Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Drud addled mind? You ARE an idiot with obviously no defense to what I said.
There is no defense needed. You obviously don't believe in the right of self-defense and you feel that no one else should be able to defend themselves either. Your position is the one that needs to be defended.
Civilized countries do not need such laws.

The civilized countries of Europe allowed 12 million citizens to be murdered by the German socialists in a matter of 7 years...........handed them over in fact.......
The civilized nation of America tried exterminating all the indigenous nations here.
No, we didn’t.
Which guys, and how?
You and your buddies on the right.
What history do you see rewritten?
Whites versus Indians. The victors get to write history. Even with the White man writing it, it is bad. Could you imagine if we were able to write the truth? I am a Cherokee and learned much of the history at ceremonies. We know the truth, not the lies in history books.
Hypocrite. Everything that you accuse the Whites of doing, your tribe practiced on other tribes. The Hopi were subjugated by the Navajo. The Sioux and the Crow battled. When one tribe was victorious, they took the spoils, enslaved the vanquished, etc. There was no coming back and saying, "Wait a minute, you treated us unfairly." It was just the way it was. Now you want to change the rules and whine about how you were treated---150 years later. Cry me a river.
This is a perfect example of what I am saying.
You haven't said anything except how badly you disagree with the 2nd amendment and how your ancestors were mistreated. It was a different time--I wish you could be around 150 years from now to see how your whiny ass is portrayed then.
Funny, you sound like the whiney one, crying while I state facts.
Please refresh my memory. What "facts" have you stated. Please provide links to whatever bullshit that you spread, kimosabe. Fauxcohontas will verify I am sure.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Drud addled mind? You ARE an idiot with obviously no defense to what I said.
There is no defense needed. You obviously don't believe in the right of self-defense and you feel that no one else should be able to defend themselves either. Your position is the one that needs to be defended.
Civilized countries do not need such laws.

The civilized countries of Europe allowed 12 million citizens to be murdered by the German socialists in a matter of 7 years...........handed them over in fact.......
The civilized nation of America tried exterminating all the indigenous nations here.
No, we didn’t.
Which guys, and how?
You and your buddies on the right.
What history do you see rewritten?
Whites versus Indians. The victors get to write history. Even with the White man writing it, it is bad. Could you imagine if we were able to write the truth? I am a Cherokee and learned much of the history at ceremonies. We know the truth, not the lies in history books.
Hypocrite. Everything that you accuse the Whites of doing, your tribe practiced on other tribes. The Hopi were subjugated by the Navajo. The Sioux and the Crow battled. When one tribe was victorious, they took the spoils, enslaved the vanquished, etc. There was no coming back and saying, "Wait a minute, you treated us unfairly." It was just the way it was. Now you want to change the rules and whine about how you were treated---150 years later. Cry me a river.
This is a perfect example of what I am saying.
You haven't said anything except how badly you disagree with the 2nd amendment and how your ancestors were mistreated. It was a different time--I wish you could be around 150 years from now to see how your whiny ass is portrayed then.
Funny, you sound like the whiney one, crying while I state facts.
Please refresh my memory. What "facts" have you stated. Please provide links to whatever bullshit that you spread, kimosabe. Fauxcohontas will verify I am sure.

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