Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees over unscheduled prayer breaks

Interesting how RW'ers tend to react so differently to accommodations for Christians vs accommodations for Muslims.

There are no accommodations made for Christians other than letting someone speak openly in the break room about what they believe. I don't know of a single christian who has ever gotten time off because church interfered with their work schedule.
I suspect liberals will start strapping chest bombs to themselves and suicide bomb this business. I know they thought it at least once because they seem to want to assist these people at every turn (I'm damn proud that I used a broad generalization to describe muslims).
If it is a systemic issue with certain employees, then a blanket change in policy is warranted.

No. Disciplinary action is warranted with those certain employees. Also worth pointing out that your argument seems to jump to the conclusion that there were "issues" with employees. You seem to assume that there were people routinely extending their breaks at their leisure, or taking additional breaks, whatever. You seem rather anxious to insert certain facts, so that you can brush away the circumstances.

The circumstances are that an employer enacted a change in policy that rescinded an accommodation for workers to maintain employment consistent with those workers' religious beliefs. Upon the change taking effect 7 workers were fired and 14 quit their jobs due to conflict created with their beliefs and the new requirements.

This establishes a prima facie case for discrimination. In order to defeat any unemployment or wrongful discharge actions the employer will have a burden to demonstrate that the previous accommodation was never reasonable in the first place, or that new circumstances emerged that made the accommodation unreasonable moving forward. Satisfying this burden will be a tall order.

Why would a company risk the inevitable lawsuits and legal costs if there wasn't issues with how the breaks were impacting production? I base this on my experience with industrial/municipal workers and work processes.

There also has to be reasonableness among the employees being given the accommodation that impacts work performance. They still have 3 breaks (2 ten minute breaks and a meal break) to accomplish their prayers, just maybe not in the way they consider optimal. The action in question directly impact company productivity if they are line workers.

I think the workers have the higher burden to meet, as they are the ones with the requirement that adversely impacts work production. This isn't s a sikh wanting to wear a turban with the MTA logo, or a woman wanting to cover her hair when most workers do not. This is time away from production that the employees expect to be allowed while being compensated for working.
Interesting how RW'ers tend to react so differently to accommodations for Christians vs accommodations for Muslims.

Which Christians are requesting prayer breaks from their employers?

It's worse. Christians want people like Kim Davis to be able to ignore the law of the land.

I think Davis is wrong. My glee comes from her forcing the government to actually go through the motions in forcing her to comply, instead of knuckling under like so many others do.

So Booo! on her on the merits, YAY!! to her on execution.
Interesting how RW'ers tend to react so differently to accommodations for Christians vs accommodations for Muslims.
Which company gives accommodations for Christians to stop working multiple times during the work day to pray?
Don't Ford and Chevy and Chrysler ( are they still in business? ) shut down their assembly lines several times a day so people can pray?
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

:iagree: :thup:
As a known un-Islamophobiic, I have to agree 100% of the OP.
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

I've looked into similar firings in manufacturing plants and I have to say, I side with the employers on this one. The employers I've seen have made very reasonable accommodations, allowed for prayer breaks, setting up 'reflection rooms' and generally being pretty cool about it.

The issue is almost always a sundown break. Unlike other breaks that can be wiggled a little on their timing, sundown happens at an objective time. Worse, that time changes every day, so its difficult to schedule around. And on a production line, your staff just walking off for an unscheduled break can slow production for the entire floor.

The Muslims in this case need to either take their sundown prayer in reasonable shifts. Or work night shifts.
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

I've looked into similar firings in manufacturing plants and I have to say, I side with the employers on this one. The employers I've seen have made very reasonable accommodations, allowed for prayer breaks, setting up 'reflection rooms' and generally being pretty cool about it.

The issue is almost always a sundown break. Unlike other breaks that can be wiggled a little on their timing, sundown happens at an objective time. Worse, that time changes every day, so its difficult to schedule around. And on a production line, your staff just walking off for an unscheduled break can slow production for the entire floor.

The Muslims in this case need to either take their sundown prayer in reasonable shifts. Or work night shifts.

Or convert to the only LOGICAL view of the universe === ATHEISM
Provide us an example of Christians wanting 5 breaks a day of 10 to 15 minutes to pray in a special room just for them? You are of course aware that in Islam the requirement to pray is not required if work or school interferes with the schedule? The whiners are just that whiners


How about you provide evidence that the Muslim employees in the current case were doing that. Islam requires prayer five times thoughout the day. Not the work shift. The first occurs before dawn. The last occurs after dusk. No work shift is going to cover all of these. A typical shift will cover two, maybe three of these prayer times. Particularly since most of these times have some degree of flexibility themselves. So even if the third prayer phase begins at the end of your work shift, you can always just go home and pray there.

So stop making up bullshit. Nobody was asking for 5 breaks per shift, and there is nothing that indicates that they demanded a special room. :slap:
Again for the truly slow stupid and moronic, THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT in ISLAM to meet all 5 prayers IF YOUR JOB OR SCHOOL ARE IN SESSION DURING THAT TIME.
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

if a company did that to a Christian you'd be singing a different tune.
You have to want to assimilate, but many don't. Host countries have to demand it of their immigrants. It's a big reason why you're seeing such an awful mess in Western Europe right now. Those nations didn't demand assimilation to their cultures and beliefs. So now they're at war with their immigrants. You can't have Multiculturalism without assimilation. Simple as that.
I suspect liberals will start strapping chest bombs to themselves and suicide bomb this business. I know they thought it at least once because they seem to want to assist these people at every turn (I'm damn proud that I used a broad generalization to describe muslims).

This guy is the reason conservatism is doomed to perpetual retreat.
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

if a company did that to a Christian you'd be singing a different tune.
Be VERY specific, quote and link to a case or cases where ANY Christians were granted special prayer times at work, special accommodations for prayer rooms or given special consideration on when they take their vacations.
Interesting how RW'ers tend to react so differently to accommodations for Christians vs accommodations for Muslims.

There are no accommodations made for Christians other than letting someone speak openly in the break room about what they believe. I don't know of a single christian who has ever gotten time off because church interfered with their work schedule.

Since I cited an example from my own experience earlier in the thread, you are only adding to your reputation as a retard.
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

if a company did that to a Christian you'd be singing a different tune.
Be VERY specific, quote and link to a case or cases where ANY Christians were granted special prayer times at work, special accommodations for prayer rooms or given special consideration on when they take their vacations.

Which denominations of the Christian faith require that?
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

if a company did that to a Christian you'd be singing a different tune.
Be VERY specific, quote and link to a case or cases where ANY Christians were granted special prayer times at work, special accommodations for prayer rooms or given special consideration on when they take their vacations.

Which denominations of the Christian faith require that?
Once again dumbass having been briefed many times in the Military by Muslim clerics and leaders, I know for a fact that there is NO requirement to meet all 5 prayer schedules IF your work or your school conflict. In those cases the prayer schedule is alleviated by the religion and that is true of both Sunni and Shia.
Ariens Co. says it has fired seven Muslim employees for taking unscheduled prayer breaks, and 14 others have resigned over the issue.

More than 50 Somali immigrant Muslims at the Brillion manufacturer recently protested the company's enforcement of a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift — without accommodations forunscheduled prayer time.

The Muslim employees wanted the manufacturer of snowblowers and lawn mowers to continue a previous, more lenient practice of allowing them to leave their work stations at different times — such as at dawn and sunset — to pray as their faith requires of them.

Ariens said it was sticking with a policy that does not accommodate special prayer breaks, despite having bent the rules earlier.

Wednesday, Ariens said 32 of the Muslim employees have chosen to stay with the company and work within the break policy, 14 had resigned and seven were fired for taking unscheduled prayer time.

"We handled this with the same straightforward approach we use every day at Ariens Company. Recognizing there are language barriers and cultural differences, we allowed for extra time. We would have liked for more of the employees to stay, however, we respect their faith, we respect the work they have done for Ariens Company, and we respect their decisions," the company said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based group that has been an advocate for the Muslims at Ariens, says it may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment discrimination laws.
Ariens Co. fires seven Muslim employees

Just one word: assimilation If you are changing your home country expect there to be cultural differences.
If a western woman was going to live in a Muslim country, she would have to assimilate to their culture and never drive a car, wear a head scarf and change your way of dressing. If she couldn't handle that, don't go to a Muslim country. Vice Versa likewise.

if a company did that to a Christian you'd be singing a different tune.
Be VERY specific, quote and link to a case or cases where ANY Christians were granted special prayer times at work, special accommodations for prayer rooms or given special consideration on when they take their vacations.

Which denominations of the Christian faith require that?
Once again dumbass having been briefed many times in the Military by Muslim clerics and leaders, I know for a fact that there is NO requirement to meet all 5 prayer schedules IF your work or your school conflict. In those cases the prayer schedule is alleviated by the religion and that is true of both Sunni and Shia.

When did I say there should be? Quote me on that or shut the fuck up poser.

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