Arkansas GOP Senator Tenacious Tom Cotton was right: Corona came from a Chinese lab

Are the Chinese guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If you are not here to discuss the topic then leave. What you think about Fox News or capitalism is not the topic of discussion
The hindsight here is indeed 20/20.
I can't wait to read the posts which contemporaneously complained about the US Field Epidemiology
Training Program in China when being discontinued.

Be sure to post those comments.
It would be really stupid for the Chinese to do this on purpose, but on the other hand I can't say that I wouldn't put it past them either. I really don't think the Geneva conventions mean jack squat to them. Or the Russians. Or NK. Or Iran. Or, well you get the point.

A couple of weeks ago or so, there was a story about a Chinese guy or a guy paid by the Chinese who got arrested trying to come into this country with containers of the Coronavirus (I think). He said it was harmless and legal stuff, but it turned out it wasn't. Makes you wonder who might've gotten in without being detected. Now or in the future.
"China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start".

Trumpybear disagrees.

Feb. 23

"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”

You're not a rational thinker Blindboo.
Disinformation, or "Hoax" as Trumpybear would say.

Bat shit and pigs. Rather, pigs eat food contaminated by bat shit and get sick and passed it on to humans. The missing link is the human where the virus evolved or mutated to a form that could spread from human to human.

For it to have come from a lab, its had to be created in the lab or they captured the original source, patient zero, and obtained the virus before it had a chance to start spreading. NFL!
No shock you lie and spin for the ChiComs. Documented fact it came from Wuhan, the lab safety protocols were blasted by a Western organization two years ago, China lied and said the virus does not spread human to human so as to let it go global and now China has outlawed all journalists from their borders as a coverup.
A deadly pathogen was released from a laboratory in Wuhan China sometime in Dec. 2019. The Chinese government with the aid of the World Health Organization did not alert the world and allowed millions of Chinese citizens to travel freely spreading the killer virus to the rest of the world. To date, 144,000 deaths have occurred in three months. That’s 48,000 killed a month. The Nazis only killed 125,000 Jews a month during World War Two. The Nazis were guilty of Crimes Against Humanity for killing less people a month than the Chinese. Are the Chinese guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?
A deadly pathogen was released from a laboratory in Wuhan China sometime in Dec. 2019. The Chinese government with the aid of the World Health Organization did not alert the world and allowed millions of Chinese citizens to travel freely spreading the killer virus to the rest of the world. To date, 144,000 deaths have occurred in three months. That’s 48,000 killed a month. The Nazis only killed 125,000 Jews a month during World War Two. The Nazis were guilty of Crimes Against Humanity for killing less people a month than the Chinese. Are the Chinese guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?

Affirmative. Beyond any shadow of doubt. The Chinese government is a mass murder machine. The only difference this past few months? They've spread they're genocidal tendencies around the entire planet. The CCP care package of 2020: death and plague, desperation and despair. I suggest we send them a nice thank you gift—ICBMs wrapped in thermonuclear flair.

They pilloried Cotton as a lunatic for stating the obvious — that China, one way or another, is solely responsible for the global disease outbreak that has so far left more than 100,000 dead and nearly 2 million infected

Cotton had explained this in expert detail on Twitter back in February, when the media were trying to shut him down and cast him as a deranged sidewalk fortuneteller .

my friends, Tom Cotton is an American hero, and it begs the question: should the US take military or other action to retaliate against China?
Cotton is wrong.

They pilloried Cotton as a lunatic for stating the obvious — that China, one way or another, is solely responsible for the global disease outbreak that has so far left more than 100,000 dead and nearly 2 million infected

Cotton had explained this in expert detail on Twitter back in February, when the media were trying to shut him down and cast him as a deranged sidewalk fortuneteller .

my friends, Tom Cotton is an American hero, and it begs the question: should the US take military or other action to retaliate against China?
Cotton is wrong.
well i guess that's that

They pilloried Cotton as a lunatic for stating the obvious — that China, one way or another, is solely responsible for the global disease outbreak that has so far left more than 100,000 dead and nearly 2 million infected

Cotton had explained this in expert detail on Twitter back in February, when the media were trying to shut him down and cast him as a deranged sidewalk fortuneteller .

my friends, Tom Cotton is an American hero, and it begs the question: should the US take military or other action to retaliate against China?
Cotton is wrong.
ChiCom flu.
Do you have even the smallest notion of just how fucking outrageous this is? Folks, the democrats and all of their friends, every fucking last one of them, are traitors to the United States, and they are working in coordination with the CCP against you! You could not make this up and sell it in a work of fiction... Shutter facebook, twitter, amazon, Bloomberg news, apple, and google, impound all of their boards and CEO's personal wealth and nationalize their treasonous companies! Do you understand that twitter which is banned in China, banned zerohedge from its platform for reporting the truth about China and this virus?

Facebook is relying on a “fact checker” that uses “expert opinion” from a researcher who conducted projects with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the biolab next to the wet market in Wuhan where the Chinese virus originated.

An article from the “expert,” Danielle E. Anderson, an assistant professor at Duke-NUS medical school, was used by Facebook to fact-check a video from the Epoch Times suggesting the Institute, which is located at the original epicenter of the now-global pandemic, as one of the possible origin points.
This is not a fringe claim — CNN reports that the U.S. intelligence community is currently investigating the same laboratory as the possible source of the outbreak. The same thread of investigation that got ZeroHedge banned from Twitter in late January is now being looked at by the U.S. government and reported on by the mainstream media.

Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the intelligence community is taking a “hard look” at the question of whether the Chinese virus originated in a lab.

Nevertheless, for suggesting the same theory, Facebook has relied on a “fact checker” who has a conflict of interest — someone who has conducted collaborative projects with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and whose reputation would be harmed by her connection to it if the virus were found to have originated there.
Do you have even the smallest notion of just how fucking outrageous this is? Folks, the democrats and all of their friends, every fucking last one of them, are traitors to the United States, and they are working in coordination with the CCP against you!
It's up to us to let the rest of America know the Dems are part of this conspiracy to spread Coronavirus in America.
Do you understand that twitter which is banned in China, banned zerohedge from its platform for reporting the truth about China and this virus?
No, they banned zerohedge because it is chock full of lies and uneducated slob liars.
:boohoo:Prove it, cite a clear source proving zerohedge is "chock full of lies and uneducated slob liars?" Here's some advice for you, its time you democrats shut the fuck up, you are digging your own graves, everyone, literally everyone who held down a job just three weeks ago is watching, many of them for the very first time, they have discovered that they hate democrats, and rightfully so.....
Prove it, cite a clear source proving zerohedge is "chock full of lies and uneducated slob liars?" you can whine about that, too? Enjoy zero hedge. You definitely belong there.
You can't, all you have by way of a reply is your ad hom.... Here's the takeaway for you, when dealing with the three digit IQ's such as myself, you room temp double digit IQ's can only hope to make mockery of yourselves and thus you should simply retreat deeper into whatever cave it is that serves as your home, of course the thing about that is you're to intellectually aborted to know even that! :Boom2:
Prove it, cite a clear source proving zerohedge is "chock full of lies and uneducated slob liars?" you can whine about that, too? Enjoy zero hedge. You definitely belong there.
You can't, all you have by way of a reply is your ad hom.... Here's the takeaway for you, when dealing with the three digit IQ's such as myself, you room temp double digit IQ's can only hope to make mockery of yourselves and thus you should simply retreat deeper into whatever cave it is that serves as your home, of course the thing about that is you're to intellectually aborted to know even that! :Boom2:
Aww, poor baby is having his little hissy, because someone accurately described that pile of shit website for what it is. Cry it out, son. Zerohedge will still be there to misinform you when you are done.
Wuhan is a city of eleven million people. It has a population larger than New York city and Chicago combined. The level-four biolab where the virus was engineered had been a cause for concern since its beginning due to a history of bad laboratory safety in other parts of China where pathogens had escaped into local populations.

The escape of the virus was likely sometime in the fall of 2019 and upon discovery Chinese authorities moved quickly to cover it up. They blocked citizens of Wuhan from traveling to other parts of China but they placed no restrictions on those citizens for international travel to other countries in Europe and the west.

The virus spread like wildfire as it was designed to do across the world while the Chinese leadership concocted a cover story about wet markets. The government silenced internal whistleblowers and many of them just disappeared while the virus, fabricated to be hearty and resistant to human immune systems, took out the elderly and health compromised by the hundreds of thousands.

The cover-up at the beginning cursed the world to microbe and now economies are on the brink of collapse. The US and many other countries have become globally enslaved to Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing and are powerless to hold China accountable because essential drugs are all manufactured there.


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