Are you truly 'good' if you're only obeying a religion's rules?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Are you 'good' because you follow a given religion or denomination's rules? Can you be 'good' without the religious affiliation?

Is being good more important than being accepted as good by members of a given faith?
Are you 'good' because you follow a given religion or denomination's rules? Can you be 'good' without the religious affiliation?

Is being good more important than being accepted as good by members of a given faith?


Mama tell me what you mean
Tell me why it’s so dark here
Mama, tell me why you’re crying
I don’t know why you’re sad

Are those shooting stars overhead?
What is it that flew over?
Why am I so freezing cold?

Why is your heart beating so fast?
Why is it light over there?
Where is this thunder coming from?

Mama Ana Ahabak
Mama I love you
Mama Ana Ahabak
Come and protect me

Mama, where should we go?
I want to go home, it’s already so late
Mama, why are you kneeling?
What are you saying, isn’t that your prayer?

Don't pull so hard on my hand
Why are you pushing me against the wall?
Why are the lights going out?
I can barely see anything
Tell me, why do we have to be here?
Why aren’t we going home?

Mama Ana Ahabak
Mama I love you
Mama Ana Ahabak
Come and protect me

Mama Ana Ahabak
I can’t see the stars
Mama Ana Ahabak
I only see your face

Can you tell me where we are?
Where are these people running to?
Tell me, is the road ahead of us still long?

Why aren’t you saying anything?
Why are your eyes empty?
Tell me, am I to blame?
I’m sorry.

Mama Ana Ahabak

Mama I love you
Mama Ana Ahabak
Come and protect me

Mama Ana Ahabak (Mama Ana Ahabak)
Because when night falls (when night falls)
Mama Ana Ahabak (Mama Ana Ahabak)
I don’t see the stars
I see only your face (only your face)

Please don’t leave me

Source of the text:
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No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ
So, the entirety of humanity that lived before the invention of Christianity and the humanity that embraces competing gawds/religions, never has been and never can be good?

That's some twisted cult you're involved with.
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ

I guess it would be gooder if you had used the word spirit instead of christ in this context. Our father is triune on god reasons.

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No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ
So, the entirety of humanity that lived before the invention of Christianity and the humanity that embraces competing gawds/religions, never has been and never can be good?

That's some twisted cult you're involved with.

Do you feel really good to say so? The question is: Is everything written in every heart what we need to be good - or do we need complex processes of enculturation, socialisation, individualisation and civilisation to build up the psychological predisposition "good behavior". And is the question not how to learn rules without losing the ability to break the rules if necessary. The letter kills - the spirit lives. The "god first"-rule is extraordinary important - specially if I think as German about the Nazis. To be a good Aryan in the eyes of the Nazis was less than only a completly superflous thing for every German from 1933-1945.

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No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ
So, the entirety of humanity that lived before the invention of Christianity and the humanity that embraces competing gawds/religions, never has been and never can be good?

That's some twisted cult you're involved with.

No. They can all become good. Because of Christ.
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ

So Jesus wasn't good only having Judaism to follow? Christianity and 'following Christ' wasn't possible until Christianity existed. Can't 'follow himself' one might argue.
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ
So, the entirety of humanity that lived before the invention of Christianity and the humanity that embraces competing gawds/religions, never has been and never can be good?

That's some twisted cult you're involved with.

No. They can all become good. Because of Christ.

That makes no sense. So, I suppose we're left to presume that none of humanity that existed before the invention of Christianity was "good"?
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ

So Jesus wasn't good only having Judaism to follow? Christianity and 'following Christ' wasn't possible until Christianity existed. Can't 'follow himself' one might argue.

The gospel of Jesus Chist has been preached sins the days of Adam

Christ kept the entire His entire life. No other person can.
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ
So, the entirety of humanity that lived before the invention of Christianity and the humanity that embraces competing gawds/religions, never has been and never can be good?

That's some twisted cult you're involved with.

No. They can all become good. Because of Christ.

That makes no sense. So, I suppose we're left to presume that none of humanity that existed before the invention of Christianity was "good"?

It only makes no sense because you are ignorant of the scriptures Nd the consequences of the fall.
No. You aren't good by following rules. Becoming good is only possible through christ

So Jesus wasn't good only having Judaism to follow? Christianity and 'following Christ' wasn't possible until Christianity existed. Can't 'follow himself' one might argue.

The gospel of Jesus Chist has been preached sins the days of Adam

Christ kept the entire His entire life. No other person can.

May I ask what's your christian confession? And what do you think about Nietzsche? Comes his spirit from god or comes his spirit not from god? An excellent actor interprets his words in the follwoing video. Is he right? Are we the murderers of god? And because we did so if we did so - are we now superior human beings if we are atheists or are we superior human beings because of Christ? And if we are superior human beings - what happens with the inferior beings? Are they god? Do we kill them?

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That question makes me want to facepalm

Facepalm? What is this? ... Got it. But why? It are serios questions. I don't have an answer. If you also don't have answers in this context then I'm not astonished. But what is your confession, your church?

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