Arkansas Cops dish out red state violence on video

Blue states know how to run cities. However, bad cops are everywhere not just in the shithole dangerous red states.
Yeah...shithole dangerous red states where you can park your car and not have your windows busted in.
Or red states where you don't have to stay in the basement at night because hoodrats are out after 10pm shooting the place up.
Or red states where you don't see people shooting up heroin on the street and passed out among piles of dirty cloths and human waste.
Red states where people don't start screaming and throwing shit around in a Walmart for no reason other than the fact that they're a bunch of racist blacks....or Karens that are screaming because someone paid them to scream.
Looks like these roided up cops got mad at suspect and subsequently imparted some violent red state justice. It appears they overcharged him as well to try and cover this up as defensive.

I’m guessing the charge was attacking police officers’ knees and fists with his face and damaging public property by slamming his head into the sidewalk. Maybe his blood was littering?

Awesome beatdown!

I especially loved the Metallica sound track in the background!
You really have to love the false claims and wrangling for my politics are better. Did Floyd die in a red state?
exactly what did the perpetrator do? Sure it is nice to sit back and claim that every cop in some red or blue city/ state is bad and violent all from one video with no context. But without knowing exactly what transpired before and During there is no way to say anything.

But lord it sure is fun to point fingers on little or no evidence. Of course lack of IQ tends to make it more fun.

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