Arizona Audit - The Movie


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims and that was filmed in part at the Arizona audit features several people involved in the audit, including those funding it. The film is set to debut on June 26, the same day that auditors are planning to finish up their work, and the filmmakers are saying that 100% of all profits are going to the nonprofit entity raising money to pay for the audit.

In the original trailer for the film, a man identified only as “Anon” and described as an “Application Security Analyst” was featured, but his voice was left unfiltered. Fox 10 reporter Matt Galka pointed out that the voice sounded similar to Doug Logan, the CEO of Florida-based firm Cyber Ninjas that is conducting the audit. Last week CNN spoke with a man who has been friends with Logan for 15 years and said he immediately recognized the voice in the trailer as Logan’s. The movie’s trailer has since been edited multiple times. In the most recent edit, Anon was removed from the trailer entirely."

There is a good chance that this film may be one of the greatest and most watched films since D.W. Griffith's Birth Of a Nation -- which would be a good thing for the director since his previous movies were about Nazis colonizing the Moon back in 1939 and how aliens were behind 9/11 -- both things being absolutely true but too much truth for America to handle...Now, since the taxpayers only coughed up $150,000 for the audit; the rest of the money for this audit has to come from if this audit isn't successful in overturning the election; at least it will make a few people plenty of money.....and there is more money to be made by duping Trumpers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Idaho pretty much any state you can fool into participating -- this "stop the steal" fantasy will be a great profit generator for some time to come.
Great. Brought to you by the guy who created documentaries “proving” that Nazis colonized the moon and that aliens did 911

No end to the right wing crazy
The audit if for entertainment purposes only since the company running the audit is a joke.
Entertainment, paranoia and fundraising.
I enjoy the QAnon's still running amok.
There are to many people involved in this over many years and decades that has gotten us to the point of potential civil discourse. Nobody questions this because of in your face pushback by many who are not that good in real survival. So we go to hate agendas. I turn on the NASA Channel and 90 per cent is women. Except for the past. Because of the feminist control of the western world, everything government will be several times higher in price, cost and production with many flaws in it. We have technology not released from the past as money needs to be made from what was developed with current products. It is possible Elon Musk was given some technology over others competing with him. Because bypassing insanity gives us access to Space cheaper. There are greater potential men who will never see space because of what is called Equity.
A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
By the 50 states who certified their election.....

Cry harder
A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
By the 50 states who certified their election.....

Cry harder
You keep watching your children suffer...
A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
You can see anytime you open your eyes. Here's a good start...

A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
By the 50 states who certified their election.....

Cry harder
You keep watching your children suffer...
My sons are doing just fine.....

Hopefully your children are doing ok as well....

You on the other hand....don't seem that well at all
A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
50 state certification.

Case closed.
WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
By the 50 states who certified their election.....

Certification had nothing to do with debunking 80 court cases.

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???

A conspiracy theory film that portrays the Arizona audit as critical in proving widely debunked election fraud claims

WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
50 state certification.

Case closed.
WHEN were the election fraud claim widely debunked?



When can I see the report proving that all the fraud claims are wrong? Who is sitting on these papers???
No need to disprove a negative.......

Example...prove to us that you didn't really rape 27 albino goats

Until you prove it....we can only assume that what we heard about you is true....

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