Argonaut Ethics Tale


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Fabletics: A Worthy Diary (Consumer Optimism Censorship?)


Aquaman had to face his greatest under-water nemesis, a semi-metal ghoulish demon named Black Manta, a devious scoundrel with various military submarines and terrible harpoons and jellyfish-weapons which rendered him pseudo-immortal in the kingdom of the oceans where Aquaman fully believed his reign would serve as a protective umbrella. Black Manta was the epitome of evil, and Aquaman wanted to find a way to conquer this evil, so Aquaman consulted his human companion and Earthly guide Kate Hudson, owner and operator of the immensely-popular athletics-fitness gear-and-lifestyle franchise (clothing, exercise tutorials, work-out equipment, body toys, etc.) Fabletics. Hudson was also a well-respected Hollywood (USA) movie actress.

Hudson had always been very optimistic about humanity's imagination, and her very lucrative American company 'Fabletics,' was changing the way people (especially women) thought about the fruit of self-composure and the 'moral hygiene' of fitness associated with the anti-gluttony spiritualism symbolic of the modern era human perception of consumerism-related convenience 'gluttony' (e.g., Burger King, eBay, etc.). Aquaman knew Hudson would have the necessary wisdom and practical human bodykinetic imagination to offer Aquaman the right advice on how to engage the purely evil (and hence 'hypnotizing') influence of Black Manta, who was really a modern-day 'Medusa' who could give you 'metaphysical Rigor mortis!'

Aquaman christened Kate Hudson as 'Aqua-Princess' and bestowed upon her mermaid charmers/hand-maidens who responded to her every whim. It was a great set-up for Hudson and she used her newfound fortunes to create an atmospheric tone of great motivational American Dream ambition, which only helped the goals of Fabletics. CNN called Aqua-Princess the right Mary Magdalene to assist in the 'Messianic' crusade of Aquaman (his will to deal with the Satanic Black Manta). Black Manta was building a submarine equipped with special bombs that created a wide-radius of auditory shock, and he planned to use it on the shores of California (where Aqua-Queen ruled!). Aquaman resolved that to defeat such malicious mischief, he would have to construct a 'Fabletics Fortress' comprised of computerized video monitors signifying an intelligence concentration around surveillance.

When Black Manta realized the Fabletics Fortress was receiving countless emails a day from Yale University, the White House, the United Nations, and the Sydney Opera House, he knew that if he dismantled it, everyone on Earth would demonize him as the pure evil adversary of any imaginable kind of civilization normalness. Aquaman was about to strike when his own son Aqualad interceded and try to strike at his dad! Aqualad was frustrated with Aquaman's 'patience' with Black Manta and believed immediate action was necessary to deal with the obviously evil Black Manta. What ensued was a mini 'civil-war' between Aquaman and Aqualad undeneath the Pacific Ocean, and Aquaman won and returned his angry son to his mother, Aqua-Woman. There was a moment of pure sanity as Aquaman conceived of ways to simply kill Black Manta.

Aquaman decided he would scour the Pacific Ocean, sure that Black Manta was hiding in a submarine beneath the Salk Institute or perhaps somewhere by Oregon. Aquaman found Black Manta's submarine off the coast of Portland (USA) and decided to strike at it with his mighty acoustic trident which he used to send auditory sounds of authority throughout Black Manta's submarine, and Black Manta surrendered. Aquaman transported Black Manta to a maximum-security incarceration-rehabilitation center where his malicious mind and terrible advanced underwater weaponry would be studied by sociologists for many centuries. Fabletics was secured, and Kate Hudson went on to become the first female President of the United States. It was a vanity-saving achievement for Aquaman's mission to 'destroy pollution.' Was evil finally fatigued?



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