Arizona Governor to pull Nike incentives after Kaepernick says he’s offended by an American flag.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
And we’re off...we knew the Left was headed in this direction. They hate America’s roots, tradition, culture and identity.
I said it wouldn’t be long before the twisted pukes would seek to rebrand America...I’m pretty sure we’re there.
Good job Afro Boy and Nike...are doing a kickass job as ambassador to the Trump campaign. Please carry on.
Arizona Gov. Ducey to pull Nike plant incentives over reported Colin Kaepernick, Betsy Ross flag flap

Why is Nike letting the American Nazi Party dictate their policy? How pathetic.

This is what happened to the Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (a.k.a. the "Confederate" flag). Because racists use it, we all must reject it or be stoned.

This bullshit is out of control.

Many AZ citizens disaprove of tax credits to entice business regardless of the politics involved.
Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

This guy is as stupid as AOC

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I'm not saying the nation has completely atoned for it's original sin, but at this point, I don't think he is helping the situation much.

It would be so great if Dr. Who were real.

He could take folks like Kaepernik and Richard Spencer in his Tardis back in time and space, and drop them off for a few hours on the battlefield of Gettysburg.

I think if opinion shapers like these could see, hear, smell, and experience first hand that atonement, they might think a bit more before they continue to exacerbate the cultural cleavages in American society, which our forefathers paid a dear price in blood to atone for.
Nike charges $160 for a pair of shoes that costs them $6 to produce in China. I voted for Ducey because our experience with a Rat governor named Jan Napolitano left us $2B in debt. She then went on to cancel the completion of Chertoff's fence on the border as Barry's head of DHS. This isn't like Ducey though.....something else is going on to lose 500 jobs because Kaepernick hates the American flag and Nike is a cowardly corporation dependent on ghetto kids buying their crap sneakers. It doesn't mean Nike will abandon their Goodyear, Az just means they won't get the tax incentives as of now. No unions here, plenty of cheap labor...they won't throw that away for a million bucks.
Many AZ citizens disaprove of tax credits to entice business regardless of the politics involved.

Which is the proper stance.

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I agree to a certain extent, but nobody here in Texas is complaining about getting Toyota, State Farm, et al getting a tax break to make the move when doing so has set the Texas economy on fire.

I think it's a balancing act that most understand. It is expensive to relocate. At the same time, business who have been in Texas for years don't get the same treatment. Still, few businesses leave Texas, despite the unfair tax incentives to potential competitors. There is usually no better alternative.
The point is, the sneaker is just that. Over the decades people have been reamed by selfish greedy sports players who also play the racial or hate game with crocodile tears. Donate all your money fellas to the cause. Instead you want to steal the money from people struggling to survive. May they drop the worse man made destructive ingredients to terminate your azzes. We just saw tens of billions of dollars for the NBA free agents. For what! Give up the green for the greater good. Share it all....for the commmuuuunnnittteee!
I agree to a certain extent, but nobody here in Texas is complaining about getting Toyota, State Farm, et al getting a tax break to make the move when doing so has set the Texas economy on fire.

I think it's a balancing act that most understand. It is expensive to relocate. At the same time, business who have been in Texas for years don't get the same treatment. Still, few businesses leave Texas, despite the unfair tax incentives to potential competitors. There is usually no better alternative.

True, but then there are the Jeff Sessions type who literally built the Japs' car plants in Alabama for them for the jobs. He was against the GM/Chrysler bailout, not because government shouldn't pick winners and losers but because the Japs didn't like it.....they thought they had us by the nuts but they didn't. Tax incentives are fine by me.....who cares if a patch of barren land not producing any revenue suddenly gets a factory built on it? The tax revenue from the workers hired reimburses the city fathers.
Kaepernick told us repeatedly that he was protesting police brutality and not the flag. He's a fucking liar.
And we’re off...we knew the Left was headed in this direction. They hate America’s roots, tradition, culture and identity.
I said it wouldn’t be long before the twisted pukes would seek to rebrand America...I’m pretty sure we’re there.
Good job Afro Boy and Nike...are doing a kickass job as ambassador to the Trump campaign. Please carry on.
Arizona Gov. Ducey to pull Nike plant incentives over reported Colin Kaepernick, Betsy Ross flag flap


I can't wait for the independence day. American flags... EVERYWHERE! The butthurt, wow!

It will be amazing as usual. Trump has brought in the panzers as well. Total blast.
Ok hold your horse on the left support Nike on this.
Mr K has a right to his options but we do not agree with him or Nike. We support the AZ governor. Nike needs a wake up call on which the governor just gave us all. Nike if you are listening reverse that decision quick! We will buy those shoes. Or never buy another Nike product. I may be left on some things but the flag is not one of them. Our history may not always make us proud but it is fact. Our founders knew they did not create a prefect world but gave us the foundation to do better.

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The drooling retard Kaepernick (goddamn, do I hate that vacant, bubble-brained expression on his ugly face) is a muslim convert. These means that like American-hating Obama, he's the overlap of the two most ungrateful, arrogant, entitled, grievance-mongering crybabies in the history of mankind: blacks and muslims. Neither of whom have ever created a successful, civilized society. Neither of whom I'll allow on my property

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