ARIZONA--infringes on Free Speech--Protest we'll seize your property.

Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Yeah, about time someone did something about the violent far left riots.

mentally ill wingnuts....

like this, moron?


or like rightwingnut religious freaks who shoot doctors?

Nobody likes violent riots.

It's always a small group that sours it.

But it is hard to differentiate.

You can always find a outlier.

Do you get pleasure in being irrelevant ?
Arresting and seizing assets of protesters that aren't rioting, which most don't, is in violation of the 1st amendment. You'll note the article also states that police can arrest people for planning a protest.

There is no doubt that this is going to be challenged in court and immediately struck down, but again it shows the mindset of the 4th Reich of the Republican party. We are going to oppress free speech in order to protect the ASS CLOWN that Republicans have installed in the oval office is what this is about.

It won't be struck down. Despite your hysteria, laws against intent to riot and rioting are as old as America. Same kind of statute was used in Chicago to charge the rioters in '68. The asset forfeiture can't be applied to the actual rioters because they're broke losers. But the PLANNERS of the event, like the DNC and the Soros empire have deep pockets. The message is clear....come to Arizona planning a riot and we'll kick your ass and bankrupt your masters.

It will be struck down immediately.

1. What this bill is saying is that a bystander on the street who may not be involved in any protest, someone close throws a rock into the window, the bystander gets arrested and his property seized.

2. People out on a peaceful protest, one of them goes wild and and throws a brick through a window, they ALL get arrested and their property is seized.

This bill is not discriminating between those who are peacefully protesting and those who are committing the rioting.

Any JUDGE would see through this and pound it into the GROUND.


The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze.
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Seizing property is going a bit too far in my opinion. I don't agree with this. Dangerously Totalitarian.

I'm generally against asset forfeiture too and didn't care for what I heard at the sheriffs meeting with Trump. If it's used as part of a RICO charge against organized crime, fine. But if they take $10K off a guy at an airport without a warrant or a reason to believe he's a terrorist or a criminal, that's bullshit. The US Marshalls need to be reined in because they're using it on innocent people.
So don't protest violently. Duh

quiet, troll

come back when you understand the legislation and how it's being used.

oh yeah... that means never. cool

It's not law and therefore cannot be used, fake counselor.

you're a moron....

and the only thing fake is your claim that you're human, sock

You are to stupid to know what a moron is, much less be able to spot one.

Or do you look at someone who is way smarter than you and (having been told this) call them a moron because anyone smarter than a moron is way way way smarter than you.
You ignorant, leftist fuckstain, the First Amendment does not give you a right to be violent and destroy property. Nobody wants to live in a country where violence is not criminalized and prosecuted.
It will be struck down immediately.

1. What this bill is saying that a bystander on the street who may not be involved in any protest, someone close throws a rock into the window, the bystander gets arrested and his property seized.

2. People out on a peaceful protest, one of them goes wild and and throws a brick through a window, they ALL get arrested and their property is seized.

This bill is not discriminating between those who are peacefully protesting and those who are committing the rioting.

Any JUDGE would see this and pound it into the GROUND.

The days of your judges making up law as they go along are numbered. Obviously a fair-minded judge would need evidence a particular person was rioting and it's not hard to get because these days everybody has a camera in their phone. Riots are notoriously difficult to bring specific charges because the officers are in fighting mode and make multiple arrests in a short period of time. This law is aimed at the event ORGANIZERS...they either police their own or we will and you do not want to mess with Phoenix cops....
It will be struck down immediately.

I would like to believe that, but I wouldn't be so sure. That existing asset forfeiture have lasted as long as they currently have should give you pause.
So don't protest violently. Duh

quiet, troll

come back when you understand the legislation and how it's being used.

oh yeah... that means never. cool

Please get someone to help you write a letter to those who educated you.

You deserve to get your money back.

so says a brain dead imbecile with a sixth grade education.

but it's nice of you to defend the skankyirishlunkhead.

It's so good that those Special Ed Teachers helped you learn how to copy phrases from 3x5 cards.

I may have made a mistake in assuming anyone ever attempted to educate you at all.
What does violence have to do with free speech?

Violent people should be prosecuted. Innocent protester should not be prosecuted for the actions of others. Or has the right turned so fascist that they are pro collective punishment now?

If enacted into law it will be discarded as unconstitutional.

But what do you expect from the "show me your papers" state.

AZ, Gun laws so lax that 4 out of 5 drug lords choose them when shopping for guns.
This is the bunch the law is aimed at....if you show up wearing masks and body armor in Phoenix, you're in for a bad day:

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It will be struck down immediately.

I would like to believe that, but I wouldn't be so sure. That existing asset forfeiture have lasted as long as they currently have should give you pause.
This is fascism American style. Violence can be broadly defined. For example, there is such a thing as verbal assault. Breaking a window is hardly a major crime.
Also Organized can be broadly defined. I have no doubt that the protesters truly believe in what they are saying. They are not being paid to say what they are saying. They are likely getting some expense money but is that really being paid? I would say no. I am doubtful this would stand up in any honest court. True conservative judges should be the first in line.
But what do you expect from the "show me your papers" state.


You should know that a large majority of the 20M illegals in this country came in through our Sonoran should see what they've done to it and the people of Arizona. We are entitled to self-defense whether Obama liked it or not.
You are to stupid to know what a moron is, much less be able to spot one.

Or do you look at someone who is way smarter than you and (having been told this) call them a moron because anyone smarter than a moron is way way way smarter than you.


If you're going to call someone stupid, learn to spell.
But what do you expect from the "show me your papers" state.


You should know that a large majority of the 20M illegals in this country came in through our Sonoran should see what they've done to it and the people of Arizona. We are entitled to self-defense whether Obama liked it or not.

The most amazing thing about that is that people are not out taking illegals out with high powered rifles (although there are stories out there). At one point, there were signs in parts of the state saying your safety could not be guaranteed.

Pretty shameful.
But what do you expect from the "show me your papers" state.


You should know that a large majority of the 20M illegals in this country came in through our Sonoran should see what they've done to it and the people of Arizona. We are entitled to self-defense whether Obama liked it or not.

There are not 20 million "illegals" and no, a majority did not come through the desert. 40% come by plane ,and simply overstay visas.

The wanna-be Rambos who shoot at people in the desert should be shot themselves.
The most amazing thing about that is that people are not out taking illegals out with high powered rifles (although there are stories out there). At one point, there were signs in parts of the state saying your safety could not be guaranteed.

Pretty shameful.

Yep, down by Ajo...notorious smuggler route and the BP was armed with rubber bullets against AKs. The trees in the city parks are often dead because the mutts have torn live branches off them for a party fire. When they hit another car in traffic they jump out and run off....and rape....when a peon from the mehican interior sees his first American blonde girl, he'll stare at her like a coyote stares at a rabbit. And we've had to put up with it....Sheriff Joe got indicted for "profiling".....who the hell should he have been stopping.....redheads from Illinois?
There are not 20 million "illegals" and no, a majority did not come through the desert. 40% come by plane ,and simply overstay visas.

The wanna-be Rambos who shoot at people in the desert should be shot themselves.

Listen asshole, I've lived in Phoenix for over 40 years and been to the border and below many times.....STFU.

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