Arizona Republican Sues Kari Lake Over 'Utter Disregard for the Truth'

When they are defeated in court over and over and over, their continued denial of reality points to a serious cognitive deficiency...aka MAGA.
Corrupt courts that denied an evidentiary hearing. Just that fact shows the courts did not do their job. Try again.
Given her track record of losing case after case, she should probably settle this right away.
Does ahead even have a job? I mean she is basically begging trump to take her as VP. But she can only hang out at Mar a lago for so long...right?
You have proved you can write. You have proved you do not understand logic. You have proved you do not understand the basics of evidentiary hearings. They require evidence. MAGA has not evidence; lots of assertions but no evidence.
The "word of trump" is not admissible in court.....which leaves his defense attorneys high and dry.
And a following right here in this thread.
The vast majority of Americans are like Kari in that they want free, fair and reviewable elections. If you want to call that a cult, knock yourself out.
Almost all Americans from far-left progs to far-right non-MAGAs want fair and free elections.

Most of MAGA want their way, regardless of the vote.
The GOP needs to either confront Democrats or give up any legitimacy as a party. Rinos are destroying our country.
The only one getting destroyed is Kari Lake. She has consistently defamed a fellow Republican over things that have been repeatedly proven to be false. Why would he do the things he’s accused of? It makes no sense, but her supporters are lapping it up! She then keeps repeating the lies, forcing him to sue in an attempt to clear his name. RINOs ARE destroying the party, but Kari Lake is the real RINO.

Does this woman know when to stop? Maybe a couple law suits will help her understand when to give it up.
Don’t the MAGA Republicans realize she broke the 11th Commandment?

Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.- St. Ronald

I guess she has to, because that’s her grift now. If she stops, the cult members will stop throwing money at her.
The only one getting destroyed is Kari Lake. She has consistently defamed a fellow Republican over things that have been repeatedly proven to be false. Why would he do the things he’s accused of? It makes no sense, but her supporters are lapping it up! She then keeps repeating the lies, forcing him to sue in an attempt to clear his name. RINOs ARE destroying the party, but Kari Lake is the real RINO.
You are a fucking joke. Please stop.

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