Arkansas GOP Senator Tenacious Tom Cotton was right: Corona came from a Chinese lab

Are the Chinese guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?

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"China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start".

Trumpybear disagrees.

Feb. 23

"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Its called diplomacy... Some times one must restrain themselves to not start a war... I think the time for diplomacy is very near if not already over. The ball is clearly in China's hands now.
Its called diplomacy... Some times one must restrain themselves to not start a war... I think the time for diplomacy is very near if not already over. The ball is clearly in China's hands now.

This is a 'simple' fix:

1) Tell the WHO to fire / restructure current leadership to restore the world's trust in or no more money.

2) The US starts an industrialization / manufacturing boom here in the US by beginning to manufacture ourselves here at home most, if not all, of the critical products we need instead of in China - to include medications / drugs

This option would result in some higher costs but has been proven to be a mandatory / critical need, especially after China threatened to withhold meds and 'drown the US in a sea of Coronavirus'. This move would have the potential to decimate China economically.
Ive been saying it since the Indian scientists said it was manmade because of the HIV and Ebola strands in it. Also, the chinese scientist that said the same thing and disappeared.
But then, after his disappearance, chinese scientists said it is just comparable or some shit.
Believe the establishment or get shunned, folks.

That is the breaks in the L and S protein Strands. The third rendition of the virus combined the two L/S and is the most lethal. I dont believe for one minuet this thing was naturally occurring.
citation needed, lol
The odd thing is that the left leaning political faction seems to be defending China. What possible reason could they have other than hatred for the President of the United States?
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.

Trump knew this when he banned travel. Why is this being hidden from America
hey folks, it's covid-19, not covid-1. of course it was engineered in a lab by obama. i read it on facebook.
"China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start".

Trumpybear disagrees.

Feb. 23

"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Don't worry, I am not one of the nutballs. You may have quoted as if I had made up that line, but no, but I was quoting Grampa murked u, and you left out my actual comment meant to take away from posters that believe the virus was some half baked intentional release, the conspiracy nuts. to be more specific, it would not surprise me, that it escaped from a poorly run lab, but not intentionally released. Did they cover up? Absolutely. Covering mistakes from outside world is what they do in the best of times, as is their nature as Chinese Communists. I am anti-communist by nature, study and training, just not one of the extreme paranoid anti-communists on this board.
No telling what trumpy bear actually believes. It is dependent on who he talks to 10 minutes before he speaks without thinking, as is his nature. He should be ignored whenever possible. He is too prone to lying, covering up, and putting out propaganda, but of course, he seems to admire communist governments and leaders.
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.
So who were the Chinese in cahoots with?
An investigation COLLECTS EVIDENCE... and that collection is mounting..

There are legitimate questions regarding the lab in Wuhan that should be investigated. And maybe there's something to it. And the criticisms of China are spot on.

But of course, Orange Jesus worshippers take the huge leap that, indeed, it is responsible, and maybe it's to unleash biological warfare. There is no tangible evidence of the former and zero evidence of the latter.

These are people who to this day believe Obama was born in Kenya. So they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
I have no idea where Obama was born. And I have never suggested this was a weapon.
Strike(diversion) 3 comming up?

Others in your branch have
Well this isn't their thread, it's mine. Can I blame you for the stupid shit your next door neighbor does?
There is so many stories that this originated from but the one fact that has stuck is its from Wuhan, China. We don’t need to have the political argument even though the president keeps going against the professionals which is stupid. In my personal opinion, this should not be a political debate, but I’m going to say this once and sit back and watch. If this was a democratic administration, we would have the economy open, the message would been just be careful and 6ft apart. Far as COVID only three symptoms can be identified from SARS from my understanding except for fatigue. I find it ironic that these clowns are quickly running to a podium and, trying to throw the political correctness card. Don’t call it the Chinese virus or something. The question should be can china be trusted?
I’d like to emphasize that because this viral pandemic might have originated from a research lab in Wuhan, it does not mean that the virus was man made. Most labs are studying the native viruses already around us. If they have some possible uses, for transfection for example, they might be modified for that use. There are studies out already providing evidence that the virus is a naturally occurring virus however, not “manufactured”. As the paper (below) says though, the particular origin is not so interesting as its ability to have jumped to humans. Here’s an example paper per my reference above.

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I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.
So who were the Chinese in cahoots with?
Imo this was a massive boondoggle in a lab. End of story.
China hid it to avoid culpability. End of story.

Imo BELIEVING this originated in a wet market that doesn't even sell the bat is the real conspiracy
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.
So who were the Chinese in cahoots with?
Imo this was a massive boondoggle in a lab. End of story.
China hid it to avoid culpability. End of story.
They did a lousy job of "hiding" it.
"China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start".

Trumpybear disagrees.

Feb. 23

"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Don't worry, I am not one of the nutballs. You may have quoted as if I had made up that line, but no, but I was quoting Grampa murked u, and you left out my actual comment meant to take away from posters that believe the virus was some half baked intentional release, the conspiracy nuts. to be more specific, it would not surprise me, that it escaped from a poorly run lab, but not intentionally released. Did they cover up? Absolutely. Covering mistakes from outside world is what they do in the best of times, as is their nature as Chinese Communists. I am anti-communist by nature, study and training, just not one of the extreme paranoid anti-communists on this board.
No telling what trumpy bear actually believes. It is dependent on who he talks to 10 minutes before he speaks without thinking, as is his nature. He should be ignored whenever possible. He is too prone to lying, covering up, and putting out propaganda, but of course, he seems to admire communist governments and leaders.

My apologies then.
I understand the nature of what China was attempting to do, however, this does not mitigate nor exonerate the People Republic of China or the WHO from total responsibility for this pandemic. Now the question remains as to personal and financial liability. The chain of events that have unfolded should serve as an example and warning as to what communism is all about. My hat goes off to those that exposed this.
The odd thing is that the left leaning political faction seems to be defending China. What possible reason could they have other than hatred for the President of the United States?

Leftists have a hard on for the Chinese communist one party government.

Plus, the hatred of the great US president overrides any other considerations anyway, as the past four years have shown us.
Plus, the hatred of the great US president overrides any other considerations anyway, as the past four years have shown us.

That's very true. Trumpybear hates the Great Obama with such irrationality there must be a scientific name for his condition. Melding the responsibility of the Pandemic Task Force into other agencies didn't work out so well but by God it got rid of another Obama program.

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