Arlington school shooting suspect released on ($75k) bond

Actually we dont care about it all that much. Doesnt really affect my life and I live in a large metro area. It's you people that live in the rural midwestern dumps that seem to care about what is going on in the big city that you've never been to nor will ever go to.
Yep....that's what makes you a dumb-ass don't have any principles.....and the only thing that matters to you is getting your weed or your alcohol and watching television.
So it's worthless cucks like yourself that Democrats used to get in power.....and allows them to turn America into a 3rd world shitshow.
If it doesn't effect you right could give a flying-fuck about it.

Yep....that's what makes you a dumb-ass don't have any principles.....and the only thing that matters to you is getting your weed or your alcohol and watching television.
So it's worthless cucks like yourself that Democrats used to get in power.....and allows them to turn American into a 3rd world shitshow.
Says the cuck who worships trump. Oh I've got principles. You eagerly voted for someone who has been accused by over two dozen women of sexual assault. Those are your principles.
Says the cuck who worships trump. Oh I've got principles. You eagerly voted for someone who has been accused by over two dozen women of sexual assault. Those are your principles.
I don't think anyone worships Trump.
The people that follow Trump generally do it because they know right from wrong....and Trump has proved to be the only person in Washington we can at least halfway trust. The rest of our leaders are all just worthless two-faced politicians.

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This is exactly what I'm talking about. I say something, then somehow you people come up with some wild conclusion on how I must think. It's pretty amazing how your brains work. It's why you are so susceptible to conspiracy theories.

I never gave an opinion one way or the other on whether shooters should get bail.
Do you think there should have been bail in this case?
Your mind is gone. Trump is obviously an amoral monster. The people that as you said "follow" trump are just as bad or are morally bankrupt themselves.
They've sold their soul to an awful human being because they're convinced he's their savior.

Evidently they're tired of waiting for Jesus.
ARLINGTON, Texas — An 18-year-old student accused in a shooting at a Texas high school was released from jail Thursday after posting bond.

So was Rittenhouse after he did kill people, and?

He dired in self defense, shooting two felons and one and one was a child molester. That kid, with a now sketchy history coming out at that high school pulled a gun and shot innocent people… big difference
He dired in self defense, shooting two felons and one and one was a child molester. That kid, with a now sketchy history coming out at that high school pulled a gun and shot innocent people… big difference
There is a difference since the victims are still victims no matter what priors they had.

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