complain about people being guilty until proven innocent.
boedicca apparently has a Sessions-like amnesia over the republican right wing smear machine

He doesn't recall
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

Has someone been imprisoned because of "howling Twitter and MSM mobs"? If not, I'm not sure what this has to do with due process.

People certainly do seem unfortunately willing to accept claims of wrongdoing against those of opposing politics, but due process is about the law, not public opinion. :dunno:

I didn't say prison, did I? The impact of the new rule is that one's life is basically ruined.

You did not say prison, but you did say due process, and again, due process is about the law, not public opinion. Public opinion has never been constrained by due process.

I'll note that in a culture with a broad and proper Civil Society, mores of decency prevent an innocent person from being pilloried by the public opinion mob. Given that our Civil Society has basically collapsed to the point where anonymous people feel that it is appropriate to DOXX and destroy the lives of people who do things like refuse to bake wedding cakes or who donate to political causes they don't favor, every single person is at risk. Behavioral Modification Media has made this So Easy. Is this really how you want to live?

I would guess that we have never had "a culture with a broad and proper Civil Society" then. People reacting to rumors and speculation is nothing new, probably as old as human society itself. What makes it perhaps more dangerous today than in the past is the ease with which such rumors and accusations are communicated.

Do I want a society that is happy to try to destroy someone's life based on rumor? No. I'm not sure how to prevent it outside of overly restrictive laws, though.

I also think that the current rash of sexual misconduct allegations is an unusual situation. There seems to be a perception, real or imagined, that such misconduct has been going on unreported pretty much all the time up to now. For whatever reason, those who have been silent about incidents like these now feel empowered to come forward about them. Many people find such accusations easy to believe because of the perception that this kind of conduct has been going on as a sort of open secret, particularly in Hollywood but among the powerful in general. Some of those who are being accused now also faced accusations in the past without having their lives ruined; there has been a confluence of events to make people believe such charges recently. I don't think it is fair to consider the current crop of sexual misconduct allegations, and the public reaction to them, as indicative of the norm.

What is different now is the amplification effect. Prior to Behavioral Modification Media, reputation was a local thing. People within a community knew each other and had a basis for a more informed evaluation of a particular individual.

Today, however, anonymous people on the internet who personally know none of the individuals involved and have no information to make a proper judgement are whipped into a frenzy by Behavior Modification Media. The ethical implications of this development are truly horrifying.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.So, are you ready for the new Rule?

I do not like how the aesthetics of the Office of the President have decayed publicly as much as the federal government, specifically the House/ Senate / White House, has rotted privately from within for years, not visible until 'recently' exposed.

I prefer, however, a non-self-serving career professional non-politician determined to put this nation again as a top priority - above violent illegals / Illegal Sanctuary Cities / terrorists / Mexican Drug Cartels / Human traffickers / Hostile nations Who Wish us harm / Globalists / the UN - who is completely wide-open - the very definition of 'Transparent', despite being brash, crude, rude, un-polished, a liar, and at times dumb / acting before thinking.

Such a person can be easily followed, analyzed, tracked, rebuked, praised, etc...

I prefer such a person as President to one who :
- Promises 'transparency' but instead delivered / delivers RECORD-SETTING ILLEGAL NON-COMPLIANCE WITH US LAW (FOIA and Federal Records Act)

- Secretly and illegally spies on Americans, reporters, the media, the US senate, and the USSC

- Secretly, illegally, uses the IRS as a political weapon against Americans who oppose his ideology and re-election (only 2 have done so - Both Democrats)

- Attempts to lie to the American people, attempts t cover up and keep hidden numerous scandals

- Makes ransom payments to terrorists in the wee hours of the morning then tries to hide it / lie about it

I will take the brazen, loud, arrogant, recklessly public-SPEAKING, bull-in-the-china-shop who lays all of his cards out on the table ... over one who believes he is above both Constitutional and Law, who believes he can do anything he wants while keeping Americans in the dark ... any day.

Partisanship has nothing to do with it - it's about being OPEN and not criminally trying to HIDE things from the American people.

But that's just me...
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?
After 8 years of hysteria over Obama, and decades over Hillary, you are really in no place to complain about people being guilty until proven innocent.
boedicca apparently has a Sessions-like amnesia over the republican right wing smear machine

He doesn't recall

every damn one of them has been doing it so long they done even know they do it - its like breathing to them.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?
After 8 years of hysteria over Obama, and decades over Hillary, you are really in no place to complain about people being guilty until proven innocent.
boedicca apparently has a Sessions-like amnesia over the republican right wing smear machine

He doesn't recall

You sad little booby. hiLIARy ran as a political candidate. She made representations about her character, accomplishments and ideological positions. Vetting her is an appropriate part of the political process. Such vetting involves demonstrating whether or not she was truthful. She lied. A lot. She did corrupt things. These are relevant, and not at all what this thread is about.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

Has someone been imprisoned because of "howling Twitter and MSM mobs"? If not, I'm not sure what this has to do with due process.

People certainly do seem unfortunately willing to accept claims of wrongdoing against those of opposing politics, but due process is about the law, not public opinion. :dunno:

Well, it does become about due process when public opinion has been tainted and you are trying to find a jury.

True, but jury bias is really a different subject. A juror can be tainted by any reporting on an alleged crime, no matter the slant of the reporting. It is just as much a problem for a juror to come into a trial believing the accused is not guilty because of positive reporting as for a juror to come into a trial believing the accused is guilty based on negative reporting.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

Has someone been imprisoned because of "howling Twitter and MSM mobs"? If not, I'm not sure what this has to do with due process.

People certainly do seem unfortunately willing to accept claims of wrongdoing against those of opposing politics, but due process is about the law, not public opinion. :dunno:

Well, it does become about due process when public opinion has been tainted and you are trying to find a jury.

True, but jury bias is really a different subject. A juror can be tainted by any reporting on an alleged crime, no matter the slant of the reporting. It is just as much a problem for a juror to come into a trial believing the accused is not guilty because of positive reporting as for a juror to come into a trial believing the accused is guilty based on negative reporting.

Well, there are cases where the media has supplied enough bias to a community where a trial has to be moved to another community in order to find a group of untainted jurors.
Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?
You mean like republicans and Russians did to Hillary?

No, I don't. hiLIARy promoted the culture of identify politics/character assassination. Telling the truth about her doesn't ruin her life without due process, bub.
What due process is that? Has Snow White Hillary ever been guilty of anything?

Hypocrisy, thy name be YOU
And people who ARE found to have made false allegations about people like that should be facing some harsh retribution. That is pretty serious and only really bad people would do such a thing, IMO.

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