ARIZONA--infringes on Free Speech--Protest we'll seize your property.

Trump has really pissed off Mexico. There is one Mexican legislator that is proposing that they boycott American corn and buy it from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn in Mexico, so what do you think this is going to do to American farmers in this country? I was watching a program, where half of the illegals in this country own homes. If they are chased out, your property values will collapse, the construction industry in this county will go into a tail spin do to oversupply of vacant homes. Illegals also buy cars, food, clothing, go to restaurants and movies and buy everything you do. Our economy would collapse--if they were all chased out of this country.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers
Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

Mexico is the 2nd largest purchaser of American Products in the world. They purchased 267.2 BILLION in American products in 2015. They purchase G.E., Westinghouse, every manufacturer of appliances, and American manufactured cars are everywhere. Hundreds of Thousands of Americans own time shares, condo's and have invested heavily especially in the tourist districts. Because of this there is a middle & upper class in Mexico, that has absolutely no desire to cross a desert and work for peanuts. Guadalajara has an enormous population of American citizens living there. In fact many of our doctors in the States graduated from medical schools in Guadalajara. American corporations like Walmart, Home Depot, Pizza Hut, McDonald's are everywhere in Mexico today.
Mexico | United States Trade Representative

If you think Mexico can't hurt us, you've got head stuck up in a very dark place.

Trump only attacks countries that he doesn't have investments in. Like he didn't ban Saudi Arabia from entering this country because he registered 8 companies there when he jumped into this race. He won't go after the other side of NAFTA because he has investments in Canada. He won't even go after China, the biggest rip off of all because he owns hotels there. He has conflicts of interest coming from everywhere, and he is held hostage by many foreign countries. So he has chosen Mexico, where he has no investments, to continually bash.
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president


The overwhelming majority of what you consider illegals, did not cross a desert to get here. They just overstayed their visas. When rounded up they will be reissued green cards and visa's and will be set free. This country would never tolerate Gestapo type squads separating wives from husbands, mothers from children, and grandparents from the family circle.
Last edited:
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.
The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Online leftist rag....FAKE NEWS ALERT! :asshole:

In 2014, the Daily Dot acquired The Kernel, a weekly Sunday edition featuring long-form editorial built around a single theme, causing The Kernel founder and editor-in-chief, Milo Yiannopoulos, to step down.[3]

In January 2016, the site launched VIP Voices, a collection of op-eds from high-profile contributors on Internet issues in public discourse. Contributors include Mayor Bill de Blasio, Representative Ted Lieu, and Senator Mike Lee.

Are they fake news too?
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.
Liberals need to set up more free speech zones....perhaps our barbed wire up to keep people in them, and continue to make it a prosecutable offense to hand out free pocket constitutions......they are the free speech experts....:lol:
Trump has really pissed off Mexico. There is one Mexican legislator that is proposing that they boycott American corn and buy it from Brazil. They eat a lot of corn in Mexico, so what do you think this is going to do to American farmers in this country? I was watching a program, where half of the illegals in this country own homes. If they are chased out, your property values will collapse, the construction industry in this county will go into a tail spin do to oversupply of vacant homes. Illegals also buy cars, food, clothing, go to restaurants and movies and buy everything you do. Our economy would collapse--if they were all chased out of this country.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers
Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

Mexico is the 2nd largest purchaser of American Products in the world. They purchased 267.2 BILLION in American products in 2015. They purchase G.E., Westinghouse, every manufacturer of appliances, and American manufactured cars are everywhere. Hundreds of Thousands of Americans own time shares, condo's and have invested heavily especially in the tourist districts. Because of this there is a middle & upper class in Mexico, that has absolutely no desire to cross a desert and work for peanuts. Guadalajara has an enormous population of American citizens living there. In fact many of our doctors in the States graduated from medical schools in Guadalajara. American corporations like Walmart, Home Depot, Pizza Hut, McDonald's are everywhere in Mexico today.
Mexico | United States Trade Representative

If you think Mexico can't hurt us, you've got head stuck up in a very dark place.

Trump only attacks countries that he doesn't have investments in. Like he didn't ban Saudi Arabia from entering this country because he registered 8 companies there when he jumped into this race. He won't go after the other side of NAFTA because he has investments in Canada. He won't even go after China, the biggest rip off of all because he owns hotels there. He has conflicts of interest coming from everywhere, and he is held hostage by many foreign countries. So he has chosen Mexico, where he has no investments, to continually bash.
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president


The overwhelming majority of what you consider illegals, did not cross a desert to get here. They just overstayed their visas. When rounded up they will be reissued green cards and visa's and will be set free. This country would never tolerate Gestapo type squads separating wives from husbands, mothers from children, and grandparents from the family circle.
Now that they dumped all the trash in their society here, they are prospering.....the wall will be one of their greatest achievements of the year.....
Arresting and seizing assets of protesters that aren't rioting, which most don't, is in violation of the 1st amendment. You'll note the article also states that police can arrest people for planning a protest.

There is no doubt that this is going to be challenged in court and immediately struck down, but again it shows the mindset of the 4th Reich of the Republican party. We are going to oppress free speech in order to protect the ASS CLOWN that Republicans have installed in the oval office is what this is about.

It won't be struck down. Despite your hysteria, laws against intent to riot and rioting are as old as America. Same kind of statute was used in Chicago to charge the rioters in '68. The asset forfeiture can't be applied to the actual rioters because they're broke losers. But the PLANNERS of the event, like the DNC and the Soros empire have deep pockets. The message is clear....come to Arizona planning a riot and we'll kick your ass and bankrupt your masters.

It will be struck down immediately.

1. What this bill is saying is that a bystander on the street who may not be involved in any protest, someone close throws a rock into the window, the bystander gets arrested and his property seized.

2. People out on a peaceful protest, one of them goes wild and and throws a brick through a window, they ALL get arrested and their property is seized.

This bill is not discriminating between those who are peacefully protesting and those who are committing the rioting.

Any JUDGE would see through this and pound it into the GROUND.

The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze.
1 - the bill is stating that? Really?

Care to point out WHERE it states such a thing:

2. Again, the bill is right there. Where is such a thing stated?

The relevent part of the bill as far as I can tell is the following:
4 13-1003. Conspiracy; classification
5 A. A person commits conspiracy if, with the intent to promote or
6 aid the commission of an offense, such person agrees with one or more
7 persons that at least one of them or another person will engage in conduct
8 constituting the offense and one of the parties commits an overt act in
9 furtherance of the offense, except that an overt act shall not be required
10 if the object of the conspiracy was to commit any felony [removed] ON the
11 person of another, or to commit an offense under section 13-1508, [removed]
12 13-1704 OR 13-2903.

4. "Racketeering" means any act, including any preparatory or
10 completed offense, that is chargeable or indictable under the laws of the
11 state or country in which the act occurred and, if the act occurred in a
12 state or country other than this state, that would be chargeable or
13 indictable under the laws of this state if the act had occurred in this
14 state, and that would be punishable by imprisonment for more than one year
15 under the laws of this state and, if the act occurred in a state or
16 country other than this state, under the laws of the state or country in
17 which the act occurred, regardless of whether the act is charged or
18 indicted, and the act involves [removed] ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:
19 (a) Terrorism, animal terrorism or ecological terrorism that
20 results or is intended to result in a risk of serious physical injury or
21 death.
22 (b) RIOT.
23 [removed] (c) Any of the following acts if committed for financial gain:
24 (i) Homicide.
25 (ii) Robbery.
26 (iii) Kidnapping.
27 (iv) Forgery.
28 (v) Theft.
29 (vi) Bribery.
30 (vii) Gambling.
31 (viii) Usury.
32 (ix) Extortion.
33 (x) Extortionate extensions of credit.
34 (xi) Prohibited drugs, marijuana or other prohibited chemicals or
35 substances.
36 (xii) Trafficking in explosives, weapons or stolen property.
37 (xiii) Participating in a criminal syndicate.
38 (xiv) Obstructing or hindering criminal investigations or
39 prosecutions.
40 (xv) Asserting false claims, including [removed] false
41 claims asserted through fraud or arson.
42 (xvi) Intentional or reckless false statements or publications
43 concerning land for sale or lease or sale of subdivided lands or sale and
44 mortgaging of unsubdivided lands.
45 (xvii) Resale of realty with intent to defraud.
S.B. 1142 - 6 -
1 (xviii) Intentional or reckless fraud in the purchase or sale of
2 securities.
3 (xix) Intentional or reckless sale of unregistered securities or
4 real property securities.
5 (xx) A scheme or artifice to defraud.
6 (xxi) Obscenity.
7 (xxii) Sexual exploitation of a minor.
8 (xxiii) Prostitution.
9 (xxiv) Restraint of trade or commerce in violation of section
10 34-252.
11 (xxv) Terrorism.
12 (xxvi) Money laundering.
13 (xxvii) Obscene or indecent telephone communications to minors for
14 commercial purposes.
15 (xxviii) Counterfeiting marks as proscribed in section 44-1453.
16 (xxix) Animal terrorism or ecological terrorism.
17 (xxx) Smuggling of human beings.
18 (xxxi) Child prostitution.
19 (xxxii) Sex trafficking.
20 (xxxiii) Trafficking of persons for forced labor or services.
21 (xxxiv) Manufacturing, selling or distributing misbranded drugs in
22 violation of section 13-3406, subsection A, paragraph 9.


11 13-2903. Riot; classification
12 A. A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting
13 together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to
14 use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of
15 execution, which EITHER disturbs the public peace OR RESULTS IN DAMAGE TO
17 B. Riot is a class 5 felony.

*note - struck text has been replaced with [removed] by me as strike through is not an option here.

I think it is pretty clear that it refers to those that have intent and actually use violence to cause destruction. The conspiracy (the power that allows the arrest before the action) requires INTENT and that is clearly stated. The Riot requires that "such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence." Again, pretty clear as far as I can tell.

"The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze."
What amazes me is the propensity of people to make claims like the above based on what garbage they are fed rather than going to the actual source that is right there for everyone to see. Hell, we are almost 70 posts in and no one that I seen even bothered to look up what was actually passed. This is why the media, in its entirety, has been attacked and ignored as 'false' news. Almost everything they put out there is sensationalized garbage that is teetering on outright lies, even the 'reputable' sources, because sensationalism is what sells. Here is a small hint, whenever an article talks about a bill, the full text is readily available online.
Maybe Arizona is planning on doing these property seizures to pay for the dam wall?--LOL Congress has already stated it will not appropriate 22 billion dollars for a worthless wall. A thousand mile wall would have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built. The other problem some of this land is on Indian Reservations, the other is privately owned. So there's not way to secure the border with obstacles.

Congress has said no such thing, the wall won't cost $22B, there's already fencing on the reservation and the government owns a 60' strip along the border regardless of who owns the land. But do continue lying you's hilarious how little you mutts know about anything.
Are they fake news too?

The Arizona Republic is a hideously left-wing rag and the Capitol Times article is what I quoted earlier in this thread. Real facts presented in a misleading and deceptive manner is fake news. Any further education is going to cost you real money, sonny.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.
The Party of Expensive Litigation, "strikes again"?
What does violence have to do with free speech?
This where they fail, violent protesting isn't a protected right. It's illegal

Arresting and seizing assets of protesters that aren't rioting, which most don't, is in violation of the 1st amendment. You'll note the article also states that police can arrest people for planning a protest.

There is no doubt that this is going to be challenged in court and immediately struck down, but again it shows the mindset of the 4th Reich of the Republican party. We are going to oppress free speech in order to protect the ASS CLOWN, that Republicans have installed in the oval office is what this is about.


/---- You can be arrested for planning a crime. It's called conspiracy.
This punishes ALL peaceful protesters. That goes against the fundamentals of a democracy.

Like I said, LIbEral filth either don't know, or don't acknowledge, the difference between peaceful protest, and violent rioting.
You ignorant, leftist f•••stain, the First Amendment does not give you a right to be violent and destroy property. Nobody wants to live in a country where violence is not criminalized and prosecuted.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what leftist f•••stains, such as the one to whom you are responding, want.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.
Be peaceful and you won't have a problem. Problem solved.
If they're shooting at defenseless people, yes.

Invading foreign criminals are not innocent. Neither are traitors who defend them, taking their side against that of their own country and their own fellow Americans.
Maybe Arizona is planning on doing these property seizures to pay for the dam wall?--LOL Congress has already stated it will not appropriate 22 billion dollars for a worthless wall. A thousand mile wall would have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built. The other problem some of this land is on Indian Reservations, the other is privately owned. So there's not way to secure the border with obstacles.

Congress has said no such thing, the wall won't cost $22B, there's already fencing on the reservation and the government owns a 60' strip along the border regardless of who owns the land. But do continue lying you's hilarious how little you mutts know about anything.

Congress has already said NO to a worthless wall. If fences & walls could keep illegals out there wouldn't be any here today. A thousand mile wall is going to produce a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

They have already found more than 80 tunnels in San Diego alone, and they know there's more. Mexican drug lords will spend millions on tunnels.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels


Anything they can see can and will always be compromised. The only way to really secure the border is to use high tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol and border patrol stations. And still you'll have to deal with Indian reservation land and private property rights, whom may not approve of equipment being set upon their land.
Arresting and seizing assets of protesters that aren't rioting, which most don't, is in violation of the 1st amendment. You'll note the article also states that police can arrest people for planning a protest.

There is no doubt that this is going to be challenged in court and immediately struck down, but again it shows the mindset of the 4th Reich of the Republican party. We are going to oppress free speech in order to protect the ASS CLOWN that Republicans have installed in the oval office is what this is about.

It won't be struck down. Despite your hysteria, laws against intent to riot and rioting are as old as America. Same kind of statute was used in Chicago to charge the rioters in '68. The asset forfeiture can't be applied to the actual rioters because they're broke losers. But the PLANNERS of the event, like the DNC and the Soros empire have deep pockets. The message is clear....come to Arizona planning a riot and we'll kick your ass and bankrupt your masters.

It will be struck down immediately.

1. What this bill is saying is that a bystander on the street who may not be involved in any protest, someone close throws a rock into the window, the bystander gets arrested and his property seized.

2. People out on a peaceful protest, one of them goes wild and and throws a brick through a window, they ALL get arrested and their property is seized.

This bill is not discriminating between those who are peacefully protesting and those who are committing the rioting.

Any JUDGE would see through this and pound it into the GROUND.

The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze.
1 - the bill is stating that? Really?

Care to point out WHERE it states such a thing:

2. Again, the bill is right there. Where is such a thing stated?

The relevent part of the bill as far as I can tell is the following:
4 13-1003. Conspiracy; classification
5 A. A person commits conspiracy if, with the intent to promote or
6 aid the commission of an offense, such person agrees with one or more
7 persons that at least one of them or another person will engage in conduct
8 constituting the offense and one of the parties commits an overt act in
9 furtherance of the offense, except that an overt act shall not be required
10 if the object of the conspiracy was to commit any felony [removed] ON the
11 person of another, or to commit an offense under section 13-1508, [removed]
12 13-1704 OR 13-2903.

4. "Racketeering" means any act, including any preparatory or
10 completed offense, that is chargeable or indictable under the laws of the
11 state or country in which the act occurred and, if the act occurred in a
12 state or country other than this state, that would be chargeable or
13 indictable under the laws of this state if the act had occurred in this
14 state, and that would be punishable by imprisonment for more than one year
15 under the laws of this state and, if the act occurred in a state or
16 country other than this state, under the laws of the state or country in
17 which the act occurred, regardless of whether the act is charged or
18 indicted, and the act involves [removed] ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:
19 (a) Terrorism, animal terrorism or ecological terrorism that
20 results or is intended to result in a risk of serious physical injury or
21 death.
22 (b) RIOT.
23 [removed] (c) Any of the following acts if committed for financial gain:
24 (i) Homicide.
25 (ii) Robbery.
26 (iii) Kidnapping.
27 (iv) Forgery.
28 (v) Theft.
29 (vi) Bribery.
30 (vii) Gambling.
31 (viii) Usury.
32 (ix) Extortion.
33 (x) Extortionate extensions of credit.
34 (xi) Prohibited drugs, marijuana or other prohibited chemicals or
35 substances.
36 (xii) Trafficking in explosives, weapons or stolen property.
37 (xiii) Participating in a criminal syndicate.
38 (xiv) Obstructing or hindering criminal investigations or
39 prosecutions.
40 (xv) Asserting false claims, including [removed] false
41 claims asserted through fraud or arson.
42 (xvi) Intentional or reckless false statements or publications
43 concerning land for sale or lease or sale of subdivided lands or sale and
44 mortgaging of unsubdivided lands.
45 (xvii) Resale of realty with intent to defraud.
S.B. 1142 - 6 -
1 (xviii) Intentional or reckless fraud in the purchase or sale of
2 securities.
3 (xix) Intentional or reckless sale of unregistered securities or
4 real property securities.
5 (xx) A scheme or artifice to defraud.
6 (xxi) Obscenity.
7 (xxii) Sexual exploitation of a minor.
8 (xxiii) Prostitution.
9 (xxiv) Restraint of trade or commerce in violation of section
10 34-252.
11 (xxv) Terrorism.
12 (xxvi) Money laundering.
13 (xxvii) Obscene or indecent telephone communications to minors for
14 commercial purposes.
15 (xxviii) Counterfeiting marks as proscribed in section 44-1453.
16 (xxix) Animal terrorism or ecological terrorism.
17 (xxx) Smuggling of human beings.
18 (xxxi) Child prostitution.
19 (xxxii) Sex trafficking.
20 (xxxiii) Trafficking of persons for forced labor or services.
21 (xxxiv) Manufacturing, selling or distributing misbranded drugs in
22 violation of section 13-3406, subsection A, paragraph 9.


11 13-2903. Riot; classification
12 A. A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting
13 together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to
14 use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of
15 execution, which EITHER disturbs the public peace OR RESULTS IN DAMAGE TO
17 B. Riot is a class 5 felony.

*note - struck text has been replaced with [removed] by me as strike through is not an option here.

I think it is pretty clear that it refers to those that have intent and actually use violence to cause destruction. The conspiracy (the power that allows the arrest before the action) requires INTENT and that is clearly stated. The Riot requires that "such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence." Again, pretty clear as far as I can tell.

"The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze."
What amazes me is the propensity of people to make claims like the above based on what garbage they are fed rather than going to the actual source that is right there for everyone to see. Hell, we are almost 70 posts in and no one that I seen even bothered to look up what was actually passed. This is why the media, in its entirety, has been attacked and ignored as 'false' news. Almost everything they put out there is sensationalized garbage that is teetering on outright lies, even the 'reputable' sources, because sensationalism is what sells. Here is a small hint, whenever an article talks about a bill, the full text is readily available online.

As we can see, the actual text of the bill shows it only targets rioters.

This idiot oreo is likely a paid protester himself.

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