Arizona Lawmaker Retweets Push to Celebrate Confederate Generals on MLK Day, Days After Speaking at Trump Rally


Your version of talking tough is telling me you feel other people were better men than me. Good for you Soy Boy. 😄 I don't actually care about your feelings. I care about pushing Confederate idolatry towards cultural extinction, something we've been having increasing success at doing.

My statement said nothing of my feelings. I made the statement that the men who defeated the Confederacy, were better men than you based on their bravery and service to their nation.

They won the battle that you claim to be fighting, today, 150 years after it ended.

It's their pussy great great grandchildren. They can call themselves whatever they like but if they deny being a part of Confederate culture it's only because we have been successful in shaming them into denial. 😄

The Confederacy was a government. It ended over 150 years ago. You are using words incorrectly to hide what you are really up to.

You are the one that is afraid. You lie because you fear telling people what your real goals and aims. You talk shit about defeating an enemy that has been dead for over 150 years.
My statement said nothing of my feelings. I made the statement that the men who defeated the Confederacy, were better men than you based on their bravery and service to their nation.

They won the battle that you claim to be fighting, today, 150 years after it ended.
They might of won the battle but they didn't have the fortitude to win the war. Not the war against Confederate culture anyway. If they had we wouldn't have to be tearing down Confederate monuments today.
The Confederacy was a government. It ended over 150 years ago. You are using words incorrectly to hide what you are really up to.
The Confederacy was a government that grew out of a deplorable white southern culture.
You are the one that is afraid. You lie because you fear telling people what your real goals and aims. You talk shit about defeating an enemy that has been dead for over 150 years.
Who's afraid? 😄 I just said plainly that the goal was to push Confederate culture towards cultural and politics extinction.
They might of won the battle but they didn't have the fortitude to win the war. Not the war against Confederate culture anyway. If they had we wouldn't have to be tearing down Confederate monuments today.

lol. They died by numbers never seen by Americans before or since and continued to fight. And you think to judge them or their "fortitude"? Baseed on what Moral Authority?

The Confederacy was a government that grew out of a deplorable white southern culture.

Who's afraid? 😄 I just said plainly that goal was to push Confederate culture towards cultural and politics extinction.

You are afraid. Or else you would not lie about your goals, by talking nonsense about the "Confederacy" when it has been dead and moot since before your grandfather was born.
lol. They died by numbers never seen by Americans before or since and continued to fight. And you think to judge them or their "fortitude"? Baseed on what Moral Authority?
Who cares how many of them died? I don't. I don't even judge them through objective morality because such a thing doesn’t actually exist. I judge them by the 100 years of Jim Crow violence that was allowed to be perpetuated against Black Americans.
You are afraid. Or else you would not lie about your goals, by talking nonsense about the "Confederacy" when it has been dead and moot since before your grandfather was born.
No one is afraid you you little Cuck. 😄
Who cares how many of them died? I don't. I don't even judge them through objective morality because such a thing doesn’t actually exist. I judge them by the 100 years of Jim Crow violence that was allowed to be perpetuated against Black Americans.

And thus we see that all your talk is just talk. If you were as concerned about the Confederacy as you pretend to be, then YOU would care, how many died in the fighting that defeated and crushed the Confederacy.

That you don't respect their Moral Authority, is you demonstrating that all your talk is a Lie.

No one is afraid you you little Cuck. 😄

I didn't say you were afraid of me. But you are clearly afraid of something, or you would not be lying about your intent with this shit talk of fighting "The Confederacy".
And thus we see that all your talk is just talk. If you were as concerned about the Confederacy as you pretend to be, then YOU would care, how many died in the fighting that defeated and crushed the Confederacy.
As we see "all talk" is simply your cuck boy feelings in response to my differing points of view. It hurts you emotionally that not only do i not care about the whites who gave their lives fighting the Confederacy, all white deaths in midst of the Civil War amuses me. I take it as evidence that not only can dipshit Southern Whites be goaded into poorly strategized conflict but also that Northern whites can be weaponized against you if they find you to be a common enemy. Northern white sacrifice however didn't end southern white mistreatment of Black Americans. It brought the Union back together, which was their goal in fighting the war, but I give less of a shit about that.
That you don't respect their Moral Authority, is you demonstrating that all your talk is a Lie.
What talk? I use morality as a weapon because you morons, desperate to believe in it, have left yourselves vulnerable to attack by it.
I didn't say you were afraid of me. But you are clearly afraid of something, or you would not be lying about your intent with this shit talk of fighting "The Confederacy".
Lying about what exactly? If I don't have any problem saying that my goal is to push Confederate culture towards extinction, what do you imagine I'm afraid to say? 😄
As we see "all talk" is simply your cuck boy feelings in response to my differing points of view. It hurts you emotionally that not only do i not care about the whites who gave their lives fighting the Confederacy, all white deaths in midst of the Civil War amuses me. I take it as a sign that Dipshit Southern Whites can not only be goaded into poorly strategized conflict. Northern white sacrifice however didn't end southern white mistreatment of Black Americans. It brought the Union back together but I give less of a shit about that.

If you really cared at all about the "extinction" of the Confederacy, you would be grateful and respect the Men that actually did that.

That you don't shows that your talk is just bullshit.

What talk? I use morality as a weapon because you morons, desperate to believe in it, have left yourselves vulnerable to attack by it.

Your talk about the Confederacy. I mean, that was very clear. I expressed stated that, and it made sense as you have been talking about it, a lot in this thread.

Your pretense of not knowing what I said, is not credible. You are clearly afraid to honestly address my point.

Lying about what exactly? If I don't have any problem saying that my goal is to push Confederate culture towards extinction, what do you imagine I'm afraid to say? 😄

Except the Confederacy died over 150 years ago. So your talk is you lying.

YOu are afraid to admit what your real goal is. Who are you afraid of?
If you really cared at all about the "extinction" of the Confederacy, you would be grateful and respect the Men that actually did that.
I contest your assertion that they fought the Confederacy to extinction by pointing to the 100 years of Jim Crow terrorism that began after the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
That you don't shows that your talk is just bullshit.
Or that I understand history better than you.
Your talk about the Confederacy. I mean, that was very clear. I expressed stated that, and it made sense as you have been talking about it, a lot in this thread.
Obviously it wasn't clear since you don't seem to understand the use of morality as a weapon. 😄
Your pretense of not knowing what I said, is not credible. You are clearly afraid to honestly address my point.
Your point that I'm lying? What about exactly? I'd love to address it but you're too chicken shit to tell me what I'm supposed to be lying about.
Except the Confederacy died over 150 years ago. So your talk is you lying.
Then explain the existence of the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy who spent the last century putting up statues to venerate Confederates.
YOu are afraid to admit what your real goal is. Who are you afraid of?
Which is what?

Then explain the existence of the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy who spent the last century putting up statues to venerate Confederates.


What is to explain? The existance of a civic group dedicated to hononring their ancestors is not the same as the survival of a large Nation State.

That you conflate the two is just you talking shit. Very, very absurd shit.
What is to explain? The existance of a civic group dedicated to hononring their ancestors is not the same as the survival of a large Nation State.
I never claimed the Confederacy survived as a nation state, nice try. I said their culture never went extinct and considering you're admitting now that they have ancestors who've formed a group dedicated to honoring their Confederate kin you've actually proven me right.
That you conflate the two is just you talking shit. Very, very absurd shit.
It's you that seems to have trouble connecting the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy with the continued existence of Confederate culture. 😄
I never claimed the Confederacy survived as a nation state, nice try. I said their culture never went extinct and considering you're admitting now that they have ancestors who've formed a group dedicated to honoring their Confederate kin you've actually proven me right.

You started out talking about fighting for the "political extinction" of the Confederacy. A battlet that was won 159 years ago.

You've walked it back some, possibly becasue you realize how silly you looked. But the fact remains. That was your original position.

It's you that seems to have trouble connecting the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy with the continued existence of Confederate culture. 😄

COnfederate "culture" was led by a Planter Class, of large slave owners. That's all gone. An organization dedicated to remembering their ancestors does not mean that a culture is the same as it was in their ancestors time.

Me having a Thanksgiving Dinner, doesn't mean I am "culturally" a Pilgrim.

It is hard to believe that you need this explained to you.

It seems like you are just talking shit to avoid admitting that you have been talking shit.
You started out talking about fighting for the "political extinction" of the Confederacy. A battlet that was won 159 years ago.

You've walked it back some, possibly becasue you realize how silly you looked. But the fact remains. That was your original position.
It is fact that that is my position its your misunderstanding however that you think this was in reference to the Nation State.
COnfederate "culture" was led by a Planter Class, of large slave owners. That's all gone. An organization dedicated to remembering their ancestors does not mean that a culture is the same as it was in their ancestors time.
It's hilarious that you would come here and claim the people who choose to call themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy has nothing to do with culture from who they claim parentage from. 😄 Stop being a bitch. Also I have no problem with remembering Confederates, I just advocate for remembering them as pieces of human shit and my view is winning the mainstream.
Me having a Thanksgiving Dinner, doesn't mean I am "culturally" a Pilgrim.
It does mean you've been influenced, culturally, in some way by the pilgrims. If you called yourself the Son or Daughter of Pilgrims then that indicates more than influence.
It is hard to believe that you need this explained to you.
Is it hard for you to understand that if you call yourself the Son or Daughter of Pilgrims that you're going to be associated with Pilgrims? 😄
It seems like you are just talking shit to avoid admitting that you have been talking shit.
It seems like you continue to miss what everyone else finds obvious. 😄
It is fact that that is my position its your misunderstanding however that you think this was in reference to the Nation State.

It's hilarious that you would come here and claim the people who choose to call themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy has nothing to do with culture from who they claim parentage from. 😄 Stop being a bitch. Also I have no problem with remembering Confederates, I just advocate for remembering them as pieces of human shit and my view is winning the mainstream.

It does mean you've been influenced, culturally, in some way by the pilgrims. If you called yourself the Son or Daughter of Pilgrims then that indicates more than influence.

Is it hard for you to understand that if you call yourself the Son or Daughter of Pilgrims that you're going to be associated with Pilgrims? 😄

It seems like you continue to miss what everyone else finds obvious. 😄

"Influenced in some way" is hardly justificiation for WAR, as you have been talking shit about.

And back to my earlier point. THe only reason for you to talk such shit, is becuase you are afraid of letting people know what you are truly "fighting" about. And why.

Who are you afraid of?
"Influenced in some way" is hardly justificiation for WAR, as you have been talking shit about.
Do I need to justify my political and cultural war against Confederate idolaters to you? That's just an expression of my first amendment rights you, Snowflake. I get to wage cultural and political war against whoever I feel like.
And back to my earlier point. THe only reason for you to talk such shit, is becuase you are afraid of letting people know what you are truly "fighting" about. And why.
Which is what?
Who are you afraid of?
Why don't you tell me? Who am I supposed to be afraid of? 😄
Do I need to justify my political and cultural war against Confederate idolaters to you? That's just an expression of my first amendment rights you, Snowflake. I get to wage cultural and political war against whoever I feel like.

Of course not. But, if your words are clearly bullshit, I will be calling you on them. And they clearly are. Your justification for your "war" is bullshit.

You talk shit about "Confederates" as though you are fighting slavers or the KLAN, but really, you are focused on little old ladies who missed their daddies.

What a tough guy you are. NOT.

Which is what?

ONe could guess. But the important part is, that it has nothing to do with teh Confederacy.

Why don't you tell me? Who am I supposed to be afraid of? 😄

Because I don't really care. The imporant take away here, is that you are afraid. Afraid of the Truth. Afraid of people finding out the Truth, about you and your motives.
Of course not. But, if your words are clearly bullshit, I will be calling you on them. And they clearly are. Your justification for your "war" is bullshit.
Aww? Is that how you feel? 😄

Who gives a shit Soy Boy? Again I don't care how you feel about it, I only care whether or not you can thwart it's success and it certainly doesn't seem like it.
You talk shit about "Confederates" as though you are fighting slavers or the KLAN, but really, you are focused on little old ladies who missed their daddies.
Their daddies who were the Klan. I don't give a shit if they're little old ladies. 😝 In fact if they don't get reinforced by young Confederate culture warriors they will go extinct and I'll be victorious. 😁
What a tough guy you are. NOT.
See, you're focused and being seen as tough, and I'm more concerned with winning. 😁
ONe could guess. But the important part is, that it has nothing to do with teh Confederacy.
So, you have no clue and are just talking out of your ass. Got it.
Because I don't really care. The imporant take away here, is that you are afraid. Afraid of the Truth. Afraid of people finding out the Truth, about you and your motives.
What truth Soy Boy? Why are you so afraid to say it?
Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-AZ) retweeted white nationalist Scott Greer on Monday calling for celebrating Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

Greers’ call to celebrate Confederate generals came on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, in an apparent message to his supporters that he believes in the tenants of the Confederacy over those the slain civil rights leader.

Rogers retweeted the controversial message just days after she spoke at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Florence, Arizona.

“Arizona is a red state,” Rogers declared during the rally. “We are not turning purple.”

The Arizona lawmaker, who has embraced the QAnon conspiracy theory and pushed allegations that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, also led the crowd in chanting “decertify” during the rally.

Rogers, a freshman legislator who is running for re-election, announced last week that she raised an eye-popping $2.5 million in 2021.

No stranger to controversy the former Air Force pilot and die-hard Trump supporter has previously shared posts from notorious white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes.

It is amazing how folks wonder why black folks don't support the Grand Ole Party.
Time to yank another Super's scheduled for Glendale this season.

I won't miss the traffic.

Now, or course, suddenly, all of the people who don't care about the NFL (or say they don't) will suddenly follow the story closely.

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