Arizona 2020 election audit allegedly finds deleted data, unsecured ballots, missing chain of custody ^ | 13 May, 2021 | Sharyl Attkisson
Posted on 5/15/2021, 12:45:08 PM by marktwain

The Republican audit of Maricopa County, Arizona 2020 election ballots has already turned up "three serious issues."

According to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusing to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.

"...attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election." Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President

A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storing the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missing, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.

The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'.” That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. According to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."

Arizona is one of several important states where Donald Trump enjoyed an initial lead, only to have it disappear as questioned mail-in, dropbox, and absentee votes were counted.

The vast majority of votes cast in Arizona, 2.1 million of nearly 3.4 million ballots, were cast in Maricopa County.

According to the official tally, Biden beat Trump by 10,457 votes, or 0.3 percent.

Over 70,000 more people voted in Maricopa County in 2020 than in 2016.

Joe Biden is only the second Democrat to win Arizona in 70 years.

In not turning over the routers, Maricopa County officials have said that providing them would “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens." The county has also said that producing the internet routers for inspection would cost up to six million dollars.

Read the letter and documentation below.

Maricopa Board of Supervisors

c/o Chairman Jack Sellers

301 West Jefferson Street, #10

Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Dear Chairman Sellers:

I am writing to seek your assistance and cooperation in the resolution of three (3) serious issues that have arisen in the course of the Senate’s ongoing audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County.

I. Ongoing Non-Compliance with the Legislative Subpoenas

The first issue concerns Maricopa County’s apparent intent to renege on its previous commitment to comply fully with the legislative subpoenas issued on January 13, 2021, which, as you know, Judge Thomason found were valid and enforceable.

To date, attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election, relying on a conclusory and unsupported assertion that providing the routers would somehow “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens.” If true, the fact that Maricopa County stores on its routers substantial quantities of citizens’ and employees’ highly sensitive personal information is an alarming indictment of the County’s lax data security practices, rather than of the legislative subpoenas. Similarly, the County’s assertion that producing the internet routers for inspection would cost up to $6,000,000 seems at odds with Deputy County Attorney Joseph La Rue’s prior representation to Audit Liaison Ken Bennett that the routers already had been disconnected from the County’s network and were prepared for imminent delivery to the Senate.

Nevertheless, in an effort to resolve the dispute regarding production of the routers, we propose that agents of CyFIR, an experienced digital forensics firm and subcontractor of Cyber Ninjas, review virtual images of the relevant routers in Maricopa County facilities and in the presence of representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Such an arrangement would permit Maricopa County to retain custody and monitor the review of router data, while ensuring that the Senate may access the information it requires—and to which it is constitutionally entitled—to successfully complete its audit. The Senate has no interest in viewing or taking possession of any information that is unrelated to the administration of the 2020 general election.

Separately, Maricopa County has refused to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices. Its attorneys’ insistence that the County does not have custody or control of this information is belied by the County’s conduct of its own audits, which, if they were as comprehensive as they purported to be, almost certainly would have entailed use of the passwords to examine the tabulation devices, and it strains credulity to posit that the County has no contractual right to obtain (i.e., control of) password information from Dominion.

II. Chain of Custody and Ballot Organization Anomalies

As the audit has progressed, the Senate’s contractors have become aware of apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization, and storage of ballots. We hope you can assist us in understanding these issues, including specifically the following:

The County has not provided any chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots. Does such documentation exist, and if so, will it be produced? The bags in which the ballots were stored are not sealed, although the audit team has found at the bottom of many boxes cut seals of the type that would have sealed a ballot bag. Why were these seals placed at the bottom of the boxes? Batches within a box are frequently separated by only a divider without any indication of the corresponding batch numbers. In some cases, the batch dividers are missing altogether. This lack of organization has significantly complicated and delayed the audit team’s ballot processing efforts. What are the County’s procedures for sorting, organizing, and packaging ballot batches? Most of the ballot boxes were sealed merely with regular tape and not secured by any kind of tamper-evident seal. Is that the County’s customary practice for storing ballots? The audit team has encountered a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch. In most of these instances, the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch, although there are a few instances in which the total is lower. What are the reasons for these discrepancies? For your reference, please see several illustrative (i.e., not comprehensive) examples in the table below:

Pallet Ballot Type Batch Pink Slip Total Actual Total Discrepancy 5 EV 2104 200 198 -2 5 EV 9276 200 165 -35 15 EV 9278 200 187 -13 15 EV 1643 200 218 18 7 EV 6359 197 187 -10

For your convenience, images of the corresponding pink report slips are attached in Exhibit A.

III. Deleted Databases

We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena. In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed. Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?

The image below shows the location of the files known to be deleted. In addition, the main database for “Results Tally and Reporting” is not present.

* * *

I am hopeful that we can constructively resolve these issues and questions without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory process. To that end, I invite you and any other officers or employees of Maricopa County (to include officials in the Elections Department) who possess knowledge or information concerning the matters set forth above to a meeting at the Arizona State Capitol on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 109. Chairman Petersen, former Secretary Bennett and I will attend the meeting, which will be live-streamed to the public.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you accept my invitation and, if so, which Maricopa County personnel will attend.

Thank you for your cooperation on these important issues of public concern.


Karen Fann, President

Arizona State Senate



Sharyl Attkisson!
Watch Sharyl host "Full Measure," a Sunday morning talk show on the Sinclair network.

Her newest book Slanted is available now along with her book Smear which has a Five Star rating.
There is no way that fuck won in Arizona. Every day that one man wreaking crew is in office America loses.
Maricopa fraud also gave the senate to the Dems.

Mcsalley won by more than 100k once the fraud is trashed.
If Trump lost and the ballots were rigged against him - how in the hell did down ballot Republicans win with rigged ballots?

Toss the ballots means tossing those GOPers on the same ballot ... my gawd are you Trump lackeys thick.
If Trump lost and the ballots were rigged against him - how in the hell did down ballot Republicans win with rigged ballots?

Toss the ballots means tossing those GOPers on the same ballot ... my gawd are you Trump lackeys thick.
you are confused. I'll spell it out for you. The swamp is made up both dem and republican swamp creatures------Trump was an outsider that both hated.

And then you have the other issue------stealing a bunch of smaller areas which are easier to verify if a ballot is legit or not -------
Nothing says legitimate election like sending hundreds of lawyers to try to stop an election audit and using defamation to promote false information and surrounding yourself with piles of razor wire bolstered by 30,000 soldiers you openly don’t trust.

Merrick Garland is talking about enforcing election laws. What's wrong with that?

Someone who felt they legally won an election would welcome an audit instead of sending hundreds of lawyers to try to stop an audit.

There have been many audits.

Is that why Biden’s been trying to block every audit?

He hasn't. What Biden does, doesn't really concern me either. As I noted, there have been many audits and no one has stopped them. Heck, Republicans did the audits in Georgia and found nothing.

don't you realize that unless a pro-trump group is allowed to do an illegal on it with no oversight and is not a legitimate.

Unless the cyber ninjas are allowed regulated access to everyone's voting information and access to the inner workings of our voting machines, to the point that I could literally reprogram them to Only cast Republican votes in the future, then what's the point. Do you want the commies to win? ^ | 13 May, 2021 | Sharyl Attkisson
Posted on 5/15/2021, 12:45:08 PM by marktwain

The Republican audit of Maricopa County, Arizona 2020 election ballots has already turned up "three serious issues."

According to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusing to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.

"...attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election." Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President

A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storing the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missing, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.

The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'.” That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. According to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."

Arizona is one of several important states where Donald Trump enjoyed an initial lead, only to have it disappear as questioned mail-in, dropbox, and absentee votes were counted.

The vast majority of votes cast in Arizona, 2.1 million of nearly 3.4 million ballots, were cast in Maricopa County.

According to the official tally, Biden beat Trump by 10,457 votes, or 0.3 percent.

Over 70,000 more people voted in Maricopa County in 2020 than in 2016.

Joe Biden is only the second Democrat to win Arizona in 70 years.

In not turning over the routers, Maricopa County officials have said that providing them would “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens." The county has also said that producing the internet routers for inspection would cost up to six million dollars.

Read the letter and documentation below.

Maricopa Board of Supervisors

c/o Chairman Jack Sellers

301 West Jefferson Street, #10

Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Dear Chairman Sellers:

I am writing to seek your assistance and cooperation in the resolution of three (3) serious issues that have arisen in the course of the Senate’s ongoing audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County.

I. Ongoing Non-Compliance with the Legislative Subpoenas

The first issue concerns Maricopa County’s apparent intent to renege on its previous commitment to comply fully with the legislative subpoenas issued on January 13, 2021, which, as you know, Judge Thomason found were valid and enforceable.

To date, attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election, relying on a conclusory and unsupported assertion that providing the routers would somehow “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens.” If true, the fact that Maricopa County stores on its routers substantial quantities of citizens’ and employees’ highly sensitive personal information is an alarming indictment of the County’s lax data security practices, rather than of the legislative subpoenas. Similarly, the County’s assertion that producing the internet routers for inspection would cost up to $6,000,000 seems at odds with Deputy County Attorney Joseph La Rue’s prior representation to Audit Liaison Ken Bennett that the routers already had been disconnected from the County’s network and were prepared for imminent delivery to the Senate.

Nevertheless, in an effort to resolve the dispute regarding production of the routers, we propose that agents of CyFIR, an experienced digital forensics firm and subcontractor of Cyber Ninjas, review virtual images of the relevant routers in Maricopa County facilities and in the presence of representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Such an arrangement would permit Maricopa County to retain custody and monitor the review of router data, while ensuring that the Senate may access the information it requires—and to which it is constitutionally entitled—to successfully complete its audit. The Senate has no interest in viewing or taking possession of any information that is unrelated to the administration of the 2020 general election.

Separately, Maricopa County has refused to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices. Its attorneys’ insistence that the County does not have custody or control of this information is belied by the County’s conduct of its own audits, which, if they were as comprehensive as they purported to be, almost certainly would have entailed use of the passwords to examine the tabulation devices, and it strains credulity to posit that the County has no contractual right to obtain (i.e., control of) password information from Dominion.

II. Chain of Custody and Ballot Organization Anomalies

As the audit has progressed, the Senate’s contractors have become aware of apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization, and storage of ballots. We hope you can assist us in understanding these issues, including specifically the following:

The County has not provided any chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots. Does such documentation exist, and if so, will it be produced? The bags in which the ballots were stored are not sealed, although the audit team has found at the bottom of many boxes cut seals of the type that would have sealed a ballot bag. Why were these seals placed at the bottom of the boxes? Batches within a box are frequently separated by only a divider without any indication of the corresponding batch numbers. In some cases, the batch dividers are missing altogether. This lack of organization has significantly complicated and delayed the audit team’s ballot processing efforts. What are the County’s procedures for sorting, organizing, and packaging ballot batches? Most of the ballot boxes were sealed merely with regular tape and not secured by any kind of tamper-evident seal. Is that the County’s customary practice for storing ballots? The audit team has encountered a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch. In most of these instances, the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch, although there are a few instances in which the total is lower. What are the reasons for these discrepancies? For your reference, please see several illustrative (i.e., not comprehensive) examples in the table below:

Pallet Ballot Type Batch Pink Slip Total Actual Total Discrepancy 5 EV 2104 200 198 -2 5 EV 9276 200 165 -35 15 EV 9278 200 187 -13 15 EV 1643 200 218 18 7 EV 6359 197 187 -10

For your convenience, images of the corresponding pink report slips are attached in Exhibit A.

III. Deleted Databases

We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena. In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed. Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?

The image below shows the location of the files known to be deleted. In addition, the main database for “Results Tally and Reporting” is not present.

* * *

I am hopeful that we can constructively resolve these issues and questions without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory process. To that end, I invite you and any other officers or employees of Maricopa County (to include officials in the Elections Department) who possess knowledge or information concerning the matters set forth above to a meeting at the Arizona State Capitol on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 109. Chairman Petersen, former Secretary Bennett and I will attend the meeting, which will be live-streamed to the public.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you accept my invitation and, if so, which Maricopa County personnel will attend.

Thank you for your cooperation on these important issues of public concern.


Karen Fann, President

Arizona State Senate



Sharyl Attkisson!
Watch Sharyl host "Full Measure," a Sunday morning talk show on the Sinclair network.

Her newest book Slanted is available now along with her book Smear which has a Five Star rating.
How do we know the auditors didn't cause all those "problems"? We don't know what they've done behind closed doors.
So you admit that after 3am when President Trump was 1000s of ballots ahead, when the doors were closed and the luggage came out, there wasnt anyone there to know what was being done behind closed doors? Thank you for your honesty...
If something went on behind closed doors, how do you know about it? Probably because there were Republican poll watchers there, looking for exactly that sort of thing and didn't see it; said so in court. Why leave out that part?
How can Republican poll watchers guard the ballot boxes after they're sealed and put away in storage?

All it took in all of these states Biden won was one rogue county run by Democrats to swing the state to his side. This proves that that county run by Dems is hiding the vote counts. Because of that.....the data and the ballots on hand can't prove one way or another who got what votes. If you were to disqualify every county in the country that can't prove they got the votes they claim they got.....then Trump probably wins in a landslide. If they audit Georgia's election I bet you'll find the same thing going on. The Senate would flip back to the GOP instead of the tie it's in today.
Believe them when they allow third-party independent verification of all their findings and all of the actions taken during the audit
In the end, there will be more evidence pointing toward election fraud than anything else. Hell they already have enough to convict an army of corrupt Democrats and neocons who fixed the election against Trump. The evidence against the fixers will only get bigger.
In the end, there will be more evidence pointing toward election fraud than anything else. Hell they already have enough to convict an army of corrupt Democrats and neocons who fixed the election against Trump. The evidence against the fixers will only get bigger.
Is the audit still going on and does anyone but the totally delusional think something will come out of that amateurish crapshow?
Allowing traitors to steal our sovereignty is not so funny. It is legit grounds for war. Everyone supporting Biden knows Biden was stomped in the election and then stole it. That is the indisputable truth of the down ballot result. Hence, everyone supporting Biden and the steal is a willful and knowing participant in treason.

You think that is funny.

A patriotic America does not.
EMH, your post gets my outta the park accolade/rating for the past 7 days. The days of this democratic republic will be over by the end of this year if we don't get to the bottom of this massive voter fraud the Nan Pelosies of life are striving to shut down the majority vote of the eligible voters in the United States of America.

The Democrats have to be disciplined because they have no intention of self disciine as is necessary to rule by the Constitution. This crap of passing laws requiring a ream of paper apiece has got to go. Only a few know what is in them and they all target chaotic things to insure a Politburo (Oligarch rule) to remove the Constitutional rights citizens have had for 245 years.

I bought a pistol last month and I'm not sure it can protect me from what's coming to destroy my rights to own my little farmstead.
In the end, there will be more evidence pointing toward election fraud than anything else. Hell they already have enough to convict an army of corrupt Democrats and neocons who fixed the election against Trump. The evidence against the fixers will only get bigger.
It's only evidence if it's independently verified. them saying they found something isn't evidence of anything until they allow independent verification of all their findings they didn't find shit and they have already went out of their way to prevent third-party verification. the fact that the Republicans in Arizona went out of their way to ensure that only a far-right new source like one America news was allowed to even cover audit shows that the sudit was not transparent.
It's only evidence if it's independently verified. them saying they found something isn't evidence of anything until they allow independent verification of all their findings they didn't find shit and they have already went out of their way to prevent third-party verification. the fact that the Republicans in Arizona went out of their way to ensure that only a far-right new source like one America news was allowed to even cover audit shows that the sudit was not transparent.
Isnt that the same thing as closing the polling stations and only allow Democrat operatives to continue to count the ballots after 2am when everyone was supposed to go home? Yeah, sort of the same.
It's only evidence if it's independently verified. them saying they found something isn't evidence of anything until they allow independent verification of all their findings they didn't find shit and they have already went out of their way to prevent third-party verification. the fact that the Republicans in Arizona went out of their way to ensure that only a far-right new source like one America news was allowed to even cover audit shows that the sudit was not transparent.
The fact that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and every other outlet other than OAN are not covering the steal or the border crisis or the dramatic rise in crime and drug overdoses is an obvious attempt at sweeping these country threatening debacles under the rug. The cover up party is at it again. But if you want wall to wall coverage of that little pussy, Bezos, and his space ship, by all means watch the fake news. And if you believe Marxism is the answer, then by all means stick with the fake news.
snt that the same thing as closing the polling stations and only allow Democrat operatives to continue to count the ballots after 2am when everyone was supposed to go home? Yeah, sort of the same.
you do realize the Trump's attorneys literally admitted in open court that that never happened, right?

A judge asked one of his attorneys flat out if the Trump campaign and GOP official poll watchers were ever barred from observing the poll workers, and he said no. this is one of the reasons why Trump is pissed at all of his attorneys because they would lie through their teeth when they weren't under a hose giving public speeches but they would never risk their own careers by lying under oath that would risk prison time and would definitely cost them their law licenses. Giuliani already lost his for lying under oath to several judges.

call lawsuit that alleged that poll Watchers were being prohibited from doing their jobs was made by someone who called himself a poll watcher but wasn't actually one. he claimed that he was being discriminated against because he wasn't allowed to walk right up to the poll workers as they were doing their jobs, but at no point were Trump campaign or GOP official poll watchers were treated any differently than those working for the Dems or the Biden camoaign
Over here in the UK, we normally listen to various shithole countries with corrupt governments rigging elections in the news. We just witnessed the exact same thing in America. You now have made history, your first faux president.
Over here in the UK, we normally listen to various shithole countries with corrupt governments rigging elections in the news. We just witnessed the exact same thing in America. You now have made history, your first faux president.
Judging by the reaction of many Scottish voters following V bullshit fake referendum your country put out a few years ago, I would say that they consider your government to be just a shithole and corrupt as any third world country.
Old Marine expression say that exercise is like trying to piss up a rope and not get wet..

Hint: YOU CANNOT. ^ | 13 May, 2021 | Sharyl Attkisson
Posted on 5/15/2021, 12:45:08 PM by marktwain

The Republican audit of Maricopa County, Arizona 2020 election ballots has already turned up "three serious issues."

According to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusing to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.

"...attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election." Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President

A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storing the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missing, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.

The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'.” That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. According to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."

Arizona is one of several important states where Donald Trump enjoyed an initial lead, only to have it disappear as questioned mail-in, dropbox, and absentee votes were counted.

The vast majority of votes cast in Arizona, 2.1 million of nearly 3.4 million ballots, were cast in Maricopa County.

According to the official tally, Biden beat Trump by 10,457 votes, or 0.3 percent.

Over 70,000 more people voted in Maricopa County in 2020 than in 2016.

Joe Biden is only the second Democrat to win Arizona in 70 years.

In not turning over the routers, Maricopa County officials have said that providing them would “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens." The county has also said that producing the internet routers for inspection would cost up to six million dollars.

Read the letter and documentation below.

Maricopa Board of Supervisors

c/o Chairman Jack Sellers

301 West Jefferson Street, #10

Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Dear Chairman Sellers:

I am writing to seek your assistance and cooperation in the resolution of three (3) serious issues that have arisen in the course of the Senate’s ongoing audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County.

I. Ongoing Non-Compliance with the Legislative Subpoenas

The first issue concerns Maricopa County’s apparent intent to renege on its previous commitment to comply fully with the legislative subpoenas issued on January 13, 2021, which, as you know, Judge Thomason found were valid and enforceable.

To date, attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election, relying on a conclusory and unsupported assertion that providing the routers would somehow “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens.” If true, the fact that Maricopa County stores on its routers substantial quantities of citizens’ and employees’ highly sensitive personal information is an alarming indictment of the County’s lax data security practices, rather than of the legislative subpoenas. Similarly, the County’s assertion that producing the internet routers for inspection would cost up to $6,000,000 seems at odds with Deputy County Attorney Joseph La Rue’s prior representation to Audit Liaison Ken Bennett that the routers already had been disconnected from the County’s network and were prepared for imminent delivery to the Senate.

Nevertheless, in an effort to resolve the dispute regarding production of the routers, we propose that agents of CyFIR, an experienced digital forensics firm and subcontractor of Cyber Ninjas, review virtual images of the relevant routers in Maricopa County facilities and in the presence of representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Such an arrangement would permit Maricopa County to retain custody and monitor the review of router data, while ensuring that the Senate may access the information it requires—and to which it is constitutionally entitled—to successfully complete its audit. The Senate has no interest in viewing or taking possession of any information that is unrelated to the administration of the 2020 general election.

Separately, Maricopa County has refused to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices. Its attorneys’ insistence that the County does not have custody or control of this information is belied by the County’s conduct of its own audits, which, if they were as comprehensive as they purported to be, almost certainly would have entailed use of the passwords to examine the tabulation devices, and it strains credulity to posit that the County has no contractual right to obtain (i.e., control of) password information from Dominion.

II. Chain of Custody and Ballot Organization Anomalies

As the audit has progressed, the Senate’s contractors have become aware of apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization, and storage of ballots. We hope you can assist us in understanding these issues, including specifically the following:

The County has not provided any chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots. Does such documentation exist, and if so, will it be produced? The bags in which the ballots were stored are not sealed, although the audit team has found at the bottom of many boxes cut seals of the type that would have sealed a ballot bag. Why were these seals placed at the bottom of the boxes? Batches within a box are frequently separated by only a divider without any indication of the corresponding batch numbers. In some cases, the batch dividers are missing altogether. This lack of organization has significantly complicated and delayed the audit team’s ballot processing efforts. What are the County’s procedures for sorting, organizing, and packaging ballot batches? Most of the ballot boxes were sealed merely with regular tape and not secured by any kind of tamper-evident seal. Is that the County’s customary practice for storing ballots? The audit team has encountered a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch. In most of these instances, the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch, although there are a few instances in which the total is lower. What are the reasons for these discrepancies? For your reference, please see several illustrative (i.e., not comprehensive) examples in the table below:

Pallet Ballot Type Batch Pink Slip Total Actual Total Discrepancy 5 EV 2104 200 198 -2 5 EV 9276 200 165 -35 15 EV 9278 200 187 -13 15 EV 1643 200 218 18 7 EV 6359 197 187 -10

For your convenience, images of the corresponding pink report slips are attached in Exhibit A.

III. Deleted Databases

We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena. In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed. Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?

The image below shows the location of the files known to be deleted. In addition, the main database for “Results Tally and Reporting” is not present.

* * *

I am hopeful that we can constructively resolve these issues and questions without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory process. To that end, I invite you and any other officers or employees of Maricopa County (to include officials in the Elections Department) who possess knowledge or information concerning the matters set forth above to a meeting at the Arizona State Capitol on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 109. Chairman Petersen, former Secretary Bennett and I will attend the meeting, which will be live-streamed to the public.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you accept my invitation and, if so, which Maricopa County personnel will attend.

Thank you for your cooperation on these important issues of public concern.


Karen Fann, President

Arizona State Senate



Sharyl Attkisson!
Watch Sharyl host "Full Measure," a Sunday morning talk show on the Sinclair network.

Her newest book Slanted is available now along with her book Smear which has a Five Star rating.
Well..that was like 90 days ago...

Where are the court filings, the arrests....?

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