Arkansas Cops dish out red state violence on video

Arkansas needs a blood and brains patrol to clean up suspects beaten by police.
Not that I agree with it....but if there was more of this in blue cities instead of the constant rewards criminals get from authorities...there would be a heck of a lot less crime in your shithole states.
The red states are death traps. Blue states are safe. They are 1-12. Find me a safe red state bitch. Iowa is #18. Red States are a cesspool of violence.

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Not that I agree with it....but if there was more of this in blue cities instead of the constant rewards criminals get from authorities...there would be a heck of a lot less crime in your shithole states.
All shithole red states.
You disapprove of the cop incident? We can argue over their voting record but we can agree it was bullshit and they should be fired, right?
They shouldn't be allowed to deal with the public...because they went overboard.

But I have to admit that every time I see some screaming bitch raising hell in a McDonalds or a Walmart.....I want to do the same thing to them. That's why I'm not a cop and wouldn't want to be one.
And when cops give in to their folks on the left not only attack the cops that did it....but all cops.
So I think you should stop trying to defund them and instead try to make sure that they hire better cops.....and then support the good cops instead of trying to destroy them.
All shithole red states.
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MT has always been Democrat....and has always been a dangerous place to live.....but not from crime.
KY is run by a Democrat.

I can see a pattern here.
You assume that 168 deaths from wildlife and traffic accidents in a 12 month period in MT is worse than 168 deaths in Chicago and Philly in a weekend.
Personally I think you're sniffing glue.

BTW, Big Horn County in MT only has a population of 13,000....and most of the deaths are due to car accidents driving on long snow covered roads at well as Grizzly attacks. Every once in awhile a Moose will get in a rut and want to kill everything in sight. Back in the Summer of 1876 they had a bunch of 7th Cav that ran into about 3000 Sioux and Cheyenne Indians and got waxed.....but that was an isolated case.

This is pretty much what Big Horn County looks like:


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your list is of Counties, not states.

I’ve already posted the states. This is a double click down. Red states and red counties are the most dangerous places in America.
Because of the Blue cities in them.
Yea. There are soooo many blue voters in red states and counties to make them waaaaay more dangerous than blue states with lots of blue voters. You guys win a prize for circular retarded logic.
Yea. There are soooo many blue voters in red states and counties to make them waaaaay more dangerous than blue states with lots of blue voters. You guys win a prize for circular retarded logic.
are you a moron?

90% of the state of NY is red

But, because of NYC, and other large cities, it's usually referred to a blue state.

The force certainly looks excessive. On the other hand, the guy did also appear to be resisting. And, significantly, this doesn’t tell us how it began or why.

The cops are already suspended. Maybe it’s time to see how the event came to be.
Move to Idaho, it's still segregated.
Not really. Idaho just isn't a place most blacks want to move to......too many white people there.
If you want to feel comfortable and live in a conservative state....move to Atlanta. I'm sure there are entire black sections of the city that are off-limits to Trump Supporters.
are you a moron?

90% of the state of NY is red

But, because of NYC, and other large cities, it's usually referred to a blue state.

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Land doesn’t vote or commit violence. There are a lot of blue voters in NY and it is super safe at #13. There are few blue voters in Arkansas and it’s much more dangerous with only 5 places more dangerous… and it’s cops are beating defenseless suspects.

Land doesn’t vote or commit violence. There are a lot of blue voters in NY and it is super safe at #13. There are few blue voters in Arkansas and it’s much more dangerous with only 5 places more dangerous… and it’s cops are beating defenseless suspects.

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Keep proving you're a moron.

I love it
Outrage on here is less than there was for Kaepernick taking a knee to protest this stuff.

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