Are You Really Ready For The New Rule?

Given recent events, we are on a clear trajectory of doing away with due process and replacing it with howling Twitter and MSM mobs.

So, are you ready for the new Rule?

"You are guilty until proven innocent of anything a member of a preferred Political Identity FEELz you have done or are."

The implications are that anything a Preferred Political Identity Person thinks you believe, say, do or do not believe say or do, regardless of whether or not it's true, can be used to destroy your reputation, livelihood, privacy, financial assets...and liberty.

This is the way people in authoritarian societies live. So, are you ready to live completely as a cipher for the approved GroupThink du jour?

It's the same standard as used in the 3rd world countries that the leftists so much prefer.

Nothing could go wrong.

It's playbook totalitarianism...make people so afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing that they will completely follow "The Party" in lock step.

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