Arizona Avengers: A Trump Casino/Comic


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA inspire culture-rich modernism storytelling or outright pedestrian sarcasm?

This little jingle (my last one most likely --- about Trump or anything else!) was inspired by Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man(!).




A pair of self-proclaimed Native-American vigilantes named Eric and Dina donned superhero-like costumes (with Native-flair) and went hunting for a ruthless 'Leatherface' (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise) copycat named Thomas Strange in Texas. Eric and Dina called themselves Red-Wing and Scarlet-Woman, the Arizona Avengers (since they were originally from Arizona, having grown up together as friends and now married!). The Arizona Avengers headed to Texas in search of Leatherface/Strange.


When the valiant if eccentric Arizona Avengers arrived in Texas, they found U.S. President Donald Trump already there endorsing the building of a new pro-pluralism casino and resort center with a local businessman named Ted Turn (TT). Trump liked TT's vision of a pro-Republican casino which would be hospitable to all ethnic groups, especially Native-Americans(!). The Arizona Avengers didn't know what to make of TT's new casino (named GreenTower), but they realized Trump's entourage was making quite a big media-circus out of the whole PC-capitalism initiative. The Arizona Avengers (AA) realized that GreenTower hysteria just might lure in Leatherface/Strange, so they decided to stake out the area.


The Arizona Avengers (AA) realized that TT's plan was linked to a new Trump Administration 'vision' to build a new multi-cultural moon-base in coordination with NASA and the CIA. The 'dream' was to use commercial enterprise motivations to plan incredible new residential ventures, especially since real-estate was something Americans were never really too too good at forecasting (in comparison to other tourism-and-travel based nations such as Switzerland and New Zealand!). AA knew for sure all this hype would draw in Leatherface/Strange, so they continued to stake out the area, and sure enough, in two months, Leatherface/Strange showed up, and AA confronted him. Red-Wing tied up his legs with his rope after shooting the psycho in the arm with his arrow, while Scarlet-Woman held his head down and gagged him until he agreed to negotiate with them peacefully.

AA: We have you now, Strange...
LEATHERFACE: Call me 'Leatherface.'
AA: What's your deal?
LEATHERFACE: I hate President Trump.
AA: No reason to pick up the chainsaw!
AA: Capitalism is for peace, not war.
LEATHERFACE: Really? It's capitalism that wiped out your people.
AA: Native-Americans endure proudly (and we have our own casino --- Mohegan Sun!).
LEATHERFACE: Mohegan Sun is a joke(!). It's more-or-less 'controlled' by 'Big Brother.'
AA: There are social leaders and Native-elders who work with the Trump Administration.
LEATHERFACE: You're boring me...I'd rather kill Texas cops(!).
AA: Don't get crazy...we'll take you to a center for the criminally-insane (Arkham).
LEATHERFACE: Arkham Asylum(?) Gotham City(?)...that place is a zoo(!).
AA: No, Leatherface/Strange; Arkham will treat your anti-social mentality.
LEATHERFACE: The caretakers there will poison me while I sleep.
AA: No, we assure you that you will be given a fair trial.
LEATHERFACE: I don't want a fair trial...I want Donald Trump...but I surrender(!).


Amazingly enough, Leatherface/Strange was successfully transported to Arkham, and AA was given a special medal-of-honor by President Donald Trump himself who was relieved that TT's dream of a pro-Republican pluralism-hospitable GreenTower casino in the great U.S. state of Texas would be realized and would be built without fear of serious terror from Leatherface/Strange. AA recommended to the Trump Administration that D.C. politicians continue to work diligently to make sure that commerce could truly be a promising 'base' of political-operations in this new age of incredible traffic. AA then retired to Canada (settling down in Prince Edward Island!). They had two beautiful children, and Red-Wing spent his last days writing comic book adaptation stories about the great feat of AA (which won him the Nobel Prize).




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