
Sleepy Joe TROUNCED Donald Trump.

He's forever going to be the sap that LOST to Sleepy Joe Biden.


It's no longer just a Biden victory; now it's a Biden rout!
Trump was his own worst enemy in AZ. He dumped on a senator who served for 30 years
Nobody but dems liked McCain outside AZ. But Az liked him and that's all the mattered.

It's no longer just a Biden victory; now it's a Biden rout!
I'm SO glad I moved out of Arizona in May of 2010. The ever increasing problem of illegal aliens flooding the Phoenix area, where I lived for over 30 years, the ever increasing sheer number of people in the area, and the ever increasing crime rate, ALL played a factor in my leaving the city and state. I DO miss certain things about Phoenix. There was always something to do outside of your household, seven days a week. The area I last lived in, in the Phoenix, Arizona area, had karaoke and Buzztime Trivia at restaurants/bars, within a couple mile radius of where I lived. I attended literally DOZENS of music concerts, probably OVER 50, in total, from roughly 1978 to 2008. I DO miss that. I also miss having a decent Mexican food restaurant within a several mile radius. Fantastic Mexican restaurants/bars were EVERYWHERE in the greater Phoenix area. Here in Valparaiso, Indiana, we have ONE decent Mexican restaurant that I'm aware of, in the entire town. But HERE'S the thing - I LOVE this sleepy little town. It's comprised of a majority of Republican/Conservative residents, we've had Republican mayors for many years running. Crime is almost non-existent here. I feel safe ANYWHERE in town. I've NEVER seen a low-life ANTIFA fuck in our wonderful town. Life IS mighty fine here. Thanks SO much for your time. :)
since az voted biden, i can only assume they approve of his open border policy. az going to love it when biden opens the border. each family in arizona should open their home up to a family of illegal immigrants. house, feed and cloth them. it will be awesome. enjoy your new friends, arizona! :)

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