Areas Prep for Riots...


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
When was the last time blacks rioted? Rodney King...what was that uh 1990's?

Lets see what that was about 20 years ago...oh that's right police brutality.

When was the last time whites rioted? When was the last time their team lost?


When was the last Black Friday at Walmart? You know the real important issues?

I sincerely pray there will be no riots. Perhaps the Lord can let it rain and keep people in until everything settles down.
I recall several years ago, I asked one of the guards where I work "why do I need an AK-47? I can't hunt with it. I got a shotgun and a few hand guns for self-defense."

"you'll need one if the big one comes."

Shop early and shop often Floridians.
Nice response Avatar. Way roadsters the first and last words not the subject.

See when blacks riot it's over some sort if injustice and blacks had to fight, protest and riot for Ppl to take notice.

Whites riot over football, soccer and baseball. Tear up shit in the name of fun. For no real reasons. Constantly and often...but don't pay attention to that. Let's look back 20 years and fear that.
One big difference is that when blacks riot, people often get killed. When whites riot, some windows get broken and maybe a few cars set on fire. Not that I think either are acceptable.
I have never seen white rioting sports fans beating fans of other teams with bricks.

Reginald Denny ring a bell with you.
I doubt there will be riots like there was in 1992.

Cell phones make flash mob riots much more probable. Get 200 or 300 in a flash mob. They can loot, vandaluze and set fires then be gone before the police can get there.
Right now at this very minute the preparations for riots are costing taxpayers money the municapalities can't afford. Lest we forget the "Rodney King Riots" weren't about Rodney King. The media generated so much outrage about the beating that it was assumed that the Police who were brought to trial would be convicted of attempted murder. When they weren't, the liberal media justified anarchy. About 53 people were murdered and 2,000 were assaulted with billions of dollars in damage not only in L.A. but everywhere. Van Jones organized an arson and looting rampage in Oakland and San Francisco and was rewarded a couple of decades later with a seat on Obama's "green jobs" board. Indications are that the US Justice Dept has been involved in financing demonstrations and even felony burglary with the demonstrators "barricading" themselves in various places for publicity. Will the Obama administration encourage anarchy and violence if the verdict doesn't go their way?
I doubt there will be riots like there was in 1992.

Cell phones make flash mob riots much more probable. Get 200 or 300 in a flash mob. They can loot, vandaluze and set fires then be gone before the police can get there.

There were many reports of violence and looting after the hurricane in N.O.

It makes no sense to start rioting, fighting or killing because something didn't go your way. I don't understand the destruction of property over losing a football game or the loss of property and lives over other issues. There is never an excuse to do harm and it is especially hypocritical when one is angry about police brutality or because they believe a murderer went free. They are as bad as that which they protest. And they would not think it's fair if they are tried and convicted for making good on their death threats.

At least Zimmerman was investigated, charged and tried. We can only hope that the jurors reach a verdict based on evidence and not their emotions one way or the other. We have standards in our justice system and they must be met. If we allow the loudest groups to dictate how our system works or not, that would be reason for all of us to protest.

Is anyone out there insulted because it's assumed that certain people are going to immediately turn to mindless violence? What does that say about those making the threats? You can't respect someone who claims they will murder white people or bring on the violence in the streets.
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well, if there is riots you can thank the media, Al Sharpton and Obama..

the media has been HORRIBLE with this it is something special that doesn't happen any where..

but because Obama and Sharpton got INVOLVED it has come to where we need to be afraid of riots

how disgusting
Blacks have been taught that if they raise hell, capitulation will occur. Unfortunately that has been the case here. Zimmerman was covicted by Sharpton, and that contagion spread like wildfire in the black multitude. Now they will be indignant, and probably violent if they don't get what they have embraced.

Stay out of black neighborhoods, and you will be O.k; their anger will be a spontaneous ebullition.
Nice response Avatar. Way roadsters the first and last words not the subject.

See when blacks riot it's over some sort if injustice and blacks had to fight, protest and riot for Ppl to take notice.

Whites riot over football, soccer and baseball. Tear up shit in the name of fun. For no real reasons. Constantly and often...but don't pay attention to that. Let's look back 20 years and fear that.

This isn't 1960 anymore idiot. Dumb kids tear up a trash can or two over a sporting game and you compare that to burning down a couple blocks?

Blacks ARE threatening to riot. Remember Al Sharpton screaming no justice no peace? Basically inciting violence among the dumbasses?

Look no farther than your own if you want to place blame for paranoia. You race bait you own the fucking consequences.
I recall several years ago, I asked one of the guards where I work "why do I need an AK-47? I can't hunt with it. I got a shotgun and a few hand guns for self-defense."

"you'll need one if the big one comes."

Shop early and shop often Floridians.

I have my AA-12 assault shotgun ready with 00 buckshot, barricade the main road and roast some looters and rapists as they cross the line.
I recall several years ago, I asked one of the guards where I work "why do I need an AK-47? I can't hunt with it. I got a shotgun and a few hand guns for self-defense."

"you'll need one if the big one comes."

Shop early and shop often Floridians.

I have my AA-12 assault shotgun ready with 00 buckshot, barricade the main road and roast some looters and rapists as they cross the line.


Did welfare pay for that too?

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